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 Nov 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
I spent my early life
Looking out from behind
The chain link fence on the turkey farm

There they fed me right
Fattened up my thighs
After all, what could be the harm

If it was up to me
I would never leave
It's where I prefer to spend my years

But alas will come the day
When all good turkey's have to say
Arrivederci...I am outta here

          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          Unlike those sloppy pigs that live next door
          To be a tender turkey is my call
          And all you want to do is eat me
          Yes, you wanna eat me

They just took Turkey Jack
To the shed out back
Where we never heard from him again

Just like yesterday
With my friend Turkey Dave
Strange they haven't messed with Turkey Slim

Am I the next in line
Could this here be my time
My head placed on the chopping block

As I say my goodbyes
To all the gals and guys
I gobble to Mary Lou as an after thought

          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          So delicious they're coming back for more
          Tenderized to the very core
          All they want to do is eat me
          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          A slap in the face to the Honey Ham
          To be a tinder turkey is my call
          Heavy on the gravy with a side of yams

Now that you know my tale
I hope I told it well
Enjoy this day with your family and your friends

So remember then
Don't leave the stuffing in
And dinner will go the way that it was planned

          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          The highest honor of them all
          Into the open oven I must fall
          Cause all you want to do is eat me
          *Yes, all you wanna do is eat me
 Nov 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
Hanging out new to the scene
So often wonder what that means
As I sit in front of the world's screen
Started in on ...Googling

I typed in a single word
Pressed enter for the Google search
Took me down the path absurd
Where all the lines were blurred  

From there I ventured off the path
Wish I'd known there's no turning back
Marveled at the knowledge that I lack
Like how to whittle your own baseball bat

Just in case you're wondering
Midgets don't melt in the rain
Who doesn't think that that's insane
As I dive deeper into Googling

The art of bathing a Hindu rat
Skinning a two-headed Siamese cat
The taking of the perfect nap
Standing up while keeping your lap intact

How to delicately pierce a Rhino's ear
Dressing up then down a deer
50 different ways a man can cheer
While toasting his favorite Micro beer

Abstract art using cotton *****
How to paint between the lines on paisley walls
Teaching Yankees how the South says ya'll
Lost episodes of the show called Lost

Food served upon the world's menus
Even specialties from Timbuktu
Why the sea is green and the sky is blue
As my googling madness continues

More artwork this time with the jam of toes
How to pick your friends but never your friend's nose
Cleaning of the house without a stitch of clothes
The whole time being careful with the vacuum hose

80's Hairbands I used to like
That now know what bald feels like
Making a homemade Hindenburg kite
One that lands this time

How to handle midlife like a man
Taking a survey of what you could have been
Raising Spider Monkey's  in the comfort of your den
As I keep on Googling

I now find myself Googling out in front
As I'm Googling from behind
Googling up as I'm Googling down
To the left and to the right
I've learned how to gargle Google
That's a well known Google fact
And if you don't believe me
You can even Google that
 Nov 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
They're out there on the streets
I can see them as I crack my blinds
They're passing by so silently
I'm to freaked to go outside

I know that if they catch me
They'll put me in an imaginary box
And keep me there till midday
Where they'll have my brains for lunch

Or tie me up with an imaginary rope
To an imaginary tree
And force me to watch them preform a rendition of Thriller
Like a bad episode of Glee

Yes, those Zombie Mimes are freakzoides
Long before they became the preforming dead
I've been uncomfortable in their presence
Could it be because of something they once said here they go
Pretending to walk against the wind
Will I ever be able to step outside
Will this silent madness ever end

I don't know where they contracted the zombie virus
Or even how this all went down
I only hope and pray it doesn't infect
Any of the Circus Clowns
Some can see the frame
And some can see the paint
Some can see the places
And some can see a face
Some can see the love
While others see the hate

I can see the walls
And I can see the hooks
I can hear the calls
To tell me where to look
And I can write the rules
But won't always sell the book

And you could be the one
The diamond in the rough
You could be the sun
That burns away the bluffs
We could play it dumb
And I will call it love

They will call you art
And I will call you None
You could be my carving
And you could be my blood
I could spill my heart
And paint another One
 Oct 2013 JM Vallena
Mike Hauser
I think about you

I think about you a lot
About all that you have got
And all that I am not

I think about you

I think about the freckles on your face
About how delicious they must taste
And would it be okay to partake

I think about you

I think about your blue eyes
And how I secretly wish that they would cry
When it's not me that's by your side

I think about you

I think about you constantly
I think about you without me
And how lonely you must be

I think about you

If you want to know the truth
All I ever seem to do
Is think about you
In search for a way
to express how i feel,
Unable to grasp the fact
this is real.
Desprite to honor you
but the words don't exist,
That justify how much you were loved
and are missed.
I'll cherish the memories
and in my heart you'll live on,
I will never stop loving you
just because you are gone.
Mostly i'm sorry
lost the last chance i had,
To thank you to your face
for being my dad.
Thank you for everything
for just being you,
This devoted, inspirational, loving
man that i knew.
I pray that your at peace now
no longer have to fight,
Just promise you'll be there waiting for me
when it's my turn to go into the light.
So now you rest in a beautiful place
healthy and free bright smiling face,
Know that you were loved by everyone you touched
a hero seen by many,
Dad you were to me just as much!
I was blessed with the twenty-six years
that we had,
Yet saddened my son
will never know my dad.
I'm glad you got to see him
before you had to go,
And trust me when he is older
there's not a thing about papa he's not gonna know.
I know now that your gone
things will never be the same,
But for the husband, father and papa you were
forever i will continue
to honor your name.
 Sep 2013 JM Vallena
The rush of events has led to a gush of words, stapled with no worth.
Found heaven in the eyes of the humble, discovered calmness in minds highly beautiful.
Apart from dawns and sunsets, memories **** on dull days and leave no room for disappointments.
So many thoughts to understand, my soul has found refuge in far unlikely lands.
They buried my truth and bore statues with no value, regarded the perfect view.
We might not fit the clichés or pet names, yet still live and desire a love flame.
We might not seem ideal or even suitable to walk in public with...yet there is gold worth finding beneath the sins.
We might not be admired nor desired yet we don't carry nor wear any plastic enhancers that have gotten many enticed.
Though it seems, most eyes lust the bust, what happened to knowing the heart.
Forget the stereotype; instead find your best friend in their inner souls and deep eyes.
Can't we fall in love with the beauties of life, simple things that don't require violence or lies?
Allow us to cry from what a melody can do to our souls, exuding the warmth it cloths us with, crushing hate speech and moans.
Sometimes wish I'd be the air blown out of those shiny saxophones, forget the hurts and constant self battles that leave us alone.
Sometimes wish we spoke through music, but we have resorted to inhuman ways and the ultimate mind games, testing to see who will be more drastic.
I wish you'd fill my spirits with heavenly notes..."let me get your name so I can be more genuine" 9th Wonder say it best.
Speaking truth that lightens dark hearts and fresh regrets.
They seem to associate beauty with so many things, laughs! Jewellery and rings, money and kings, wohw!
What happens to those who embrace their truths...bringing out their inner glow.
You pants low, crazy what we find beautiful along with their flaws.
Let's escape and go were skies home our conversations, understanding each other's thoughts without disturbance.
Giving love in abundance, breathing in freshness and getting tingles from stolen glances.
How I wish...don't ever want to be selfish, your happiness will always come first.
I still admire you...mostly where your soul dwells, some things are a bit too good to be true.
Yet we still enticed, just waiting for when reality awakens and leaves our hopes sliced.
Thandi Xaba
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