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Jimmy Hegan Nov 2015
Do you hear them coming, thronging,
Leaping o'er the steeps  of light,
Clad  in glorious , shining garments,
Blood-washed garments, pure and bright.

'Tis a glorious Church , without spot or wrinkle,
Adorned as the Bride of the Lamb,
'Tis a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle,
Adorned as the Bride of the Lamb,

Do you hear the stirring anthems,
Filling all the earth and sky?
'Tis a grand, victorious army,
Lift its banner up on high!

News fear the clouds of sorrow,
Never fear the storms of sin,
We shall triumph on the morrow,
Even now our joys begin.

Wave the banner , should His praises,
For our victory is high !
We shall join our congu'ring  Saviour,
We shall reign with Him on high.
An old mans regatta,  ancient ships bound for the park , reflect on wartime America in 1944 ! Cheerful for the most part , lips quivering occasionally ! Patriotic . Reflective . Your the same young man regardless of rebellious ways , I was the captain of my ship as well in 1938 ! Four years later , fighting for my life on Guadalcanal in a bayonet charge against a bold , determined enemy force ! The internet and the current culture , the world appears smaller , actually divided from within courtesy of religious faction , fascism and greed , now more than ever ! You may find yourself in my shoes in sixty odd years , convincing young people such as yourself of the fine line between war and peace ! Countries forever on battle footings , leaders pose with smiles while they plot against one another , mutual assured destruction they only thing keeping them from firing the missiles ! Each day more dangerous than the last , soldiers without uniforms , indiscriminate killing of civilians , **** of historical monuments , it's all quite familiar within this war torn mind !
Copyright October 31 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Jimmy Hegan Nov 2015
Just one touch as He moves along,
Pushed and pressed by the jostling throng,
Just one touch and the weak are strong,
Cured by the Healer divine.

Just one touch as the He passes by,
He will list to the faintest  cry,
Come and be saved while the Lord is nigh,
Christ is the Healer divine.

Just one touch and He makes me whole,
Speaks sweet peace to my sin sick soul,
At His feet all my burdens roll,
Cured by the Healer divine.

Just one touch and the work is done,
I am saved  by the blessed Son,
I  will  sing while the ages run,
Cured by the Healer divine.

Just one touch and He turns to me,
O, the love in His eyes I see,
I am His for He hears my plea,
Cured by the Healer divine.

Just one touch by the Saviour great,
He will hear thee, upon Him wait,
Own your guilt and your sins forsake,
Cured by the Healer divine.

Just one touch by His mighty power,
He can heal thee this very hour;
Give sweet peace , though the tempests low'r,
Cured by the Healer divine.
White girl in the room , are you cognizant of the epilogue prior to it's revelation ? Do people lose their minds when they see their grave ?
Will peanut butter **** my craving tonight , orange sunshine , scraped out of the *** , put in the corner of your eye ? Delirium tremens , psychotic cravings , tantric *** , after shave poured through a loaf of bread ! Shoot my arm , legs , collapsed vein in my neck ? Shoot every one till there's not anyone left ! Your head held high ? You'd run your fingers through dog **** for a piece of her tonight !
Copyright October 30 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I appreciate you for inspiring me.
For showing me what friendship means.
For showing what conditional Love can do.
If you allow it to work within your heart.
I am so very Grateful for each of my Friends.
I may never be married again my Friends.
But I have something more value then that.
I have so many Awesome Friends here.
On HP as well as Facebook thank you all.
For being so very inspiring as well as encouraging.
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