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have words but no sense
stressed as a consequence
take a




try again in sec
count to ten
procrastinate instead
spend the day in bed
fame makes yarappy
money makes yarrich
rich makes ya a target
in dis particular petri dish
ya face is worth **** all ere
about da same as ya paid fer ya ****
an ya arrogant fukkn attitude
is as blown up as ya fukkn fake lips

ya ****.
pardon my anglo-saxon
Mar 2016 · 521
kabuki (gojira)
one must acknowledge the mundane
before one can expand to the spectacular
accept that the world is a veil
a sham set in front of a backdrop
one that has rarely changed
beyond exit stage left for a core set of actors
until we seperate fortune from fame
it will be the same masks laughing back at us
that have laughed at every other disaster they have been master of
dave camos face cant really look like that?
born into nothing
still got most
made it to the bottom
from the starting post
expectation throttled
expected overdose
no escape
cant evade
foundations were imposed
those that made it out were never there
think too much
do too little
reverse course
fickle piggy in the middle
youll make a tasty morsel
on the masters platter
if you carry on snuffling
into matters that dont matter
Feb 2016 · 301
black hole
i have become master at accepting circumstance
withstand disaster without changing countenance
the last decade has brought me nothing less
but brief breathing spaces in a suffocating nothingness
Feb 2016 · 374
bully for you
one got caught up in a kerfuffle
looked ones opponent in his rolling eye
you come lookin you done found trouble
was his shirt ripping battlecry
now while confronted with the conundrum
of how to respond without responding in kind
ones attempt to maintain decorum
was met with disdain
and a wild right to ones blind side
momentarily dazed possibly mild concussion
left one for a second or two in a deep malaise
gentlemanly conduct wasnt going to be possible
so what one did next was beyond the pale
but **** em
one kneed him in the *******
poked him in the eyes
kicked him up the ****
then ran as fast as ones wobbly legs could provide
judging by the lack of follow up
and the sound of sobbing coming from behind
a ******* or an eyeball
was the cost of poking a finger at the wrong little posh guy
dedicated to the little posh kid i saw getting bullied the other morning. he wont be doing that again.
you looked the same
I marvelled
do I to you
knowing I couldnt
wearing your scars
as I do
the grey you left me
showing through
bright despair
from split tip to root
declaring the years I gave
and lost
in sharp contrast
to the dark vitality
you once knew
your unseeing eyes
then withdrew
my breath held
shakily exhaled
I was reproved
still cant get blood
from a stone
Dec 2015 · 320
never question progress
whilst supping
summer fruits
in wintertime
Dec 2015 · 513
ismism (it cuts both ways)
if youre having to push
youre trying too hard
an idiot and their idiocy
will not be parted
be it ignorance
or mean hearted
anything theyre pushing
can be disregarded
Dec 2015 · 283
pseudo science
semi read
partly understood
constantly repeated
conspiracy theory
empiracally void
unconditional belief
totally paranoid
Dec 2015 · 325
jig (jury rig)
inevitably tomorrow never comes
as the shining beacon for the future
that today portrays
it comes as the lovers tumour
it comes as the dead pet
it comes as the crippling stroke
tomorrow explodes into our little lives
shattering everything we hold dear
except for that one thing we protect
sheltered in our broken hearts
the hope
that tomorrows tomorrow will be better
the surety of it
what fools we are
jesters til the end
money changes in a monetary temple
trading pennies for piety rental
minority more than majority
alchemical method sells water as wine
gold as base metal
our precious "lead"ers
what you make invisible
will cast a dark shadow over your life
ignorance is bliss' evil twin
seduction sold as a box of bright light
look beyond what evil is feeding you
make up your mind
truth isnt too hard to find
revolution is feasible
if you only let leaders lead you
as a horse to water
not a lamb to slaughter
Oct 2015 · 406
its only really beautiful the first time
after that youre leering
look away
take your glance at the trap of perfection
as a sign sent from heaven
that hell only beckons that way
anything theyre selling
the shiny **** theyre telling you
you think is necessary
are the things that keep you
locked in and focussing
processing nothing
but programming
feeding back
into the mouth that feeds
its bile into the minds
of the majority
swallowing its tail
in the self fulfilling prophecy
that is the lie
at the heart
of the capitalist democracy
if they have to try to sell you it, its not very good.
Oct 2015 · 285
youll see man
youll see
we only build bridges
we can burn
so we can retreat
never to return
once crossed
we crash headlong
shattered we spurn
its only in loss
the lesson is learned
therein lays the gain
and so it came to pass
the englishman must accept his lot
he'll take their *****
he'll live their strife
untroubled by what he hasn't got
they'll take his rights
he'll think that's right
because that's what they taught him
Aug 2015 · 236
re: lationship
cant mend broken bridges with the sticks and stones that broke them
they say names never hurt but they stick in the throat at both ends
the first cut is defensive the deeper wounds come with words oft repeated
with the mean comes the end no more love no more friends no more feelings except self defeated
Aug 2015 · 334
end of daze (re-evolution)
my eidolon is my equipoise
your voice is vice versa
I would deal only in ideals
if not cursed by my precursors
what came before I came before you
conditions my condition
Im bringing down what brings me down
content in forcing your contrition
for when the **** hits the fan
hes got his umbrella
a forty five calibre ******* repeller
so when the ******* and queers
all them uppity fellas
tell the good ol boys
muricas goin ta hell
he can ring libertys bell
Jul 2015 · 347
HR drones and civil serve ants
only following orders
from the camp commandant
letter of the law
spelt with a capital punishment
do as youre told
is the mantra of the sycophant
if the working classes stayed in bed today theyd win
a days lost wage would free the slaves from the **** state theyre in
to keep us on our toes were kept one step from woe by our faux regal owners
if we blocked our roads we could cut their throats on their venal thrones
but we wont.
we are the infrastructure. we are the undercurrent. we are the underclass. we can only rise.
