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 Mar 2017 Jennifer
Dallas Allen
she is amazing and gives my everyday life
she is everything, makes me happy
when i am sad, makes me well when i am sick
i can tell her everything

it seems she is not comfortable
telling me when she is not well
it seems, i hope everything is okay
i hope she is well
because, i love her
and i want to be able to help her
best i can
 Mar 2017 Jennifer
Dallas Allen
Thoughts I am not allowed to have

Four to three months
Then I am gone to basic
I am going to serve
An I seem so calm about it
But I am scared, scared to lose
Lose my mind, my friends
And my family.
I mean I lost
So why would I not lose

 Oct 2016 Jennifer
Chloe Zafonte
We're not allowed to mention Christianity
A Muslim man discusses Allah, we can't judge.Black people have pride in themselves, so do white people .We're automatically racist and unaccepting. A man gets hired for a high paying job instead of the women.This is a case  for feminism because it's injustice. A man cheats on his partner, he has hormones.A woman cheats on her man, she's a *****! A woman is ***** she's making it up.A man is ***** no one believes him. A gay person is disliked by a certain individual .It's homophobia, a black man kills someone and the whole race is blamed, a white man kills someone he's just a ******. You say crusty old white men are making decisions about your body.Should he change his race then decide if you can reproduce? I'm eating Sushi and I'm not Asian, it's cultural appropriation and it's  offensive so only Asian people can eat at Asian restaurants? That reminds me of when segregation was going on. We have a right to our opinion but I say something I'm instantly prejudice and you don't want hear it. I made the wrong assumption now I'm a horrible person because you feel that you can monitor my thoughts. You all think that you're all for social justice but it's really going to come back and bite you in the ***.
 Aug 2016 Jennifer
Dallas Allen
 Aug 2016 Jennifer
Dallas Allen
Does anyone find it ironic
When we are young we are scared of the dark
Outside our windows and under our beds
But then realize the darkness growing inside
Of our very bodies, our souls and minds?
 Aug 2016 Jennifer
Dallas Allen
People think I'm better now.
That it's all gone, the thoughts and such
But that's not the case.
I'm just better at holding it all in
And not letting people see it.
Just imagine the hurt they would feel
If they knew their rock was hollowed out.

— The End —