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 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Bible Belt
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Cars drive by outside the window
Lying on the bed smoking cigarettes
Watching the moon come in through the curtains

Heavy hearted
I pass the trailer parks
Shattered windows
Rusted cars
There's a baseball field overgrown
Two miles down
But these mountains surround me
Blankets of fog lay on the hillsides
Rain taps on the roof

I'm a small town kid
And I can smell the tweekers and the ****** down on main drag
smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee outside McDonalds
No one trusts a new face asking around for pills
But the girl walks over to the window
Her black hair is prettier than yours
A ***** t-shirt three times too big
And a big smile

Maybe I just need someone
Who can show me the mountains
Someone who can name the rivers that run through town
Take me to where the Indian villages were
To the face of a cliff covered in graffiti
Take me to where the ***** drunk red neck boys like me
**** pretty quiet girls like you

She showed me where the river flooded
And tore her house from its foundation
She took me to the cold plateau
Of some mountain in west Virginia
far away from mainstreet where
a single stoplight flickers green yellow red
I think Im in love as you point your long white finger at the stars
As you speak in quiet southern drawl
About indians and fireworks in July
the windy city
won't let me light any cigarettes

no matter, second hand smoke rules these streets
and i'm already in love
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Jon Tobias
This is so much spinning
Dancing spirals towards an imagined center
Like a ballerina music box
On an old record player
On a carnival carousel

There is beauty in our imbalance
As we dance within the distance
Of warm breath
I stare at your full lips

We touch now and then
In the shifting dark
Of street lights
And fire pits

I like it when we crash
Crash hips
Crash shoulders
Crash ears and drag of cheeck

I imagine you are smiling
Because my beard tickles when this happens
And I want to pull you close

But If I do I know I will keep you
You need your movement
And I need to see you smile

You lift your arms into the air
And shake your head
Your white teeth blur like a comet

Kiss me again you stop motion monster
More perfect the farther you are away
How I run chicken headless when you leave me
And just hum when you are near
Like the molecules in my body
Are vibrating preparation
For the dancing

Release my tension
With your ripcord beauty
Calm me with the crash into
Your celestial body

I want to squeeze your ***
In the passing

Maybe just slap it

But you are practiced in motion
And I miss

So I pray that in passing
In dancing
In crashing
We kiss

Get stuck
In something more than
the forever of falling
and spinning
and dancing

Pull me into your event horizon

Or let me pull you into mine
Event Horizon: The boundary of a region of space-time from which it is not possible to escape to infinity. "the point of no return" i.e. the point at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible.  Definition from
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