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 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
We were born in kingdoms
Far away
With gold rings of fire
Just above our heads

I was born in a kingdom
By the river
You were born in a castle by the sea

The night of my first breath
There was nothing special
But if they had listened close
The stars called out my name

You were born to a queen
A child of spring
On a bed with velvet curtains
Every peasent was calling out your name

I was born and worked
Apprentice to a fisherman

You were a princess
In castles by the sea

The sun was hot
Burning through my skin
Casting nets on a darkened sea
A penny a day
To buy a drink
And a place to sleep

Children laughed and played
In the garden
They were your people
And you their little queen
In silken dresses
Dining rooms
You drank wine with
All of royalty

But we grew up
Both knowing something
A thorn that grew deep inside our hearts
We both looked up and knew that heaven was pretty
But in our minds nothing seemed to change

Then one day the clouds covered up the ocean
And tore the boat  I sailed on
In the sea
Lighting crashed at your window sill
Had you calling for your mother
But you could hear the sea calling out your name

As I beg for breath coughing in the salt

You snuck out for a walk down to the beach

In through the rain I heard you humming sweetly

A lullaby that both our mothers sang

A loving tune was breathing from your lips then
As the sand seemed to swallow up your feet
And on the waves you saw me looking for you

The thorn that grew broke and fell away
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
Like sculpture
I sat under the buzzing light
Smoking a cigarette to commemorate
You stole the words from my mouth
And put them in your songs
You took the love from my eyes
And put it on the canvas
The stitch of my skin
Was nothing more than a place to wipe your tears
My clothes were yours
My shoes were yours
My teeth
For you
So I shaved my head
Knicking my scalp with the razor
And watching the blood
Flow down my face
I feel nothing
Because the oxy tells me to feel nothing
Crimson river dripping into the sink
This is my blood
And you could never take it from me
Now matter how hard you bit
Now matter how Sharp the knife
**** your name
**** your house
**** your car
**** my eagerness
Latley the only thing that the paycheck buys
Are bottles of fire water and pain pills
We don't need you
We don't need you
The life of my eyes tells me
We will never need you
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
Night Queen
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
The way you left
Everything and nothing
I fear your power
The way the moss bends towards you
As we walk through the woods
The way the leaves seem to whisper your name
As the wind smiles at your presence
The fox looks at us from below the brambles
His two eyes glowing in the dark
Then lowering his head
Bowing to you
Your footfalls echo off the ancient trees
Who creek and rattle a joyous chorus at your visit
The river seems to flow more slowly
The moon seems not to have moved in hours
Does the crackling fire of our camp
Call out to you?
Do even the branches burning in flame
Cry out at their joy of warming you
In a dream I must be
For the sparks of the flame seem to dance about your fingertips
The grass bends towards you
As you lie back looking for sleep
The night cradles you on a bed of flowers
Who seem to laugh at their petals falling
I must be dreaming
For in the dark around our camp
Wolves have circled
And sit as still as stone
Watching over you as you sleep
Skipping widely throughout
Your soul beginning
To re-wish my mistakes

Oh love
Oh love
Take my bitter cold news
And scramble the salary baby

Missed seconds sweating
Away holding your hand

Imagination spacing my vision
Told me to wait
In line forwarding back to you

Shooting stars crossing above
Reminding you of the content days
Loathing away next to me.

Perfection was based on you and I my love.
Time seemed flawless those distinct seconds
But yet again you vacated boldly  

I’m scrambling confidently
Through the portal
Reaching for ****** opinions

Sometimes the thought of hope belittles you

There is a solo anticipating you
There is a journey expecting you

I named a diamond after you mailed the postcard

It could always be.
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
"I feel sorry for you."
His voice was never one to mock.
It was always gentle, non-judgemental. (where's the catch?)
It didn't stop me from laughing anyway.

"It must **** to go through life too scared to really give a **** about anything."
(no really where's the catch?)

I admit, I lost my wit, there was nothing I could think of to say.
My tongue rolled around in my mouth looking for lost words
Checking behind every tooth to see if they were hidden there.
I managed to cough once to see if any were lodged in my throat.
But all I could think of was how
he looked in the moonlight
the only thing giving light to his eyes, half a cigarette
I wondered then If the burning stump gave his eyes that red tint
or maybe
he was born with it.
******* on his cancer stick.
Maybe that's were he got his words from
I should start smoking too.
"The world isn't so black and white, you know?"
He had a way of making the truth sound poetic
Like it did on that hill, by that creek, under that moon
By the burning cigarette
all I could think to say was
"The truth is only pretty in certain light"
 Jan 2012 Jae Elle
God forsook me on the road to Damascus
Blinding me and saying
"You are no son of mine"
I stumbled through the desert
Halucinating in the dust
Letting the scorpions sting
Rattlesnakes tick in the noon day sun

They found me and gave me water from a flask
Cooling the sunburn in my throat
They took me to a cave
In the heart of the desert
Dozing off in the back of a truck
I rested next to the fire
As they spoke to me
In a language I could not know

chanting and smoke fill my mind
I hear the whisper of devils or spirits between
The crackle of fire at my feet
Outside coyote circle
Sniffing the smoke
The moon is a crescent
Silver over the desert

A mountain lion screams
Fresh blood dripping from his fangs
Dust sticks to my cold sweaty skin
And in between the sounds of the desert
The weight of noise in the cave
A still small voice
As if the speaker
Was at my ear
"Depart, for I never knew you"
"Depart, for I never knew you"
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