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5.0k · Oct 2014
The Bamboo tree
Junebug Oct 2014
Under the bamboo
under the tree
True loves forever
True we will be
And when we are married
we will raise a family
Under the shady bamboo tree
As our little secret
this bamboo tree will be the source of our love
When you are alone just come here and Ill be there
Under  the shady bamboo tree
2.6k · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
Where did  you get your clothes from, the dollar store
What do they do to their hair when it itches.
Do you know that there is a place called the beauty salon?
There is nothing worse but seeing my friend pat her weave
They stink more than ****
What's up with the hair
If you need help all you need to do is ask!!
1.7k · Jul 2014
Junebug Jul 2014
You complain about losing
You complain about winning
You complain every time you've been miss understood
No one ever understands why you complain so much
You complain when you don't get the girl
You complain event if you got the girl
When will this end
You complain everywhere that everyone keeps their distance from you
When will you get the point
When will you realize that you complain to much
1.3k · Oct 2014
stuck on you
Junebug Oct 2014
Every time  I close my eyes you always come to mind
I try so hard to not think of you
I try over and over but i cant break loose from you
I m not saying that i think of you constantly, but i just cant deny the fact  that
every time my  mind wonders it always finds a way right back to you  
You are the first thing on my mind when i wake up and the last thing   when i go to sleep
I think of you every time I close my eyes I dont know what it is about you that makes me feel the way I do
Why am I stuck on you why cant i break free why
1.1k · Oct 2014
The girl next door
Junebug Oct 2014
You see her walk fearless
as she let the wind cary her
Her smile makes your heart beat faster and faster
She look as if she could fly above the ground and up to the clouds
You want to feel her soft pink lip right under yours
Her mouth makes the perfect O
The deep dark brown color of her eyes looking right through you
You just want to take her by the waist and kiss her
She is like an angel brought straight from heaven
You would pay dimes and nickels just to have her
But when you see her with the boy next door your face is flush with anger and sadness you would love her more than he would
The girl is more than on fire, SHE IS FIRE!!!!!!
1.0k · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
I knew you for what seems like a lifetime
You were the boy who annoys me so
You were the bully who bullied me
You were the cold hearted **** who made fun of me
You were so selfish
But why am I falling in love with you
Why do you seem so different
It has only been three years
Why am I in love with the person I hated so much
Why does my heart beats  so fast when you are around
Why do I fell sick and lonely when you are not around
Who would have thought I would fall in love with you
You are like a drug to me, one that I cant live without
Im addicted to you, the cold hearted, selfish,**** I use to hate
But now all I want is to be with you!!!!!!
720 · Feb 2015
Happy birthday
Junebug Feb 2015
Hooray Hooray!
The day has finally come
I have been waiting so long for this day to come
And now its finally here
I want to drink a bier
But not just yet
Not until i get my television set
Huzzah Huzzah
Today is the day
Yes the day has come
Im finally thirteen
Im finally a teen
happy birthday to me!!!
feb 3 2015
666 · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
Every girl loves you
They are hotter than me smarter funner
Every popular girl likes you
Girls with blond golden hair that sparkles in the sunlight
They always wear the latest fashion of clothing
They have the voice of an angel sweet like honey
The money that every boy would want
Instead you chose  me over all of them but why
Im too skinny and not popular
I do not have long blond golden hair that sparkles in the sunlight
I dont wear the latest fashion of clothing
I dont have the voice of an angel that is sweet like honey
I dont have much money just enough to buy a piece of gum
But still you turn  them down and came to me
Are you playing a joke on me or do you  really love me
Who would turn down the greatest opportunity in the world to own millions
Why did you choose me why
659 · Jul 2014
Junebug Jul 2014
I followed my heart and  cared for it
I trusted you to care for it
I left it  with you but you broke it
You left me there speech less
I cried day and night how could you do this to me
This is what I get for trusting you
I will go on will my life
You are no longer my lover or event my friend
I will not need you in my life any longer
620 · Sep 2014
I have a crush
Junebug Sep 2014
Okay there is this boy the way he smiles makes me smile
when ever he is around i get butterflies,
he makes me speechless
i blush
my heart is a mush
i think i have a crush!!!!
