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Your lights could illuminate stories
Until confetti filled the room
And the New Year rose.

Windows are like a gateway to the future
But gaze inward, for the past
Is so very present in
Our views.

Corridors echo whispers
Of thousands of voices
That have long since ceased
To walk this earth,
Yet we make new whispers
For only the walls to hear.

So many stories are written
On the air that is trapped
Inside your doors,
But none are sweeter
Than the one we are
Drafting right
Thank you for the read. Comments and criticism are always welcome.
I knew what he was saying as he said it,
because his words painted the walls
of my ears.
When he painted my drums
Bob Marley’s voice became my
And in that moment,
the moment of friction,
my world was at peace.
Thank you for the read. Comments and criticism are always welcome.
 Sep 2013 Jimmy Timmons
You slipped down
Inside my
And hid a part
Of me that
Once was
W h o l e.
 Aug 2013 Jimmy Timmons
 Aug 2013 Jimmy Timmons
I still
look at the
moon and wonder
if you are looking
(c) Brooke Otto
 Aug 2013 Jimmy Timmons
 Aug 2013 Jimmy Timmons
all that's left of you and I
is the worn out sweater that you left behind
and when I miss you
I throw it over my fragile bones
pretend its you

wrap it round and round and round my body
                          it's huge on me, you know
                          I haven't been eating so much since you've been gone
lonliness           (or maybe insanity)
has driven me to the point
of missing someone
I never even knew
How strange to greet, this frosty morn,
In graceful counterfeit of flower,
These children of the meadows, born
Of sunshine and of showers!

How well the conscious wood retains
The pictures of its flower-sown home,
The lights and shades, the purple stains,
And golden hues of bloom!

It was a happy thought to bring
To the dark season's frost and rime
This painted memory of spring,
This dream of summertime.

Our hearts are lighter for its sake,
Our fancy's age renews its youth,
And dim-remembered fictions take
The guise of present truth.

A wizard of the Merrimac,--
So old ancestral legends say,--
Could call green leaf and blossom back
To frosted stem and spray.

The dry logs of the cottage wall,
Beneath his touch, put out their leaves;
The clay-bound swallow, at his call,
Played round the icy eaves.

The settler saw his oaken flail
Take bud, and bloom before his eyes;
From frozen pools he saw the pale
Sweet summer lilies rise.

To their old homes, by man profaned
Came the sad dryads, exiled long,
And through their leafy tongues complained
Of household use and wrong.

The beechen platter sprouted wild,
The pipkin wore its old-time green,
The cradle o'er the sleeping child
Became a leafy screen.

Haply our gentle friend hath met,
While wandering in her sylvan quest,
Haunting his native woodlands yet,
That Druid of the West;

And while the dew on leaf and flower
Glistened in the moonlight clear and still,
Learned the dusk wizard's spell of power,
And caught his trick of skill.

But welcome, be it new or old,
The gift which makes the day more bright,
And paints, upon the ground of cold
And darkness, warmth and light!

Without is neither gold nor green;
Within, for birds, the birch-logs sing;
Yet, summer-like, we sit between
The autumn and the spring.

The one, with bridal blush of rose,
And sweetest breath of woodland balm,
And one whose matron lips unclose
In smiles of saintly calm.

Fill soft and deep, O winter snow!
The sweet azalea's oaken dells,
And hide the banks where roses blow
And swing the azure bells!

O'erlay the amber violet's leaves,
The purple aster's brookside home,
Guard all the flowers her pencil gives
A live beyond their bloom.

And she, when spring comes round again,
By greening ***** and singing flood
Shall wander, seeking, not in vain
Her darlings of the wood.
Dazed yet frantic.
My utensil scratched
and shaded and

The outside world
to my ears and eyes.

Only the white and lead
colored my mind.

When finally the lead ceased
to run along the page
he said,
“What are you writing?”

“I thought I was drawing shapes?”
Thanks for the read. Comments and criticism are always welcome.
I left so long ago that home
is no longer the hill country of my youth,
or the house on Misty Glen.
The flint covered plains hardened
my heart some time ago,
and the North Eastern shores are too cold
to keep it warm.

If I tried to call a place home
I wouldn’t know what to say.
No house or city or state
could call me back to stay.
Home is where the heart is,
but where does mine truly lay?
Thank you for the read. Comments and criticism are always welcome and appreciated.
“You can be happy in your own sadness.”
She tried to explain this concept to me.
“Every morning I wake up sad, for everyday
we are changing. It is a bittersweet feeling.
With the rising sun comes a new you.
We leave our pasts for a new future.
It is kind of scary. It takes a lot
to accept the day.”
It wasn’t until she spoke these words
that I understood this beauty.

“Your words are my guitar.
They play the sweetest sounds
into my soul,” was my only response.
And in that moment
my world had changed.
Thank you for the read. Comment and criticism are always welcome and appreciated.
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