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485 · Mar 2015
Shostakovich's Fifth
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Beautiful, brutal,
"...our business is rejoicing...";
strings being tortured,
trumpets scream in agony,
tympani broken at end.
Quote by Dmitri Shostakovich.
485 · Feb 2011
Rant on, raskol!
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
raskol tells me that
we don't have to live in a
Embarassed I am that I need the reminder....
2-17-2011  JMF
484 · Mar 2016
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
I once worked the sign
at the intersection
of Facebook and HelloPoetry.
All those years when
secure in my job,
flush with cash,
I'd not meet the eyes
of those who muttered
"thank you, sir"
on those rare occasions
when a crumpled dollar
fell from my hand into theirs.
So I now tell on myself
to bleed the shame
from the arrogance,
never knowing the courage
it takes to look the privileged
in the eyes and ask for help
until I stood on the corner
clothed only in my naked need.
To those of you who know who you are...I mutter, "thank you".
484 · Aug 2014
Still alive
Joel M Frye Aug 2014
Bones of dreams remain,
picked clean of pretense by the
winged passage of time.
479 · May 2011
Lesson (un)learned
Joel M Frye May 2011
Spirit says It will
give no more than I can take;
I keep on reaching.
479 · Feb 2011
haiku 2.21
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
Spring's rush of warmth, the
morning breeze edged with the chill
of winter's last breath.
2-21-2011 JMF
477 · May 2016
Joel M Frye May 2016
her spirit broke the very chains of being
as light as light itself and glowing soared
on unseen thermals currents long ignored
freed at last from caged dreams of fleeing
her body sings of sunshine clouds and thunder
her hair the very wind upon your cheek
a strength of beauty kept for those who seek
a force of nature full of awe and wonder
through with cringing games of male and female
surging power of life in every move
deepest sleeping third eye wakes to see
the mountains trembling as they tell her tale
every smallest gesture howling love
embracing gods and devils equally
No one woman I've known...and every one.
477 · Aug 2017
Note To The Great Comb-over
Joel M Frye Aug 2017
you dare to compare
those who built a nation to
those who would shred it?
All slave owners may have been wrong, but not all were created equal.
476 · May 2017
Environmentally Safe
Joel M Frye May 2017
Because recycled
themes keep showing up, guess
I'm a green poet.
475 · Jul 2018
Bottled up
Joel M Frye Jul 2018
A refilled flask of
creativity; open
it, it needs to breathe.
474 · Jul 2016
Get Real
Joel M Frye Jul 2016
Tell me what is most real to you today;
what makes your heart beat faster, moves your soul.
Put what completes your world out on display.

Your triumphs and your struggles on your Way,
or virtues in another to extol.
Tell me what is most real to you today.

Your cleverness, your wit come out to play
or cleansing tears, for life will take its toll.
Put what completes your life out on display.

Please, kindly rid your writings of cliche
for simple recitation leaves me cold.
Tell me what is most real to you today.

I'm eager to hear what you have to say,
so whisper in italics, shout in bold;
put what completes your world out on display.

And never let your muse become dismayed
by words from uninspired online trolls.
Tell me what is most real to you today;
put what completes your world out on display.
474 · May 2017
Joel M Frye May 2017
My granddaughters bounce
in bikinis to the pool;
now hardly children.
I held them in one arm once....
470 · May 2017
The Mighty Quinns
Joel M Frye May 2017
Having shot up
(with two flavors of insulin)
before bed,
I've been instructed to snack.

So I drop fifteen pills
with an ounce
(of water)
and wait for the subtle wave
of unreality
to flow through me.

Never thought my Eskimos
would be four doctors
and a dialysis nurse.
Pharmaceutical companies don't make cures...they make patients.

"...tell me where you want it,
and I'll tell you who to call..."
465 · Feb 2015
Choose your words wisely...
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
Do you really mean
there is a lack of response-
ability in
our culture?  I don't think so.
The ability is there.
The roots of words will trip you up every time.
464 · Mar 2016
A time for peace....
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
When people learn how
not to hate in the name of
love, Spirit breathes free.
464 · Aug 2014
It shall come to pass
Joel M Frye Aug 2014
The soil supporting growth
has long since been rinsed
down a muddy arroyo
to some alluvial plain,
someone else's loam,
ripe for seeding.
Roots were exposed,
gnarled fingers aching
for firm grasp,
finding air
and just enough wishes
to remain suspended
in place but not in time.
A place to stand under,
and understand
the stand of trees
nourished now only
by memories
of warmth and moisture,
the gentle showers
of tears and praise,
the embraces
of worms and earth.
A FB page which has appeared several times in the past few days brought this on.  A subtle reminder never to give up.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Who've tasted freedom
will have no appetite for
less; silence be ******.
Especially apropos right about now.
460 · Feb 2021
Joel M Frye Feb 2021
there would be no sleep
this night
wracked with reckoning
futile cup of decaf cooling
minutes become
memories murmuring
recriminations reverberate
bowed head nodding
over quiescent keyboard
as vivid visions vanish
hesitant hours hovering
errors echoing
in void of forgiveness
aching agony of awareness
becomes brutal
he receives respite
as night became day
he understood what truth
could be known
he has only himself
and the day before him

