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Jul 2018 · 292
Jenni Jul 2018
the energy of all the things I'm too afraid to say
pulses inside my body
I am electricity connected to dead fingers
I am an incomplete circuit
for each decomposing extremity
a cold and hard letter left un-depressed
a barren alphabet of plastic
missed opportunities
my mouth was sewn shut long ago
and now
one by one
my fingers break
and I am mute once more
Jun 2018 · 291
Jenni Jun 2018
sometimes I just **** things up

but sometimes it feels like every time
I guess I can't make up my mind
If I want to make you mine
I'll learn my lesson
In time

I know
We'll be okay
If only I could learn
How to mean what I say
Can I ask you about today?

Sometimes I just **** things up
Feb 2018 · 295
Jenni Feb 2018
you've got a boyfriend
that's okay
I'm too wrapped up in my own ****

maybe someday
I'll be able to say
I like you
Jan 2018 · 292
I am who I am. Who am I?
Jenni Jan 2018
I've forgotten how to speak
How to write
How to type
How to communicate what I'm feeling
When I'm sat alone at night
All these thoughts swirling around my head
Trying to get out
But they get trapped by the dam
That I've built behind my mouth
My fingers break
One by one
With every keystroke that they make
And suddenly
My pens are dry
And my hands start to shake
And just when I start to think
I might be getting somewhere
My alarm goes off
It's just a dream
In real life I'd never dare
To say the things I've been thinking
Almost every day
The things that you learn you must never say
Because if you do
If for just one second you were free
That's when you become a threat to our society
You know the how the saying goes,
"Freedom is never free."
The price we pay more often than not
Is our personalities
We sell our souls to men in suits
In return for safety
My heart may beat
My lungs may fill
But am I really me?
Dec 2017 · 130
Jenni Dec 2017
I am a very bad statue
My skin is not that thick
And though I pretend to be marble
I feel every stone and stick

I am a very bad statue
I hate being on display
I beg you, please, don't look at me
I wish you'd go away

I am a very bad statue
I am not a work of art
Sculptures should be neat and smooth
But I don't fit the part

I am a very bad statue
But one thing I've done right
A statue must not ever move
It's a sedentary life
I'm doing nothing
Going nowhere
I live a statue's life
Dec 2017 · 253
Jenni Dec 2017
I feel so powerless
Like I'm watching it happen all over again
I know they say history repeats itself
But if it takes you too
I don't know what I'll do

I can't help but feel like I'd be right behind you
please be stronger than I am
Dec 2017 · 259
Jenni Dec 2017
I kept thinking it odd that you didn't call somebody closer to you
It didn't occur to me until it was too late that maybe you didn't have anyone
I'm sorry that I never properly said goodbye
I know you always looked at me as if I was somehow stronger
But the truth is that I was never very strong
I've spent the last 4 months pretending it was all a dream
But I saw you in my dreams last night
And you looked so happy
I've learned from my mistakes
I know that some smiles are fake
I think about you all the time, I hope you know
I always did, even when we didn't talk
I was trying to leave you room to grow
I didn't know
I'm sorry
I just didn't know
I'm sorry
Nov 2017 · 288
Jenni Nov 2017
It's nothing new
I look at you
And look away
Just another day
That I can't find the strength to say

I wish I had said more
Nov 2017 · 168
Jenni Nov 2017
it is 1 am
muffled yelling
by a slamming door
children crying
a car driving away
give it two days
relive it again

maybe the makeups are sweet
but those happen behind closed doors
all I see
all I hear
is the venom thrown from a moving car

I often wonder if they thought their lives would be like this
when they were 16
Aug 2017 · 182
Jenni Aug 2017
I can't help but feel like I am close to death
I can't help but feel like I'm wasting the life I have left
Sep 2016 · 374
Jenni Sep 2016
I miss having shoulders
a right angle of skin and bone
nothing more
nothing less
I miss having shoulders
because it seems at some point I outgrew them
at some point my shoulders became an invitation
a ***** secret
a temptation
they teach us this in school
you can't show too much shoulder
lest some boy become too tempted
and I always scoffed at this
what is so ****** about a shoulder?
but then why is it that I feel so violated
when a man twice my size decides
this right angle of skin and bone
is his
to ******
as he whispers in my ear
why is it that I feel so defeated
when I yet again feel a man's hands on my body
trying to find something ******
about a right angle of skin and bone
why is it that even when I am fully clothed
men still feel entitled to touch me