614 · Sep 2014
Junebug Sep 2014
You are the first thing on my mind when i wake up
and the last thing when i go to sleep
I have tried to talk to you
but its just so hard to say hey or just simply smile and wave
I worry that no matter how many times i say that i love you
you wont understand
just wish there was another way i could tell you how much i care about you
But there is not  i will keep on trying , until then I will sit in the corner of my closet and cry asking if you will ever take love seriously
why do you have to sit there and watch me burn in embarassment just for you tell me i want to know!!!!!!
572 · Oct 2014
The Boy next door
Junebug Oct 2014
There is something about him that I just dont understand
Is it his **** body or his dreamy blue eyes
What is it about him that gets me so exited
Every time  he looks at me I melt
I just dont understand why Im so in love with him
Why I want to kiss him so bad
If I could have just one wish
I would wish to wake up every day to the sound of his breath on my neck
The warmth of his lips on my cheek
The touch of his fingers on my skin
And  the feel of his heart beating wanting more and more  of him
No mater how many times I see him
How many times I touch him My heart beats faster and faster every time
That boy will be mine one day no mater what!!!
567 · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
I tell you I love you
I tell you I hate you
But you always see right through me
You always know what Im feeling
I cannot hide from you
Everytime you look into my eyes all I want to do is kiss you
Your love is like a drug to me
Im trying to understand what you fell about me
But I cant seem to read your thoughts its all blank
If you wont be honest with me then I will be honest with you
When I say I love you I dont say it out of habit to make conversation
I say it to tell you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me
Please tell me that you love me back please Im begging you
551 · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
I sat waiting for you but you never showed
I waited and waited to celebrate this day with you
But you were no where in sight
I called your cell but you didnt pick up
Why didnt you tell me why
If you didnt like me no more you could have told me
I spent my life trying to make you happy
and now your with the girl next door
I know she is attractive but what about me
The one you said you would never leave
The one you said you loved and would never let go of
What happened to all the promise you made
You broke my heart again its not the first time but its the last
You are a ****!!!!!
493 · Feb 2016
Junebug Feb 2016
There's this guy he has the cutest smile
His hair is like a mop of black curls
His eyes color is like chocolate
And his voice has a deep ring to it
He has this kind of perfection that cant be explained in words alone
He has a *****-dropping smile
He is like an angel that came down from heaven
Hes sweet but has a dark side to him
Im told not to get closer to him but the more im told no The more i want to get closer
I'm waiting for the day where i can feel his pink lips on mine, his arms around my waits, his hair tickling my cheeks, and his body close to mine.
Hes so perfect it has to be illegal.
I'm falling for him faster and faster every day and i cant stop, i dont want to stop
I'll NEVER stop!
463 · Jan 2016
Want To Be Love
Junebug Jan 2016
Every time i see a couple kissing my heart aches
Every time i see the word love i feel like falling off a bridge
Every time I see you with my best friend i run to the bathroom and cry my heart out
Every time we cross path its like the world stops for a painful moment
Are you suffering like i am or am i going through this pain alone
Did you ever feel for me at all
Did you forget all we had in just the year you spent with her
Was i wrong to let her have you
Was i not thinking logically
Was it wrong that i just wanted to be loved
Or was it wrong that i taught you had a better chance with her than you ever had with me?
All i want now is to go back to the time when we were young and in love
Is that wrong?
459 · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
When you hear the words true love
you think about beauty and the beast
when you think about true love
you say  it always has a happy ending
When you think of the definition
you think that it means together forever
You think of true love as in the way you see it in movies, and TV shows
those things are not even close to what true love is
True love does not have a happy ending
True love does not have an ending
Its either you end up heart broken or  with a heavy weight on your back
Its okay if you believe in true love but dont  think that it will always works  this is real life not la la land!!!!!!
448 · Oct 2014
Junebug Oct 2014
I love you
But you are too athletic to notice how much I want you
Please look at me for once
Stop talking about those girls
They dont care about you but  I care
You voice is sweeter than licorice
I dont understand what is so  special about those girls
You laugh with them but not with me
When I try to make a conversation you invite them in
How can you be so clueless
I have been trying but why wont you Look at me for at least one minute
What do those girls have that I dont
419 · May 2015
Junebug May 2015
You said you loved me
You said you cared for me
You said that you would never leave me
That you would always be with me
But this morning I woke up and you werent there
Your side of the bed was cold and empty
You left nothing but a note: Sorry to leave but i realized that we were not meant to be together.