and so he lay down
and so his eyes close
in the light of morning
So many of these.
"...but then, if you're so smart / tell me, why are you still so afraid?" - Billy Joel, "Vienna".
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Ignorance adores
uproar; rage is all the rage.
To die a peaceful
death is anathematic.
Smile, nod. Ignore ignorance.
What started as a statement about our poetic home has become a wishful thought in American life.  Some ignorance is too blatant to be ignored.
457 · May 2017
Welcome To Florida
Joel M Frye May 2017
sub-tropical heat
best observed from a chilled room
with chilled drink in hand
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
I can't see myself as a whole without going just a trifle mad.
450 · Sep 2014
Road trip
Joel M Frye Sep 2014
Forgive me
if I don't wait for you.
Pray that I get there
long before you must.
Travelling always trumps
hopeful or not.
The terminal of one leg
of the trip
is merely a
point of departure
for the next
(so it's been said).
So let's pack a cooler,
call shotgun,
and ride with me
for so long
as there
is road.
When my stop comes,
say the words
and hold me
until I take off.
I'm afraid
you'll have to drive
the rest
of your way home.
449 · Jan 2011
A stroll down Nicollet Ave.
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
I must not yet be ready to love,
because in every woman's face
that tears me out of time
I feel no gift, no grace;
just loss
                  and ever lonelier.
(c)1985 Joel M Frye
448 · Mar 2015
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Your words slink around
my legs, purr insistently,
nuzzle at my hand.
446 · Apr 2015
Tanka 4.1.15
Joel M Frye Apr 2015
to whittle away
the extraneous, slough off
dead skin which hides the
one who will not force a change,
not compress, contort a soul
Day 2 of NaPoWriMo challenge.
446 · Jan 2015
Joel M Frye Jan 2015
Life revolves; a door
which spins from my heart to yours,
soul to soul to soul.
Your words are the very tonic of life.  Thank you, my friends.
445 · Sep 2014
Egocide (to Nat)
Joel M Frye Sep 2014
You deserve more than
a few quick dashes of ink,
glimpse of waterfall,
unrolled upon papyrus
and hung to be overlooked,

English contorted
into Japanese styling.
Especially when
you take the trio of you,
me, myself and I to task,

speaking to yourselves
in such a Zen-like manner:
Get out of my Way!
The ten thousand things vanish,
Ego shivers in the void.

Cold, hard wind of truth
knifes through armored illusion,
shurikens spun from
nights, throwing words at the stars.

Sleep and find your peace,
you three, dream of wives and salt,
the whole Lot of you.
Remember you're a pillar
of Muse's community.
Only way I could write a Nat-sized poem was to cut it into chopstick-sized pieces.  ;)  Besides, I have to keep a shiruken handy, in case this inflates a previously punctured ego.
445 · Feb 2021
In Memory of Cayman Whent
Joel M Frye Feb 2021
He was a simple man of simple words,
or high-school girl with broken heart who thought
they had a message, or a call, or not.
Arriving with a sense of the absurd,
a bittersweet purview on life and love,
together with a gift for nuanced phrase,
appreciating how the language plays
upon the mind and tongue, they rise above
the well-worn similes, the tired cliches
for days, perhaps for weeks.  Then comes the time
when human ugliness shows up to flay
the budding poet.  The evidence of crimes
committed: smoky circles, nameless gray
reminders of whose gifts they took away.
A tribute to those who have left disheartened or disgusted.
Re-post from another account...remembered to me by Lori Jones McCaffery's "Playmates".
444 · Feb 2015
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
           ((holds)) you
to unyielding self?
you stone your sins
and still miss the mark;
attempt to beat soul
into healing.


Even this
nascent struggle
to understand
casts another rock.

Would you lobotomize...
****** a stick
into your eye socket
to see more clearly?

Suffering is
in the resistance;
you know,
and do not accept
grace in the hands
easing you toward
the gentle current
of Spirit
washing around you.