I thought if I followed the two inch strap rule I was safe
Aug 2016 · 310
i wanna be good
Jenni Aug 2016
my mother asked me what my radio show theme was this week
and I told her it was songs that I like to drive through the mountains to
she laughed at me
"how often do you drive through the mountains?"
"what an oddly specific theme"
she doesn't know that I spent an hour driving in circles last night  at 1 am
because I wanted nothing more than to disappear
she doesn't know that every time I get in my car
the chances of me not coming back increase a little more

when I think about going to work
my lungs collapse
I think each time I cross that threshold
I lose a piece of myself
that I'll never get back
I long to work for a florist
because I think they must be gentle people
who understand that the world is a beautiful place
and I think I need that

my father took away my matches
so now all I have is a rubber band

I've hollowed myself out it seems
perhaps unintentionally
I feel at peace among the mountains
I'm okay with being a valley

someday the rains will fill me
and I won't be so empty anymore
Jul 2016 · 478
Jenni Jul 2016
I used to like to write
when I was feeling bad
because there was something inside me
that needed to get out
but what do you do
when there is nothing inside you
and that is why you are feeling bad
Jul 2016 · 753
Jenni Jul 2016
I've had trouble being myself lately
it's always like playing a role
that I haven't rehearsed enough for
who am I?
I think I've been too occupied with trying not to mess up
that I never introduced myself
shouldn't it be natural?
being one's self?
it doesn't feel that way
I coast through most of life
on autopilot
but sometimes I wake up
and think
where the hell am I?
did I miss my exit?
isn't it so strange to be a person?
everyone I've ever met
has an image of who I am
isn't it strange to think that I exist?
I'm a character in other peoples' stories
how odd
I'm barely a character in my own
perhaps I should ask them something about me
do you know me?
could you tell me something about me?
I don't think we've been properly introduced
I never was good at meeting people
Jun 2016 · 332
Jenni Jun 2016
Can I have one more kiss?*

He didn't wait for an answer
And when he pulled back
I felt a heaviness in my lungs
There was no rush of exhilaration
Just the sense that I could be drowning
I cried in the car on my way home
Wishing to expel the seas from my lungs
The saltwater drew paths down my cheeks
Onto my mouth
And though I thought that might cleanse them
I felt the whisper of another's lips on them
For the rest of the night

I smell salt whenever I think of you now
Jenni May 2016
it's noon and I'm already drunk
wandering around atlanta because I've misplaced my wallet
I need my id to prove I'm legal
I hate to spend 10 dollars on a beer
so we chug tall boys in a parking garage thinking,
"how did we get here?"
and nothing feels as good as the approximate size and shape
of a can in my hand
gripping it in the front row with the same intensity
as castaway gripping a raft
lifeline made of aluminum
I'm coughing between sips
there is water in my lungs
I was always afraid of drowning
there's a certain desperation in the way
that I'm trying to pretend I'm comfortable in my own skin
and this can is selling my preferred brand of serenity
"I want to be drunk for this"
in the same way
"I want to be comfortable for this"
I'd tell you it's healthy
but that'd be a lie
but you know what?
I drink cheap beer
so what
May 2016 · 408
Jenni May 2016
you're pretty sure that the veins in your body
look like a roadmap of West Virginia
even though you've only ever seen its welcome center
I mean
that's fair
you're also unfamiliar with yourself
maybe you're just seeing maps in everything around you
because you keep telling yourself that you'll leave
and you're waiting for a sign
those runs in your tights look like highways
the lines on your palms could be exit ramps
and maybe if you pretend these are divine messages
you'll finally get out
because if you don't soon
you might never leave
and in 20 years you'll look in the mirror and think
"what the hell am I doing?"
and your reflection will respond,
May 2016 · 252
Jenni May 2016
He's the sort of guy
Who would talk to his car
More than his girlfriend
If he had either