Pictures of you and the girl you told me you hated is all over the internet
You are smiling at her the same way you used to smile at me
You kiss her the way you used to kiss me
And now you leave me here alone lying on the cold floor only in my underwear
Did you mean the words that you always whispered in my hears every night
Do you really care about me or was it all a BIG FAT LIE!!
416 · Oct 2014
The One
Junebug Oct 2014
The one
    I think about when I wake up
The one
    I love with all my might
The one
    I dream of when I hug my pillow tight
The one
   that helps me make things right
The one
   that lets me be myself , and does not complain
The one
   I think about when I hug my pillow tight
The one
I love with all my heart, and Im not giving up without a fight!!!!!
401 · Jan 2015
Junebug Jan 2015
The noise inside the class,
the live chit chat that every group has.
Yes, another semester is at hand,
another year is about to land.
Friends hug like there's no tomorrow,
Happiness is in, no more sorrow.
I see new people walk inside the room,
But one person caught my attention,
a boy with this kind of perfection,
Walks like a model on a runway,
a boy that stole my heart away.
His eyes sparkle like the stars above,
that look he gives me that I really love.
His smile that takes my breath away,
I want to tell him what I really feel,
wanting to tell him that this is real.
Oh, this feeling that I hate,
a feeling that would not go away.
Want to know about the sad truth?
That there will never be a "me and you."
Yes, that is the sad truth
that you'll never say you like me too.
But i still keep on trying even if I know
this word will never slip your mouth
" I love you"
398 · Oct 2014
Maximum Ride
Junebug Oct 2014
I had a mission and only one
A mutan freak like me had a responsibility
To protect my flock and the human race
I had a mission  and only one
Had to find who my heart belong to
Was it Fang , or Dylan
I had one mission and only one
To find my family with a voice in my head that is guiding me
I had a mission and only one
Please let Fang be the one
I had a mission and only one
To save the world thats what I was told
I had a mission and only one
To fight my brother to the death
Travel the world again and again
I had a mission and only one
The fight has been won, and now im done!!!!
359 · Jun 2014
Me and you
Junebug Jun 2014
Welcome to a new day
Its a new starlight
We can dance together while the stars are shining bright
Nothing can stop me from telling you how I really feel
Cuz when we stand together you and I we can stand forever in the stars
My spirit shines bright
& with you is my light
Let the stars shine their brightest tonight
Your the first ting i think about when i wake up and the last when i fall asleep
We are not always together but i know you are ok
I am always thinking of you
If you have someone you love tell them stop worrying about what they will think do it its not gonnan be your fault its theyres
322 · Oct 2014
Why does it matter
Junebug Oct 2014
You played with my feelings
You turned them into a laughing matter
But heres worse than a confusing matter
Your little world is drowning underwater
But why would it matter
If you were to shatter
You think your better than i am
They say that love is a game that can never be mastered
indeed it is
Keep playing the game like that and you will stay single for the rest of your life
That is why it matters
305 · Oct 2014
Its over
Junebug Oct 2014
The  days got colder, the wind grew stronger, I became weaker
My love is fading I cant keep this up any longer
Whats the point of a heart if it gets broken
whats the point of breath if you make me breathless
whats the use of a soul if it gets stolen
what the point of saying I love you when you dont care
whats the point of me liking you when you never show that you love me back, when you just sit there and watch me burn of embarrassment and shame just for you
Never one day have you said I love you
Seconds becomes minute, minute become hours, hours become days days become  weeks, weeks become months ,month become years
I sat there waiting but now its over I will move on with my life I wont need you no more cause you never needed me!  Its over!!!!!
297 · Jan 2015
True Love
Junebug Jan 2015
You might think that I don't mean what I say
You might think Im playing with words
But I've never played with my heart
I've never felt the way I 'm feeling now
Your like a drug to me
I long for you each night wishing you were mine
I need you to need me
I want you to love me the way I love you
When my heart takes a jump I see you around
Please let me love you
I may not say it or show it often
But I love you
Please I may play with words
But believe me when I say I love you!!

— The End —