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When we were young
We believed our parents
Could never be wrong
We wanted to be just like them
Because they were perfect

Then we grew up a little
And we changed our mentality
Parents don't know anything
They don't know what I'm going through
They can't possibly understand

And we'll grow up some more
We'll be away from our parents
Shaping our own lives
And we'll realize
Maybe they do know something after all

People come and go
Friends lovers enemies
People change and disappear
But parents never cease
To love you

That boy who says
He could marry you
Isn't worth it
If he can't accept your family

That girl who says
She will always love you
Never can
If she doesn't love your family
If you hate my parents because they don't like you, I don't have time for you in my life.
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
She was 17
He was 19
She kept to herself, head always buried in a book
He broke hearts and caused trouble
They met at a train station
She was sitting on the bench, clenching a book
He was leaning up against the brick wall
eyes on his watch
waiting for the train
so he could meet his dealer
The roar of the train echoed in their ears
She got up
Her brown hair blowing back in the wind
He saw her from the corner of his eye
She began to walk towards the train
book still in hand
sun shining through the white lace of her flowing skirt
His eyes stared her up and down now

She begins to run
her light black sandals picking up pace
not even realizing it,
He begins to run too
heart beat rising in his throat
It was as if an angel had slowed down the train
or time itself
She feels the warmth of his arms around her
the trains engine screams at her
He pulls her back, holding her close
they collapse on the platform
watching the train fly past on the tracks
tears fall from her eyes
sparkling like tiny diamonds
He calms her down, brushing the hair out of her face
softly saying in her ear
"shh. you're okay. you're okay."
People talked frantically
dozens of eyes on them
The book she was reading only a feet away
She stops crying for a second
and looks into his blue eyes
He looks back into her light brown eyes
"Why did you save me? Why didn't you just let me go?"
Red and blue lights flash in the background
He feels a warm sensation in his heart
"You wouldn't have known who you would have fallen in love with
and I wouldn't have gotten the chance to buy you coffee"

That, my darlings
is how my Grandmother and Grandfather met
and still together till this day.

love is timeless
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
Have you ever
Been so sad
That your heart
Just stopped sinking
Stopped drowning in depression
And just
I have
I am broken
But I am
Picking up
The pieces
What does not
**** you
Makes you stronger
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
Mika Long
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
Mika Long
Life's a challenge,
It can be smooth as a stone,
or rough as the waves crashing onto the shore..,
you think you're breaking down like an earthquake,
but you're making yourself stronger, building up like a tower,
so that one day, a little crash of waves won't make you fall down,
you'll shine bright, abover the rest like a huge, shining skyscraper.
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
Mika Long
Where did you go?
Why did you leave?
It’s too hard without you.
I’m just struggling to breath.
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
you wish me to be
free from my demons
and calm like the sea
how angered I am
that you can't see
I'm lost in the ocean
with nothing but monsters inside of me ;
      and I wish you would realize
      awareness is key.
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