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jessika michele Dec 2013
its mornings like this one
that I wonder if I have a problem
slumped over
a symphony of heaves being shared with the porcelain
waking up next to someone I certainly shouldn't be
and broken
curious little indications
that the night before
I was yet again out of control

its mornings like this one
I don't know that girl in the mirror
she's crass and careless
unwavering in her "i'm hard" demeanor
with only the faintest of memories
of who she used to be
drowning in the onslaught of bubbling beverages
she does it to herself though
leaving me with the aftermath

its mornings like this one
id like to ****** that reflection
i'm just not that selfish
jessika michele Nov 2013
it starts out slow
giving off that swirling, tumbling feeling
churning in the pit of your stomach
rushing anxiety
nervously sweating
heart racing
temperature rising
veins pulsing
till you know it's coming
absolutely everything inside is about to come out
spew from my mouth
the thin lips that cannot contain it
make me vulnerable
fragile and shivering
till the last bit of it has exited the vessel
maybe now ill feel better
maybe now it will stop
how fortunate for a virus
it can come up
be released
but your name sticks in the back of my throat
gags me till my vision blurs
I wish you made me virally sick
I could puke and get it over with
you are terminal
a disease that just keeps growing
burrowing into the tissue and latching on
all I want to do is puke and get you out.
jessika michele Nov 2013
ive shunned that part of me
that stupid, ignorant heart of mine
that spot that knows you exist
I found my pain today
in my best friends eyes
his heart was breaking
and tore open my wounds like they belonged to him
he asked me not to cry
but supplied
my brain with memories
of pain
of losing you just the same
as he lost her
lies and deceit
the knife that took my life
dropped at my feet
watch it glisten
with the last light of love
flickering ever so gently
to a far off glow
and extinguished
he shunned his too
these stupid hearts of ours
what good are they anyway?
to life ever present
the blood flowing and pleasant
what the **** does that even mean?
keep striving for the dream?
goals and achievement's and such?
I wish I could say
"I miss you this much"
but presently
I pleasantly
give no *****
jessika michele Nov 2013
was it just my imagination?
the fire in your eyes
the way you would slip your fingers so gently into my hair
to the back of my neck
and lay me down
the look in your eyes like no one else existed
it couldn't have been fake...


memorizing my body
like your favorite piece of machinery
pulling off a part
working on it thoroughly
till you believed it perfect
and put it back in place
working out all the kinks
fine tuning and revving

that had to be real....

the way you made me laugh effortless
sitting by my side
saying everything with those beautiful eyes

that was real...
wasn't it??

the tears you gave me
I wish I would have bottled

just for proof
that there was something
....anything one point
one brief moment in time
sitting in that restaurant
watching them well up
beneath the lashes of a liar

my one and only chance
for something to hold onto

that one real moment
ill never forget
but im sure you have

a ruse, a safe haven, a scape goat
your easy way out
the most beautiful lie
I love you.
jessika michele Nov 2013
I've never been so addicted. It made all the loud things a distant lull
as the background faded and blurred. All that was bright became a soft golden halo
that you wore so well. The only colors that mattered, the green in your eyes
the flush on your cheeks
the pearl white of the smile that stung so deep and caught my breath.
Injected further than veins. Dilating my pupils and exploring my brain.
Taking me to my darkest of depths and resurfacing to just barely breathe.
I sold my soul for a taste.
That utter bliss that kept me awake,
raging through the darkness with a match light torch.
My horse with no armor and no shield for my heart.
You gave me the purest of all the drugs.
Watched me slip, sink into your grip and carried me home.
Only to open me up and begin to sip,
from my fountain that flowed so freely.
You drank and drank and drank,
never stopped to see me.
The fire that burned so fierce,
that kept you warm and gave you peace,
is now but a fever of withdrawal.
The tears that flow,
every hour
every day
maybe once a week now
the shakes that have eased
the pain that flows and ebbs with sleep
the smile that comes a little more often now.
I'm getting clean you see.
The sick has almost passed.
This course of you, is running its last.
jessika michele Oct 2013
can we just tell each other fairy tales?
feigning adventure that takes us beyond
and taste so real
how fantastic would that be

lets fabricate
every inch of our subconscious

intertwine them
romanticize on the make believe
fall in love with oblivion

where innocence lives
and dances freely in the breeze
of  turquoise trees
under the watchful eye of night shaded clouds

sing to me with the voice I know you have
sing me the parable
of the princess you gave your life for

and maybe I can tell you the tale
of the mage who can bring you back
jessika michele Oct 2013
in a field of daisies
a thousand he loves me
he loves me not's

the peasant in love with the prince

of course...

she watches
sitting on the fence
picking the petals
praying for the one
that says he loves her too

he loves her not

but she will come again
tomorrow and again
in her tattered dress
hair a mess
and find the one
that says he loves her too

she lets the wind carry away
over the grass
the memories
of all the days passed
that she sat on this fence

*he loves me, he loves me not
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