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WEAVE no more silks, ye Lyons looms,
To deck our girls for gay delights!
The crimson flower of battle blooms,
And solemn marches fill the night.

Weave but the flag whose bars to-day
Drooped heavy o’er our early dead,
And homely garments, coarse and gray,
For orphans that must earn their bread!

Keep back your tunes, ye viols sweet,
That poured delight from other lands!
Rouse there the dancer’s restless feet:
The trumpet leads our warrior bands.

And ye that wage the war of words
With mystic fame and subtle power,
Go, chatter to the idle birds,
Or teach the lesson of the hour!

Ye Sibyl Arts, in one stern knot
Be all your offices combined!
Stand close, while Courage draws the lot,
The destiny of human kind.

And if that destiny could fail,
The sun should darken in the sky,
The eternal bloom of Nature pale,
And God, and Truth, and Freedom die!
 Feb 2014 Jimmy Solanki
 Feb 2014 Jimmy Solanki
I wish I was pretty in pictures
Those spontaneous ones
That others take
Because they want to capture your face
And keep it with them
I want to be pretty in pictures
Like those other girls
who smile and pose
and the picture comes out
pretty as ever
no matter their clothes
or their makeup
or hair
I wish I was pretty in pictures
But I guess you have to be pretty
Before you can be pretty in pictures.
 Feb 2014 Jimmy Solanki
Watch the world move, a day at a time. And once you’ve ceased trying, remember this rhyme.

Time doesn’t stand still. Not for a minute. For that minute is yours, and you better be in it.
 Feb 2014 Jimmy Solanki
My soul is an ocean and you've dived into it deep
Ignoring no little thing you see
discovering all that I have deep down within me
You got me to realize the purpose of a mate
with whom one can share a soul as antique as that of mine
You swam deeper and deeper and deeper
until you've conquered the whole of me
This body was mine and now it is all yours
This soul was mine but now we share it , of course
Dear Savior, dear discoverer
I have loved you for a million years
and I shall do so for a million more.
Inspiration is everywhere.
 Feb 2014 Jimmy Solanki
I dreamt of you again last night.
Your smile took me back in time to the enchanted lands.

Awake in the forest,
With eyes sewn shut.

I'll never forget the freedom you gave me
And forced me to feel.

Swimming through shark-infested waters
I clung to the hope that I could be happy.

But god has his ways.
And in the garden of love I had gotten lost in,
I found monsters.

They ripped me away from you
From our provinces.

Now our memories, once beloved
Are feral, rabid ghosts.
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