Entombed by need
to atone,
you cannot roll
the rock aside alone.
Stop asking for
"more weight",
Giles Corey...
you are a fearsome man
standing upright.
My apologies to those who have read these works before; I'm returning the poems written here that I once struck out of spite.
Joel M Frye Feb 2015
Your sigh roars in my ear as your shudder under my hands rocks my core.
It took more than one stroke to get there, though....
444 · Apr 2017
Joel M Frye Apr 2017
A bear in Florida
finds no winter,
no months to sleep
in cozy cocoon.
He watches,
wakened and wary,
for sea changes
and weather shifts.
Many other predators
spend cooler seasons
in lassitude
despite the latitude,
neither hunting for truth
nor caring about
what surrounds them.
The bear raises his head,
wrinkles his nose
at the scent of danger,
the hint of threats
to and from
his environment.
Oops.  Catching up.  Day One (sort of) NaPoWriMo.
442 · Feb 2011
My last senryu
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
My last senryu I
wrote yesterday...seventeen
syllables...oh no....
2-2-2011  JMF
442 · Feb 2018
Shameless Self-promotion
Joel M Frye Feb 2018

A link to my page.  Please listen, and, if you find something you really like, please support your loco musician.  :)
441 · Apr 2016
The bear necessities
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
An affinity for
tight spaces;
bears like cubbyholes.
NaPoWriMo #1. A lune (either syllables or words in English, 5-3-5 pattern.)
439 · Mar 2016
For your next time through
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
We travel sine waves
of lifetimes; on certain
orbital planes, we meet.
From all our times around,
we think we are

Once in an eternity,
we get to wander a while
with a fellow traveler,
a re-cycled companion.
Sometimes for a lifetime...
mostly for a some-time.

Hold the sometimes close
and treasure them;
they are the proof
that we truly


travel alone.
A shout-out to another ould soul.
439 · Aug 2016
Gut Lag
Joel M Frye Aug 2016
(n) A phenomenon
whereby the day-to-day
necessities of life
call for action and thought,
not feeling,
and the emotion
catches up suddenly
when the actions stop.
439 · Mar 2015
First courses
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
Oriental poems
whet my muse's appetites;
true amuse bouchés.
437 · Apr 2015
senryu 4.5.15
Joel M Frye Apr 2015
the Belle of Amherst -
because she'd not stop for death --
her poems still breathe
NaPoWriMo day 5.
437 · Mar 2015
Ménage à tout
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
We lust to defile
the same wily wanton muse
of words, you and I.
There's no jealousy involved;
she'll take us all in at once.
To all my poetic friends, guilty of solicitation.  ;)
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
I tried to write a villanelle
The words come easier
when they're pretty,
form and meter
can be salves.
There is no relief
when writing
of family,
the three-sided dagger
leaves a wound
that must be packed
and never closes.

I tried to write a villanelle,
to package the truth
with enough honey
to make the bitter-roots
it wouldn't go down easy,
wouldn't come out either.

This poem a finger
on the back
of my throat
to purge
to flush
to rinse my mouth
from the acid
The couplet of the proposed villanelle:

"No beauty in a family poem at all;
a portrait's empty space is on the wall."

NaPoWriMo 2016 day 2 - a family poem.
437 · Mar 2018
Joel M Frye Mar 2018
sensual curves
cradled in my lap
long smooth neck
begging for caresses
ready to respond
any time my need calls
at my lightest touch
sings like an angel
and can scream
like a banshee
my constant companion
my mistress
though it's been too long
since I last held you

don't fret, m'lass...
I'll always make a case for you.
Day 1 NaPoWriMo.  A love poem to an object.
436 · Jan 2016
Born-again pagan
Joel M Frye Jan 2016
Spirit's everywhere:
wind, cut through me, cleansing me;
sun, blind my ego;
earth, absorb, accept my wrongs;
water, carry me, reborn.
436 · May 2017
Simple...not easy.
Joel M Frye May 2017
There's a lot more
to being sober
than staying sober.
436 · Mar 2015
Electronic encouragement
Joel M Frye Mar 2015
I am cradled by
the very thought of your thoughts;
our shared humanity.
Bolstered by your strong words and tender hearts today.  Blessings upon you all.
436 · May 2017
Blind pig and acorn
Joel M Frye May 2017
In spite of seeking,
struck dumb by immensity
of my ignorance.
434 · Apr 2016
In the moment
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
In the pool of a desk lamp,
with old sitcoms braying
in the background.
Both the cat and
the air-vent rattle,
one above, one below.
The neighbors rev up
their low rider outside;
widows and windows tremble.
All there is to do
is sit back, close eyes,
and say anywhere but here,
any time but now.
Even the most unlovely moments have their moments.

NaPoWriMo day 16.
433 · Dec 2014
Battened down
Joel M Frye Dec 2014
The louvers of the
windows to my heart are shut
to the storm of love.
...yet the storm is a glorious sight to behold.
Joel M Frye Jan 2011
The best I have is good enough
for me to write.  To look beyond
and wonder if you'll take the time
to read this through is not for me
to know right now.  I need to have
my poems put down on paper so
that I'll recall there was a time
when I believed these thoughts were true.
431 · Mar 2016
Pigment of my menageration
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
Stephen King was not
trapped for a week in a car
by a rabid dog.
For those who expressed concern for me over my poem, "Avalanche".  Thank you kindly, but it was purely imaginary.
430 · Mar 2016
...and your enemies closer.
Joel M Frye Mar 2016
the cunning embrace and sharp
wit of an old foe.
There's a certain grace and artistry to a 40 year old sparring match....
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