He talks to me because he knows this
But I'm pretty sure that's the only reason

I talk to him when I'm tired
Or  more likely

It's okay
We know this about each other
Apr 2016 · 562
Jenni Apr 2016
i'm living between breaths
and resting between heartbeats
and the rest of the time
i'm nothing at all
and how sick is it
that i look forward to the nights
when i know i'm gonna make myself cry
because even that is better
than feeling nothing at all
self induced breakdowns
because the alternative
isn't living
isn't dying
isn't anything at all
and i'm scratching at my scalp
trying so hard
to ease the crawling sensation
there are things under my skin
but i can never get to them
and it's like ice is in my veins
they way i feel numb all the time
i'm never quite sure this is even real
lapsing in and out of third person
and trying to remember my lines
this movie *****
where's the remote
i'd like to change the channel
Apr 2016 · 311
it's ok
Jenni Apr 2016
I'm so afraid of getting stuck here
But if you ask me my greatest fear
I'll probably say the ocean

I'm constantly thinking about running away
But if you ask me what's on my mind
I'll probably mention school or work

I feel like I'm suffocating*

I was the one who stayed
I don't get to complain now
Mar 2016 · 533
Jenni Mar 2016
Night isn't a void
It's possibility

It is the breath before a verse
The undisturbed lines on a sheet of loose leaf
A canvas still the shade of eggshells
Sleeping strings on an old guitar

Night isn't death
It's birth

A glance shared across a room
A tentative smile, a kiss, a touch
The first of many bitter drinks
Meant to wash away the mask of the Day

Night is freedom

You can’t read the rules without a light
And They can’t see you in the dark

Night is bass lines that keep your heart beating

Night is smoke

Night is gasoline and glitter

But above all
Night is the promise of escape
From the pretense of Day

When the sun is your stage light
And the world is your stage
Mar 2016 · 277
Jenni Mar 2016
By the time we fully experience the present
It has already become the past
So forgive my fears that this might not last
Mar 2016 · 258
Jenni Mar 2016
we're made of the same stuff as stars
but some of us forgot how to shine
Mar 2016 · 286
Jenni Mar 2016
I've never been comfortable with permanence
I guess you could say
I have commitment issues

the irony
-of course-
is that my fear of making permanent decisions
leaves me in a constant state of stagnance

we're not meant to stand still

we can make a thousand marble statues
in an attempt to grasp immortality
but no one was ever meant to last forever

our cells are doomed from the start
when you deselect for aging
you select for cancer
-just like marble-
cannot escape the weather
we cannot escape out own mortality

I've never been comfortable with permanence
but thankfully
-I suppose-
I'll never have to be
Mar 2016 · 235
Jenni Mar 2016
she lays down the law
like she lays out her clothes
and the shade she paints her lips
is the same as the blood on her hands
heels clicking
like the cocking of a gun
she could eat you whole
and still have room for dessert
I have a lot of feelings about peggy carter, okay?
Mar 2016 · 338
a.l. + u.a.
Jenni Mar 2016
I prefer my nights to be cool and breezy
And my air to be musty and swirled with smoke
And for there to be concrete under my feet
Graffiti and band stickers
Echoes of the permanence I was never comfortable with
In myself
Everything worn and broken
And I like it that way
I feel at home
My mistakes aren't as loud as the music
So no one really cares
In this place
Anonymity is a choice
Not a curse
Mar 2016 · 229
Jenni Mar 2016
She told me once
That she wanted people to write stories about her
But not because she wanted to be remembered
"I don't believe in God, you see,"
She just wanted her life to have meaning
I guess she didn't realize
That she could do that herself
maybe I wasn't born with a specific purpose but that doesn't mean I can't create one
Mar 2016 · 600
Jenni Mar 2016
I stopped writing for a while

before that I stopped drawing
before that I stopped making videos
before that I stopped crocheting
before that I stopped reading
before that I stopped something else

