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 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
I keep putting myself into a smaller box,
And then complain that I feel claustrophobic.
And I make the walls thicker,
And I make them sound proof,
And I make the doors increasingly harder to open.
And then I complain.
Because I put myself in a room with pictures,
But no windows.
I do it so that I can't see the present,
And I can't see the future coming.
All I can see is the past.
All I can see are pictures of my old boxes,
The bigger boxes.
Boxes that I could get out of.
I'm in one without a door right now.
I'm going to stay here for a very long time.
I heard a cry in the night,
A thousand miles it came,
Sharp as a flash of light,
My name, my name!

It was your voice I heard,
You waked and loved me so—
I send you back this word,
I know, I know!
The rain falls against the window
Sounding like the soft pitter-patter of a child's feet
Lightning flashes
Like the sky is taking a picture
Thunder booms
Like the mighty king of the sky
I lay in my bedroom
Staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling
I listen to the storm play through its symphony
And carry me off to slumber
Your skin is stained with scars of your own doing.
Your makeup runs down your flushed cheeks.
You've tried to escape from this world full of pain.
But each time, you've been saved.
By someone who wants you to stay.
Someone who loves you.
There's someone watching over you, someone I don't believe in.
Telling you that you need to carry on.
So stay strong and keep marching.
And I will be here to catch you, when you trip and fall.
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
Ein L Wells
I am well grounded
My roots digging deep into wisdom
Perpetuating an inner strength
That can withstand any storm
My virtues out stretch like branches
Baring sweet nourishing fruit
Setting troubled minds at peace
Within the first bits

Come to me when
The sun scotches your calm
Find comfort in the shade of love
Let natures healing breath
Move you like the leaves
Once wrestling, now dancing in joy
Exhale the tension of insignificant conflictions
So that your transformation
might bring change to the world
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
you smell like rain*
i blush.
i have left my raincoat.

and you like tar*
a cigarette always within reach.
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
Because of you
Sleep eludes me
My soaring heart
And roaring mind
Will not.
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