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 Sep 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
I had it all in my hand
Still I did not understand
How cruel this life could be
When it took it all away from me

Now I am nothing but a shell
Of what I once knew so well
Among the lessons that I learned
How quickly life can turn

So don't count upon tomorrow
Live life for today
Make the most of every moment
Love life along the way

For what may come tomorrow
No one here can say
Make the most of what your given
Then give it all away
 Sep 2013 JM Vallena
Your brain pattern is like poison
White noise fills me when I see you
Can you please just make fire with my mouth?

Bruise me and push me into your blindness
Put a band around my fickle heart and pull me close
Flowers don't grow where we tread
lost to my world of emotion loathed by confusion i can't define existance between the lines of coruption manipulated human justifyin death wit superior instructions weapon or not  the choice was chosen by deception never recognisin your actions these are the troubles of afections when men are punished by unrealised intention i nw hand my attention my insides made to continuesly feel passion  but lost lack the attitude to not loose the perception beauty in pian wat strange attraction
For now it is the best time of day
When all the souls have vanished,
I will be wandering....
and wondering....
The best time of day is when all has calmed
When the moon casts its aesthetic spell.
When the body and soul seem to intertwine in a manifestation of love, and joy.
All is love; at night.
When the stars shine so bright they seem to calm your thoughts
I wish you would come more often
It is quite peaceful,
at night.
Empty heart
Torn in two
Torn apart
How do you beat
How do you beat?
In my chest
Wounded heart
On you go, without rest
I gave you away
Wore you on my sleeve
But now you’re back
You’re back to stay.
He didn’t want you
He threw you away.
 Sep 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
Contemplating the versatility of Mayo
And all that can be done with it
From the slathering on whilst sun bathing
To globbing it on my bologna sandwich

I find it tantalizing to the tastebuds
And it sure does sizzle in the sun
I once applied to much and set my toes on fire
Lucky for me I lost only one

Thank goodness I was near the water
When my foot went up in flames
I guess that's why God gives us ten toes
In case we lose any along the way

As with anything you can even get bored with Mayonnaise
That's why I strive for different ideas
So I put my brain juices into overdrive
And came up with this amazing list

Instead of milk in a shake you can use Mayo
Please wait till the end for all the applause
I'm still having trouble dealing with thickness
And have yet to get it through the straw

Perhaps if I leave out the ice cream
And just add Mayo, milk chocolate, and ice
I guess I'll just keep on experimenting
When it's ready you can be the first in line

And who doesn't like mayonnaise on anchovie pizza
The perfect combination at best
Even better than peanut butter and jelly
If only I can figure out how to package it

Mayonnaise is also the perfect conditioner
You could leave it in your hair for days I suppose
But try to avoid to much time in the sun
After all...remember the toes

I'm going back to my room for more ideas now
Or as I like to call it..."The Mayo Think Tank"
I know my family thinks I'm a genius
Cause they always leave me in there for days
 Sep 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
I keep a picture of myself
In a drawer beside my bed at night
So when I wake up in the morning
I can remember what it is I look like

Because when I look into the eyes of the mirror
And it looks back into mine
It takes who it is I feel that I am
And replaces it with old man lies

It doesn't see the youthful heart in me
That I wish it would, so instead
I keep a picture of myself
In a drawer beside my bed
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