while you were busy searching for clues its all about issues that should be avoided brute blood against certain things that cannot be touched he went up to a reading-desk which was there in the field the conflict deserved understanding this involved a portion of toil now see to it that you return to line one
write a love poem and do it in a hurry mention summer afternoons in the garden make some comparisons between flowers and the fresh air that surrounds them to the light in your lovers eye bring up time and its eternity if amends need to be manufactured then and only then declare weakness consult Keats for a mythic touch search your heart, share secrets, invent
the lack of negatives do not necessarily equal a positive
there was a point in this traveling medicine show where the first person context was to be ignored so poems covered all and we replaced I but the ego spread through the cracks like spilt water seeping under a closed door the lack of a threshold and it was impossible to resist the search for human meaning without mentioning myself in most ******* everything I suppose it was weakness but then hey there goes the whole process all over again we are nothing but deep what I am saying here is that our deepness is without end and defines eternity ‘bout better than anything else
the workmen never really rest for every day at their bequest they surrender dreams, for the sake of the nest and a shadow, a sense, of meaningless jest
security insurance back bitten scowl of cruelty the look of people telling you what you want to hear the world as opera sing the sing song breast of appeasement mans finest quality