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 Mar 2013 Jessica M
Show me pretty eyes,
and I will show you deception
 Feb 2013 Jessica M
PK Wakefield
.                                               the only thing we have to fear is apathy
I remember the taste of your chapstick
original flavor plain as you were, a taste insipidly vapid
I remember everything up until our last kiss
that fades into the smoke of memories I burned with your box of letters
cut with the strings of you that had me tethered
disappointment doesn't hold a flame to the fire burning inside me now
I'd wail and cry aloud
but the ocean cares not of the downfall of man
knees dug into the sand
arms outstretched, a shameless attempt at holding the sky
as close as you once held my
body more rigid than it's fragile contents
I remember the taste of your chapstick and I never knew what that meant...
I heard the hiss of a snake
When you asked if I could forgive this mistake
The serpent sound your lips would make
Still fresh with the taste
Of his skin
Hide your fangs in your grin
Your forked tongued fallacies
That drain the life out of me
Black coffee so bitter
As I imagine you slip and slither
Under the covers of another
You'd call us star crossed lovers
Heavy handedly putting  the blame on outside sources
My heart feeling the forces
Of gravity
Tear pull and grab at me
Pinned to this seat
As you taint I love you with deceit
Legs fail me I am trapped from leaving
Heard the hiss of a snake when you were breathing...
My weary heart wades through the carnage of broken promises and sleepless nights
stolen dreams and endless fights
through the mess of slaughtered expectations
torn apart by passionless ****** relations
wasted upon new acquaintances
you used to release your unjustified frustration
when you merely lacked the patience
the butchering of a future, you never cared to let grow
you set fire to the very hopes you once did sow
scorch the earth, salt the fields of romance so they remain a barren desert
kiss him for the pleasure
these burnt eyes have weathered
a storm no scales could measure
tasted the fire of Hades
begging you to save me
as you crave the
physical equivalent to what you perceived to be love not lust
the bloodbath of trust
that forever stains my memory of the life I once did build
your razor eyes cut me down as you stood by while my love spilled...
 Feb 2013 Jessica M
PK Wakefield
the caress i feel

          is my own fingersunlightrainwaveseyelashes

of sweaty and inimitable curling

                     the twine

of their bodies

                                the gusset

of neat and white corners

soft and soft and soft




eyelashes prickling tingle
a multitude of tickle singeing

muscles and hunger

eating and lank

hulking and brutal

skinny and timid

the specters in books
my window suddenly looking out on the bay


dreamily swept upon turgid waters

and a boy(on the edge of his bed)
 Feb 2013 Jessica M
Mara Siegel
He said his favorite curve
on my body looked just
like a closed-mouth
smile; the kind I refused to
show because I believed
in                                        teeth.
(the body is not what it appears to be)
 Feb 2013 Jessica M
Mara Siegel
i felt your whisper (like rocks) tumbling down my back
   an avalanche of forgotten words and
jokes i never got to crack.

i felt your hands (like ice) running down my side
a snowstorm of old routines and
all the things we left untried.

i felt your legs (like vines) wrap around my hips
a canopy of selfish thoughts and
fresh rejection from your lips
Fixed the last stanza yay
...Once a bringer of truth
elder fire that lights the world
a blanket in the cold
a quench in every thirst
The cawing was never a fear
and storms were always a sunshine
Honor was everything
solid as a contented rock
but those were the days...
And all that remains
shattered glass
remnants of yesterday
And unlike those raindrops
when they fall
they flood
and become
whole again...
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