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May 2012 · 1.4k
Jessica Giles May 2012
Train tracks
strewn with
bits of broken glass
That shimmer in
The cold winter sun.
I think about jumping
In front of
The next orange line train
May 2012 · 648
Shooting Stars
Jessica Giles May 2012
Alone and lonely
The darkness takes me.
I'm searching for shooting stars
in the night sky
but the street lights
are too bright
and the clouds are
too dense.
The rain falls
slowly, it beats
******* my window
Jan 2012 · 604
Jessica Giles Jan 2012
eyelids heavy with sleep
as my heart races
and dreams await

but I cannot sleep
because my mind races
and my heart awaits
Feb 2011 · 572
Jessica Giles Feb 2011
You were my everything.
And now you are someone else's everything.
And I'm sure you'll be another's everything after that.

I'd like to kick you...but really what would that solve?
Matters of the heart cannot be dealt with violence.
One must just **** it up and tell their heart to just forget he ever existed.

The universe just won’t let me forget.
Feb 2011 · 1.6k
Pink Petal Pathway
Jessica Giles Feb 2011
Pink petal pathway
Led me to a land far far away.
Away from gray skies, rain clouds
And reality.
Feb 2011 · 967
Loose Lips
Jessica Giles Feb 2011
Loose lips sink ships
And baby,
This ship is going down

I’m burning bridges to the ground
And baby,
I’m not going to drown.
Mar 2010 · 2.8k
2 couches, 3 people
Jessica Giles Mar 2010
A night of drinking and partying
Ended in 2 couches and 3 people.
You playfully pushed me over
Smushing your body close to mine.

I was with someone
but  hadn’t been in love with him
for a long time.
Your hardworking arms pulled me in closer
And you kissed my forehead.

I knew that night I had to end my
Already crumbled relationship

I knew that night that I didn’t want to
Go on forever without ever kissing you.
Mar 2010 · 875
Blue Eyes
Jessica Giles Mar 2010
Blue eyes beckoned,
While your gravity gripped.
I got pulled in and
Swept up by your universe.
Then, without warning,
The gravitational pull failed.
And I fell so hard.
When I reached the ground,
I shattered.
The wind gathered up the pieces
And spun me around and around
It’s storm.
I have yet to touch the ground.
Feb 2010 · 741
All I Have
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
A pocketful of stars
An arm full of old scars
A crumbling heart,slowly falling apart.
A head full of dreams
A world that is never as it seems.
Feb 2010 · 1.0k
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Caged like an animal you are
Living every night and day
Captivity. I offer this advice; Life is                            
Hard, Love hurts, and it's
Everyman for himself.
Feb 2010 · 598
Words Slip
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Words slip past my lips
and around the earth while
the sword taps at my heart.
Feb 2010 · 875
My Father's Work Room
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Jars of all shapes and sizes
Filled with nuts and bolts
And other forgotten things.
******* by their tops into the ceiling
In my fathers work room withA half dirt floor.  
We used the jars’ contents
To put together mouse traps
That never caught any mice.
With ***** drivers and wrenches
And tools I never knew the name of
That adorned the floor and walls.
Feb 2010 · 631
Supposed to be Sleeping
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
You were late again.
She was yelling.
Light seeped under my door with words that came out in a roar.
I was supposed to be sleeping.
You were supposed to be home.
I pulled the covers over my head,
Overcome by feelings of dread.
Your voices grew louder and louder
Doors slammed and all became quiet.
I was supposed to be sleeping.
You were supposed to be home
2006 This was for an assignment for a poetry class I took...not my best but it satisfied the needs for the assignment.
Feb 2010 · 624
Not looking back
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Loose lips sink ships
And baby,
This ship is going down
I’m burning bridges to the ground
And baby, I’m not looking back
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Rusted Memories
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
It was a once in a lifetime situation
And I blew it,
Rusted memories cling to me
Their paint peeling and the outside weathered
But inside is still the same.
I've forgiven
While you've forgotten.
Feb 2010 · 1.0k
Pushing through the Puddles
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
When it rains, it pours,
and usually
I've forgotten my umbrella.
Racing through the rain  
I end up soaked and shivering,
Searching for shelter.
I push through puddles and pray for sunny days
Hoping someday the clouds will clear
Feb 2010 · 707
Droopy Eyed
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
It’s the way I stumble with the
Droopy-eyed feel of being buzzed.
And dizzy, muddled thoughts
That have never been so clear.
It’s the slurred words I spoke
That have never been so logical.
The way I stumble around you
And the way you catch me When I finally fall.
Feb 2010 · 733
Cliches About Love
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
I'm making my way through miles and miles of frogs.
Looking for my prince
I'm swimming through Plenty of fish in the sea
Praying for a match.I'm writing this fairy tale
Of love and magic, yet still
Drafting the happy ending.
I was told if I loved something I should set it free.
I'm still waiting for you to come back to me
Feb 2010 · 643
Monday Morning
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
The coffee is bitter and full of grinds
Still I **** it down hoping it will wake me
Skimming through the morning metro paper,
Hoping for a seat at the next stop until the next stop is mine
The train creeps along the tracks,
The doors dinging at every stop.
I prepare myself for the worst because then
Everything else seems like nothing.
Walking into work I pour myself Another cup of coffee, surprised
That it is better than the usual sludge.
Hoping that today will be better than the typical trudge
Through the mountain of paper work.
Feb 2010 · 1.9k
A Poem for Joey
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Tubes like snakes
slithered through our
poetry class along with
cliches about love and ***
and loneliness.

