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 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Highway 77
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Move on
As your fingernails grow

Cutting your hair back month by month
And I wonder

What is it you're running away from?
What is it you see when you close your eyes
And why are you so afraid of it?
I'll make up some exscuse
Put on cruise control
Light my cigarette
The sun hasn't come up yet and I have a long drive home

I imagine I'll find some sleep somewhere out in that dark
Between here and home

I'm afraid of what is happening to me
I think I'm becoming a monster
Nausea and numbness
Withdrawl symptoms keeping me awake

Head back home, son
I try not to *****
I try to keep the wheels in the center of the road
I try not to think about you
As I fall asleep at the wheel
But you come to me in these vibrant dreams
Full of color and light
And you tell me things like:
Go home
Forget about me
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Its swallowed me whole the blackness of it all. The winding roads of your heart. The drop and rise of your voice
Like butter
Like jam
Like honey

You smoke your cigarette on the porch of your rusted **** trailer
Curled up with your chin on your knees
In a broken spray painted plastic chair
Your veins run blue
A dark evening in which
The orange cherry glow around your lips cast shadows on the wall

I don't understand why I love you
When I hardly know you
Your black hair
Soft skin

The torn siding taps on the wall
The cool wind through the porch
The wind chimes make beautiful songs
As you blow smoke in constant notes of sadness

Surrounded on three sides by dark mist covered mountains
7 country miles to the nearest person

My head spins
As the old warmth grows from my stomach
You have so many empty pill bottles poking up from your purse

You sit quiet as you begin to float off this broken porch
Out into that cool night of nowhere
Her green eyes glow bright
Outshining the naked sixty watt bulb on the wall
Moths circle
And bump against the warmth

I never want to leave you
As you put up your hair
As the truck turns to rust in the yard

But you know
That I know I'm nothing special
And you have plans that don't have room for me

Southern Belle
With a head full of dreams
Your skin smells like fresh cut birch bark
Your hair like a warm summer night

*"You know
It gets beautiful around here
Once spring is in full swing
I was hoping you would at least stay til then"
Your words make my skin
feel like molten gold

                        shifting sheets
                        spilled wine
                        broken bottles
                        shared secrets
                        renewed dreams
                        discovered hope

            and it’s only Thursday night

I know these late nights
            are killing you
            but you never let on

                                    At least they won’t last forever
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
On your green couch I pass in and out
Your trailer door is open wide
The world outside is shining alright
As I pet your long haired cat
My limbs get warm as the liquor you poured
Slips in between my veins
And my thoughts turn red
As you rise from the bed
With not a bit of clothes on
But I try not to care
I just can't stand
As I pet your long haired cat
With a hiss and a bite
She jumps off
And you shut your bedroom door
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Open up neon cracks in the city walls where the bars and strip clubs
Things go bad when shark toothed homeless sleep next to a fire
And a pail of rain false down

They built this house
In 1939
A tornado ripped straight down the street
And missed this house only

You can't understand what its like
To keep those ice cold arms around me
Keep me from feeling any and all pain
Placing momentary perfection
In place of sanity

Roll up your **** sleeves.......
Maybe you shouldn't look so much like trouble
Maybe it won't find you
From a second story window
She yells
Only your name
And flips the bird

Stopping the burn with liquor communication that twists me back into
Billows of smoke
Tongues of fire

I am no one can't you understand
That I am just a brain
With just eyes
Living through millions of electric impulses

Im just like you looking through two eyes

Mud between my fingers
****** lip
Leaking broken nose

I walked just far enough into the dark and cold hills
Until I could look back and see no light
No cars
No humans

Just me and the mountains
And the star filled night
I had a fleeting thought that people were like rain...

     We start in the clouds

          Are born into the sky

               We sometimes share ourselves with others

          and then we fall towards the ground
          forgetting to enjoy the ride on the way down...

                         At least we're sure to meet again in the puddles.
 Mar 2012 Jae Elle
Terry Collett
The city reminded her
Of a room full of dark flies;
The constant sound of buzzing;
The frightening hitting of

Bodies against the sides; but
Something more disturbing was
Brought to mind: the memory
Of Mr Danzinki who

Died in a room up on Eastside,
And no one found him for months
On end, and the flies got in
And laid their seeds, and they came

To fruition and buzzed in
Turn, and when his rescuers
Opened the door of the room,
There was that awful smell of

Decomposition, and a
Swarm of flies, and the image
That someone told her as a
Child of the sickening find,

Took up residence in her
Mind and stayed there, and somehow
Related to the city, and
The whole buzz and noise of the

Place, and maybe some dying
Corpse down there in the moving
Throng, and a sense of death and
Dying in the city's air.
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