Jul 2015 · 365
brought to (no longer)
we carry our chains as tradition
a patricians vision of conservatism
the sins of the fathers written
as commandments
carved into the shoulders that bear them
Jul 2015 · 355
birdbrained (shame)
spread on the winds
we fly
our wings tucked in to our sides
we dive
falling from nigh on divine
cawing our raucous cry
talons clawing
we climb
soaring triumphant
lions on high
could any life be more alive
yet we cage them
see their natures denied
brings a tear to my eye
Jul 2015 · 324
in the name of men(gele)
remade in an image tainted
clever clone of the spoils of war
perfect person for a perfect planet
stood on the bones of those come before
modified to be ever youthful
health glowing from every pore
the next stage in our evolution
will be a step backward into abject horror
for the weak and the poor
It shall be such a pretty hell
that i got this far isnt pride
momentum moves onward in a slide
but my heart stopped beating when you died
inert i couldnt care less about the world outside
im just waiting for my time
once upon a time
we were just one species
but then came places
and races
and war
until we recombine
our disparate pieces
we will never recognise
the face that came before
the face of the mother of us all
Jul 2015 · 314
the green (friend) zone
i wish i was happy youre happy
but in truth im just glad youre not sad
i hope that the part of me i left with you
wont forget all the happiness we had
Jul 2015 · 278
dont ask. tell.
terrorism works
thats the ugly truth
so why are you on the streets
on your knees
asking for your next move
protest soothes your conscience
once its been approved
signed off, sanctioned, actioned
by the very people youre shouting to
call it affirmative action if it makes you feel better. action being the operative word.
Jul 2015 · 294
you cant hide a lemon
in the limelight
cant swap the fore
for the hindsight
cant choose to ignore
what is right there before you
without blaming the outcome
on your lack of insight
tis a fine line you push me over
Jul 2015 · 225
do it now (proken promises)
there comes a time
when the time comes
we call that time
the time
the time always comes
after time
after time
Jun 2015 · 425
must have stuff (middleman)
be rated or berated
what choice have you got
no room for mediocrity
in societies melting ***
aspire to higher places
or expire in the rotten hole
you call a home
poor and forgotten
Jun 2015 · 273
dont you c?
somewhere our universe is ending
while we bicker inconsequentially
from our highs to our lows
all our joys and our woes are over
while we wait for the light to see
c = me 2
the right word
at the right time
can paint a thousand pictures
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Ill back you to the hilt
in all that you do
but id like to
stab you in the back
run you through
for all you put me through
when you do
people eh!? cant live with em, cant viciously stab em to death
Jun 2015 · 210
wise (why died)
need some what fors
no more whys
to transition
from the in
to the outside
Jun 2015 · 251
cherry (many moons)
the years look good on you
dont count the rings
your leaves are green
your flowers bloom
from inside birds sing
dont be sour sweet thing
take your time
youre blossoming
its been a long day
its been a long hard day
its been a long hard lonely ******* day
but thats alright
i feel fine
because i know that youre out there
and i know that youre mine
living yesterday
on tomorrows ****
is no way to do much
with the time inbetween
what comes next will be painful
but nothing hurts in your sleep
and yet I still choose to wake up
from that other reality
to live this daydream
while awaiting patiently
my turn at eternity
Feb 2015 · 338
smartarse (splat)
there is a perverse part of me
that likes to look before i leap
just to see the fall coming
so i can say i say what i see
fulfil my own prophecy
hit the ground running
Feb 2015 · 919
tyred (imbalanced)
rich begat rich
forget the rest
societal nepotism
reserved for the best
bias uncrossed
infinite regress
poor plied
into poor piles
made less
put em together then take em apart. you can only take so much. as can we.
we live in a world
where freedom is the most expensive item
where you can buy a woman for less than the ring
where equality is measured by the cost of your wardrobe
where if you are pretty a machine can make you sing
where everything and everyone is a commodity
where talent is worth less than appeal
where intelligence is suspicious and frowned upon
where revolution is the only way to reveal
what a fake world has been sold to us as real
yud say av gorra chip on me shoulder
if i adunett it
am from fukkn inner city liverpool la
an a won' letya fuggerit
yer posh scrans jus werds ter me
so gerrit down ya neck
instedda waxin lyrical abar it
coz a doh no wot ya jus sed
cheese... from goats? get ter ****
Feb 2015 · 633
cynical arl bastard
what if too good to be true
could be true
what would that do to your world view
cant turn your back on a truth
to turn back would prove youre a fool
when the proof is all around you
Jan 2015 · 299
reason (excuses)
shouldnt need one
to have some
shouldnt have one
to not
Jan 2015 · 570
sumerian oath
if I could take
all the lines
from my face
and lay them out
they would spell
she was born
tomorrow and yesterday
as lives came and went
and came again
searching for something
she needed today
that she lost in another another
the circles she describes
never change
in locus mortis
ex lucis vitae
repeating again
could be hell
or heaven
if it mattered
past present participle
beauty doesn't cease to be
when it ceases to be seen
ignorance can't educate itself
without accepting its fallacy
happiness can't be quantified
without sadness in quantity
a life can't last a lifetime
without deaths finality
Higher man
it's not the winning
it's the taking apart
conspirational aspiration
would be a flying upstart
revolutionary metaphor
can only take us so far
solid action is required
before we're wiped out
like a wet ****
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