Tea time
and crosswords
and cookies
cure hearts.

talk of
gumbo and
deliciously cold
plums will always
bring you to mind.
I wrote this poem for my friend Joey because he is awesome.
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
4:17 I'm awake and aware,
shaking with nervous energy and
searching for your face in the surrounding darkness.
Like a magnet I'm drawn to you.
5:05 Laying with you, our bodies intertwined
like an intricate celtic design.
Our hearts beat in rhythm, never missing a beat.
9:01 Happy in your arms.
I could lay here for always listening to you breathe.
9:08 You're gone and I'm uncertain you'll return,
all I can do is try not to imagine the worst, but the glass is half empty and the clock ticks loudly.
9:12 Your back and I'm happy to see you but
I can tell from your face that you aren't staying.
This is the part where I begin fraying.
The glass is empty,and the sand
has reached the bottom of the hour glass.
Time is up.
May 2009
Feb 2010 · 3.7k
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Lonely and lost I read the
Obituary of my heart. It is
Verbose yet vague.
Everyone silently sits, listening to the
Story of its break. I am sick with the thoughts of its
Corruption and contamination against love. It
Keeps me from moving on.
September 2008
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
I believe in first glances
And second chances,
That the third time is a charm

If in the end I stumble and I fall
I know it was worth it all.
I'll have no regrets.

I put all my faith in a feeling,
All my heart in hoping.
But somehow I always end up heart broken.

Is this how it ends?
No 'happily ever after',
Not even just friends?
Feb 2010 · 693
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Bits of my heart scatter upon the floor while I
Run from razorblade rain that rips into me.
On and on I run but I can’t get dry.  A
Knight in shining armor races past me to another and
Ever after passes me by.
Nothing is right in my fairy tale.
Feb 2010 · 11.0k
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Scared to smile around you so I stumble.
Tumbling and fumbling and shaking
Under your spell. I've been
Mistreated and defeated I'm a
Brambling idiot. I'm afraid of
Loving and living and leaving.
Eternity is such a long time to go without love.
Feb 2010 · 708
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
I've fallen off the radar.
fallen between the cracks
and I don't know if I have
the strength, or the courage, to make it back.

The world disowned me.
The world set me free.
But I don't know now who I am supposed to be.

I'm in a state of suspended animation
hanging by a thread
from a needle that is my life.

My mood is like spring showers,
dismal and gray,
Saturating and lasting for days.
Feb 2010 · 597
The Meaning of Sunshine
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
So out of control. Hiding
Underneath the clouds.
Never stirring from my spot. I'm always
Sleeping in the
Haze. Spending my days
In and out of rays. I
Need there to be an
Ever after.
Feb 2010 · 3.2k
Broken Arm
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
All day long I begged you To let me ride your brand new bike.As soon as the guests were gone,And the party nothing but scattered gift-wrap,I snuck outside and snatched your big kid bike.My face still covered in cake, and heart racingI jumped on, I peddled down the hillSoon the cement walk ended, gave way to grass.I slammed the breaks, they failed and I went on.I was airborne, going over the stone wall.I let out a screech and mom came running.My arm twisted, the bone sticking out.Mom screamed and auntie came running
Feb 2010 · 1.2k
Raindrops at Midnight
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
There’s a conflict
Brewing in my brain,
A coffee stain
Soiling my new shirt.
If I open up my heart
Will it hurt?

Another hundred
Million sighs,
Another hundred
Million days
Gone by.

Raindrops fall
In the orange glow
Of the dim streetlight,
As I question all I know
I watch them shimmer
In puddles at midnight.
Feb 2010 · 639
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Photographs of friends
Lying before me,
Previously sat in boxes
Breathing in the darkness.
Now breathing small breaths of light.
A dead butterfly falls from the page.
An image from real life
Slips through my hands.
A couple is trapped in sunlight
With darkness forever waiting.
This poem was written for an assignment.  I believe we were supposed to to take a book and open to certain page numbers and then take a line from that page and this is what I ended up with.  2007
Feb 2010 · 787
November's Leaves
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
The leaves have
Gave way to wiry winter branches,
And lay decaying,
Underneath my feet.
Feb 2010 · 1.2k
Killer Raindrops
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
Killer raindrops
Endlessly drip down
And I frown.
I evade them, but stumble into
Painful puddles.

I climb out.
I stoop to smell the flowers,
But they're all looks
And no scent.

So I move on, running,
Traveling through time.
Darting through the days.
Moving on to months,
And finally falling through the years.
Feb 2010 · 853
High Above the World
Jessica Giles Feb 2010
.....................     High above the world or so it seems  
                                    Staring out at the busy city below.                                   
                                          Cars are whirling by while a                           
                                     Church silently sits in the distance.                                     
                                           Lit up, like a sign from God,              
                     Beckoning me back to the religion I’ve never found.     
                                     The cars below go every which way,                    
                                             In their organized chaos.                                            
                                                   All of us just trying                                                    
                                                        to find a way                                                          

— The End —