I'm left to wonder
if I keep stopping
when will I run out of things to stop

I stopped leaving my bed if I can help it
and I stopped caring too much about it

I stopped writing for a while
but I'm trying to start again
it's been a while since I've had a start
maybe just starting is the hardest part
Jan 2016 · 363
Jenni Jan 2016
striking flames with my fingertips
to burn way the pain
smoke or incense
what’s the difference
cloudy eyes
silver haze
stumbling in a drunken daze
this hallway stretches on for days
i lost my car keys
in the lounge
i’m prone to making mistakes
this feeling’s fake
i need to run
need to run
to run
second to none
this moment’s done
before it begins
will the rain wash away
my sins
extinguish my fire
i was always a liar
nothing is fine
Dec 2015 · 301
seemed like the real thing
Jenni Dec 2015
empty and glass
cold and fragile
it doesn't beat like it should
but sometimes it catches the light nicely
as long as it's beautiful
never mind that it doesn't work
hook me up to a monitor
and you'll hear nothing
but press your ear to my chest
and you might just hear the ocean
Dec 2015 · 253
I let go
Jenni Dec 2015
You always come back into my life
When I'm the most ready to shut you out.
Dec 2015 · 279
Over It
Jenni Dec 2015
In a melatonin haze
Aided by half a bottle of champagne
I saw something
I never wanted to see
But now it seems
My strings have been cut
-It hurt-
-At first-
But I guess it had to be
For me to really be free

Maybe I can finally say
I'm over it
Dec 2015 · 306
Jenni Dec 2015
My invisibility
Seems to be conditional
But I don't set the terms
Nov 2015 · 330
Jenni Nov 2015
The freckles across your pale skin
Are like a negative image
Of constellations in the night sky

I never thought about
Becoming an astronaut
Until I met you
Nov 2015 · 525
do or die
Jenni Nov 2015
I'm picking the skin
Off my fingertips
And pretending
That my heart doesn't ache
And when the sun rises
I'll open my eyes
And take a breath
That I don't want to take
I've made some mistakes
And maybe the worst
Was believing
There's such a thing as fate
Because maybe I stopped trying
And maybe that's
When I started dying
We have to fight for our dreams
But to me it seems
That maybe I spend too much time
Too much time
Too much time
Into the idea
That you can coexist with fear
Because if I stay here
I swear there will be no point
In living
This fight is imminent
I'm shedding my ignorance
Because it's what I need to survive
It's do or die
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
ivy is eternal
Jenni Nov 2015
I just want to feel beautiful words
Drop them from your lips
Slick, and slimy
And sugar-sweet
Let me hold them
Close to my ribcage
And burn their characters
Into my skin
The pain is nothing
Compared to the emptiness
I feel when they're gone
I'll line my brain
With artfully worded lies
And plaster the walls
Of my subconscious
With pleasant portraits
Of a time and place
That never existed
Feed me beautiful words
Like candy coated arsenic
And let me feel something
Whisper sweet nothings in my ear
Like the empty promise of a faded tombstone
Gone, but never forgotten
Lay me to rest on a bed of wilted roses
And bury me in soil
Polluted by the labors of man
When the worms finally come
I will not permit them to lie
Inspired partially by the song Beautiful Words by Oscar and partially by a visit to an old Dutch cemetery.
Oct 2015 · 686
Champions of Red Wine*
Jenni Oct 2015
If I could suspend my tears
In the darkness
Like stars
Maybe I could make something
Out of something so ugly

I'm fragile and broken
My shards decorate the floor
Multifaceted hues
Of a person
Who never learned how to cope

I am the chill in the air at night
And I am the uneven breaths
Painted in wisps across the darkness

And I am the broken bottles
From too many bitter drinks
Strewn on the pavement
Catching the light
But never my breath
*Champions of Red Wine is a song by The New Pornographers and it's beautiful and makes me feel like lights and night time and space and also makes me cry.
Oct 2015 · 232
Jenni Oct 2015
I think it's getting bad again

I just want it to end
Oct 2015 · 346
Washed Out
Jenni Oct 2015
How many times
Have we likened the rain
To a Baptism?

