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 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Terry Collett
That Sunday after church
after singing in the choir
after getting off the bus

and walking into
the small woods
behind your house

the skies opened
and rain fell
and you and she

ran for cover
beneath the trees
the raindrops slipping

through the leaves
and branches
and dropping

on your heads
and clothes
and she said

what will Mother say
this is my best dress
and she laughed

and you looked
at the beauty of her
and the freshness of rain

washing away
whatever sins
may have lurked

on her youthful flesh
and you kissed her lips
and she hugged you close

and the rain fell heavier
and you didn’t care
just standing there

hugging and kissing
the clothes becoming heavier
with wetness

and her dress
clinging to her
revealing her shape

and the outline
of her underclothes
and as you stood back

and gazed at her
and she at you
there was the distant sound

of thunder
and she looked up
and away and shivered

and said
let’s run let’s go
and what may have happened

if the thunder never sounded
and you hadn’t run
you’ll never know.
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
K Balachandran
Two  sozzled viragoes,
hurl spiky squeals, at each other;
a third, true hellcat,
**stops it all, with one stern word!
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Cassie Mae
For now
I'm over your eyes
your laugh.

For now
I don't feel the need
to call you.

For now
I can put the bottle
in the cupboard.

For now
you are a hundred miles away
from my mind.

But in the spring
you'll be back
close enough to touch.

And when you see
the bottle in my hand
do not ask me to dance.
© Cassie Mae Writings 2012
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
I can no longer wait for spring
When I know the perfume of countless pale orange blossoms
Will fill the air
When heaven will hold white billowing clouds
Over the trees and pastures now full of wildflowers
Purple and yellow and red they grow
Petals all tossed in the cool wind
The lakeweed will gather at the shore
Where the reeds sprout tall and thick
Dragonflies circle the green water
Viceroy butterfly like a leaf
Now the cranes are joyous
Warming their wings in the sun
Walking in the shallows
Searching for mosquitoes on the surface
The Bluebird calls from the treeline
The Cardinal calls from the air
Deer roam through the rows of sugar cane
Quiet in the breeze
Orange groves full of angry cottonmouths
Who coil in the sun
Soft flowing river
Mangrove snapper slips through the water
Warm in the noon time sun
Today we bury you
Underneath the ground
Everything you've seen and been
All that you became
Is lost in an instant
During a final winter rain
Now we give you up
To become part of the earth
Bringing only joy
Leaving only love
We cannot stand here in sorrow
When the orange blossom starts to bud
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Terry Collett
She would go
She could get

Away from
The torment
Of it all;

The pounding
Of heartbeats;
The thumping

Hands; the words
Like harsh hawks

Upon her
Ears and heart;
Just a hush;

A held breath;
A touchy
Feel of her

Frail fingers;
Waiting for
The sight and

Sour sound
To open
The hiding

Place and all
Then dissolved.
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