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Justin Feb 2019
Let me touch you,
Said the earth to sky,
And the cloud settled in,
And on the mountain she lie.
They spoke of their lives,
Of lost loves and of fears,
And when the sun called her back,
All that remained were her tears.
Maybe you've seen them,
In the winter or fall,
When the mountain is barren,
And the sky comes to call,
Be it wishful thinking,
Or a trick of the light,
But I swear that I see it,
When the sun hits just right,
A smile of contentment,
On that old mountains face,
As he lays down to slumber,
In his lovers embrace.
Justin Dec 2018
If life were full of riches,
A mouse would sleep instead,
Not crawl around in ditches,
To keep his family fed,
He doesn't need a kingdom,
but a roof above his head,
Oh, if life were full of riches,
A mouse would sleep instead.
Justin Dec 2018
In a corner of infinity so tiny and young,
small people toiled to have small portraits hung,
To think themselves immortal, they all slaved all day,
and put off the future, until at last they passed away.
Justin Oct 2017
There exists a place, or so I'm told
far beyond our dreams of gold
far removed from want or need
or evil souls sick with greed
A place we crafted with our minds,
left our wars and lives behind
and thought for once of how it'd be,
if instead of I there was only we.
The journey was long,
and the path we walked hard
as we spread our light ,
from star to star.
The journey is not over,
mankind is not grown,
there is room for improvement,
and much left unknown.
But for this you were conscripted,
and you haven't a choice
and in the swarm of exsistence
you haven't a voice,
So what must you do if you want to be heard,
Speak with your actions and temper your words.
Carry us further, set tempo and pace,
Run your leg dutifully; of the great human race.
Justin Mar 2015
On and island somewhere there long sat a man
with a smile on his face and drink in his hand
With skin made of ivory, and hair set ablaze
he sat on his island and stared through the waves
He laughed and murmured and occasionally cried
as he walked with them all as they waded through life
And slowly they joined him, to sit on his beach,
To laugh and to love as waves broke at their feet
When the last one had joined them and all tears were shed,
He got to his feet and joyously said,
I've been with you always, I've watched through the years.
I'm proud of you all but at long last you're here,
But where are my manners, you've all come so far,
So ladies and gentlemen, please join me at the bar.
Justin Dec 2014
And the ironic part is that i knew from the start,
that the whole thing was futile, yet i still played my part.

you wiggle and hissed, and lets be quite blunt,
when the hand set you down, you set out to hunt.

well you two faced *****, i'll tell you it straight,
your stuffed fulled of malice, and topped off with hate.

as for that dumb hand, i now see it as true,
that the hand that once fed me, is a ******* snake too.
Justin Jul 2014
Way up in the hills one night,
Inside the forests grasp,
I saw a small recording light,
And heard a sleeping rasp.
A ways a way I saw it then,
What I wasn't meant to see,
A tiny little forest tent,
And a camera in a tree.
He must be so afraid I thought
To sleep so far from home,
I knew what fear the darkness brought,
When suffered all alone.
I stayed with him til morning light,
To see that he was safe,
I chose a gift I thought was right,
And left it in my place.
He was a sturdy somber man,
A sleeping, ***** bloke,
I left him with my last balloon,
To cheer him when he woke.
In a world that breaks and bends,
And makes you feel so small,
Be just like my gift my friend,
And rise above it all.
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