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 Nov 2013 Jesus Cruz
Tim Knight
The air-con overhead
drowns out, not enough,
the couple on a date
next to me. His jeans have gathered fluff,
dried in a dryer, crinkled and in-a-rush.
Her shoes are clean though under the table
he doesn’t, and will not, notice,
the closest he’ll come to seeing them is
maybe on a bedroom floor in a month
or maybe two, maybe more if this coffee
date goes askew,
but for time being they gaze, stare
at one another whilst talking:
his plan is to set up an online outreach program,
take the money and run,
hers, to stay in education, an MA
in Creation Research, read and wait,
sit for Judgement Day.
You used to say you would never Quit
You told me to stay Strong but how am I supposed to be strong when you are my strength.
You took some pills
You left a note
You lost the battle
Now you're gone and you have left me
 Nov 2013 Jesus Cruz
Never have I ever
Felt an embrace quite like yours
When our bodies are intertwined

Never have I ever
Had such a smile
Like when you gave  me my first rose bouquet

Never have I ever
Been so consumed by a feeling
Like when you bestow a kiss upon my cheek

Never have I ever
Seen eyes so full of admiration
As yours did when a tear fell from your joy

Never have I ever
Endured so much gain
With so little pain

Never have I ever
Heard words so true
As the three  you constantly whisper to me
 Nov 2013 Jesus Cruz
Tim Knight
Whatever is coming out from the chimneys
is catching the light in the distance,
it trails across the auburn tree tops that are
shedding autumn and getting ready for
the already-here winter,
then flails and falls down.

The train carries on
as does the couple next to me,
they're on about
what they've done and achieved in Leeds
throughout the day;
they paid for a first class carriage
but ended up in carriage C next to me.
 Nov 2013 Jesus Cruz
Jon Tobias
It's on them nights I drink alone. Find myself thinking of home. These beers bottle bones empty and shatter. Liquor lung sigh. Chest heavy like a white trash wind chime. Like a six pack of bud ice hanging from some fishing line. Hear them low notes bouncing of the lips in the wind. And maybe you worry, but ****, I'm fine to drive. And on those days when my gut isn't a gas tank for beer refilling at a pity party pit stop, I drive on love. Write love poems on phones before the ***** knocks me out. And sure, maybe my love makes as much sense as the words I slurr. And maybe my love is as unique as the crackheads needle in the haystack, but I'll still love you serious as a heart attack. Like a stroke... of genius... an epiphany about the realness of God. That maybe the story is flawed, but you're welcome to believe. And maybe I'm drunk right now, but I never meant to deceive. So kiss me with your break lights, while a pray to the slow light that I can live life like an old man feeding birds on a bench in the park. Got nothing else on his mind... just love... you maybe. And whatever you might think. I promise. I'm fine to drive
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