I don't have an answer
But last time it rained
I stood outside
And let the drops slide down my face
Until my makeup ran
But I don't feel cleansed

Maybe the rain knows that I'm not Christian
Oct 2015 · 556
Jenni Oct 2015
When the going got tough
They said
"Go west"

Maybe I'm just
Another victim
Of the American Dream

When I spend my days
Of the shores of

Running from
The Atlantic

New Jersey has nothing for me
This I believe
Oct 2015 · 374
Jenni Oct 2015
my life is spent in toil


a mask

it looks much like my own face
but when i glimpse it in the mirror
i see a stranger

at night when i should be sleeping
i am at work
molding it
adding layers of paper mâché
and slathering it
in the sordid tones
of concrete
and plastic
and smoke

befitting of a world
created in brimstone
and gasoline fires

it is grey
it is sullen
and it is nearly perfect

this is the face that people see
who i'm expected to be
but it is not the real me
Oct 2015 · 282
a success story
Jenni Oct 2015
I woke up sad today.
It was one of those mornings that just begs you to pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep.
But I didn't do that.
I forced myself into a vaguely vertical position.
I managed to not fall while going down the stairs.
I cringed as I walked barefoot across the cool kitchen floor.
And I drank a protein shake that tasted like fake chocolate and coffee.
I took some vitamins.
I hugged my arms close to me because it was chilly and I was wearing a t shirt.
I went back upstairs to get dressed.
I glanced sideways at my bed from across the room.
But I didn't get back into it.
I put on my most comfortable jeans and a sweater that makes me feel safe.
I put on a pair of boots.
I removed my cat from my bed so that I could close my bedroom door.
And I did not get back into bed.
Oct 2015 · 232
Jenni Oct 2015
You've got girlfriend
That's okay
I'm too wrapped up in my own world
Sep 2015 · 346
Jenni Sep 2015
There are things crawling inside my brain
And they have claws
I can feel them
With their nails
And with their teeth
-Always pain-
I feel them crawling around
And all I want to do
Is tear at my skull
And get them out
I try
I try so hard
But never succeed
There are things crawling inside my brain
And I think they're driving me insane
Sep 2015 · 1.8k
Jenni Sep 2015
If I get in the car
If I start driving
There's a distinct possibility
That I'll never stop

The urge to flee
Is haunting me
Fight or Flight?

I'm getting tired of fighting
Scratching, clawing, biting
Cause when I'm fighting myself
It doesn't ever help

Nothing helps
Nothing helps
Nothing helps
Sep 2015 · 337
I'm trying, really
Jenni Sep 2015
I self medicate by listening to old punk music
Maybe a little too loud
And throwing myself into my schoolwork
To feel some sense of accomplishment
By buying too many lipsticks
In the approximate same dark purple shade
And living inside of fantasy novels
And sometimes I self medicate
By hiding the empty bottles behind my bed
So I don't have to look at them
Because I know they didn't make anything better
Sep 2015 · 319
Just Movement
Jenni Sep 2015
I only feel alive
When I'm driving away from here.
How many miles
Can I cover in one night?
Probably not enough.
Maybe I'll drive until I hit water.
Maybe I won't stop.
I have this recurring nightmare
Of driving into the ocean.
It's not hard to figure out.
The ocean is the best analogy
For the unknown
That could probably exist.
It used to terrify me.
Everything that I know is here,
And I don't care for it much.
Maybe I should take my chances
With the ocean.
Jenni Sep 2015
I feel so heavy.
Like an anchor tossed to sea.
No. Actually. Not quite.
An anchor knows its purpose.
If there's lead in my chest
It's there on accident.
Poisoning my bloodstream
The ocean
As I sink to an unknown destination.
Sep 2015 · 329
Jenni Sep 2015
On all sides
Pushing in on me
Smothering me
Choking me
And then it's inside me
Pushing out
And maybe I'm just caught
In the crossfire of something bigger
Getting smashed
Between two opposing forces
It doesn't even matter that much
I just need to breathe
And I can't get the air
Sep 2015 · 306
Jenni Sep 2015
Everything feels like it's crashing.
The director, thinking himself clever,
Has slowed down time
To show every detail of the impact.
I'm stuck,
In the same moment of disaster,
For an eternity.
Someone fire him please.
He's not that clever.
And I want my life back.
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