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796 · Mar 2014
The Myth of my dream
jfer koi Mar 2014
If you say it has meaning, doesn't necessarily mean it's true.
If you feel it, don't destroy it
only, because it comes from you.

The clock tells the time, but let us leave the second hand alone.  
The clock still faces you, even when you look in the mirror.

Same time, same place.

I fall into you, much like an ocean.  Strong waves pull me away, only to
push me further into reality.

Can't you listen to what I feel?  Can't you listen to what's inside me?
It's the myth of my dream
Written October 2010
688 · Mar 2014
jfer koi Mar 2014
Something was a bit different this time
We moved her out of a place she lost everything on
A place of disastrous memories, left cuddled in every corner
No "moto" to grow
Born autonomous and only to remain that way
Just living, breathing, nothing but courageous...Just...Just...

Now, I think of all she's lost.  I stare at the floor, once cleaned of filth.
The walls hold the pale of pictures hung--Only yellow surrounds them, as
a respect of nicotine that scars the surface

Now, she exists where her predecessor once lived.  Almost an exact replica! She withholding her pity and junk!
March 11th 2014
473 · Mar 2014
A Day's End
jfer koi Mar 2014
The most complex thing in life is to accept death.

What was it all?
I knew you, you knew me.

A cradled head with lips of blue.  No longer gasping, if gasping for long

Did you only try to get out of bed yet, only to end up dead

You're heart so plastic, it couldn't hold it's fluid, so it had to shatter, left to ooze out for others to find.

It is a thought that one day I looked for you and you were gone.
Dedicated to a friend's passing.

— The End —