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Jeremy Feb 2015
I may not have much, but what I do have is enough.
Jeremy Jan 2015
Give me your vulnerabilities, and I'll give you strength, give me your short temper, and I'll give it length, give me your doubts, and I'll give you assurance, lend me your pain, and I'll grant you endurance, give me your regrets, and I'll show that you made the right choice, give me your thoughts, and I'll supply you a voice, give me your dreams, and I'll show you ambition, tell me what you fail to comprehend, and I'll provide intuition, I just want all those things that you label as imperfections, so I can show you why they are not flaws but true blessings
Revised because the previous draft made no sense
Jeremy Jan 2015
I tried to navigate you clear of the rocks, but you insisted I stop, saying the collision has to happen, because a captain is not captain until he has went down with the ship, and at the time I did not understand what you meant by all it, I could not fathom how you could be so accepting of death, when you only begun to take your first steps, and breathe your first breath, then you begged me with tears in your eyes to abandon the vessel as you ready yourself to die, but I have been with you through the worst of times, so why would I choose now to leave your side? And so if this is how you want to go then together will ride.
Jeremy Jan 2015
I spoke to the devil, and he said he would free my body in exchange for my mind and soul, I guess to hell I go
Jeremy Jan 2015
If I was a ship they would be the calmest of all seas, making sure I had safe voyage throughout all my journeys, and if I was a traveler they would be my bridge of passage, linking all gaps that were perceived to be massive, and if I was a man stranded out on the road they would be the constellations guiding me where to go, so when I walk this path I do not walk it alone, because they are eternally there directing me home.
Jeremy Jan 2015
If you are not willing to flip the page, then you should of never have took the book.
Jeremy Jan 2015
Why do you insist to be visionless, claiming that your eyes have expired pass their youth, when you yourself have witness the contortion of the cosmos, and why do you declare yourself a mute, when your words carry the power to sway nations, and why do you block out the sounds of the earth, when you are able to hear the most infinitesimal of vibrations. You tell me inorder to obtain euphoria you must disregard all pleasures of the world, but how are you to  neglect what is not there? You make it appear as if this is a grand burden to bare, saying numbing yourself is a sacrifice, but I think other wise, because to be oblivious to ways of the world is a genuine paradise.
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