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My greatest dream
And my worst nightmare is the same person
My last thoughts will be him
My last words, his name
Always on my lips
I whisper it
I scream it
Knowing once he answers
My world will be whole again
And  everything will be okay.
I hold on to his name like an amulet
But what if he doesnt answer me anymore ?
A bit of death,
a bit of life,
a little bit of loneliness can invite it into your life.
When in boredom and in doubt I take the glass and heat the spout.
I inhale and then in me I am one,
but without the red dragon being a part of me,
I am uncontrolably spun.
It races, it slithers through my veins,
causes a riot in my heart and my veins,
I have became the beast.
I have chased the Red Dragon.
I roll up your sleeve
And see your heart
Burned into your skin

You roll up mine
And see the scars
Left from year's past

We smile at each other
And kiss the other's flaws
Loving what makes us different
I know my writing makes me sound sad
Maybe even suicidal
But this is how I hold myself together
This is how I stop doing something bad
I'm sorry if this makes you upset
Or if it makes you hate me
I just don't know how to write happy things anymore
I'll stop if you want me to
I'm so sorry
 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
I say these
I write them
In my
Is it
Really me?
Am I angry?
Or sad?
Or even happy?
Am I
As smart as I think?
Am I intelligent
In the least?
Am I a good person?
Am I
Of these things?
It all seems so
 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
It only
Ten words
To  tell you
Heavy heart
Big smile
Sinking deeper
Into darkness
Behind happiness
Just when you assume you on your guard,
he will turn your guard into a problem,
that has no solution.
But trust God...
Just when you think you have reached your break-through point,
he will come and close doors for you.
But just trust God..

He will assure you credibility,
but when it is highly demanded,
that's when he drops you in a pit of hell like the devil himself.
Society will betray you..
But just trust God..

Society desires your weakness,not your strengths.
He endures your loss in a form of
relationship,property and integrity.
Society is cruel..

he wants to see you eating from the bin,
he wants to see you you begging in the streets

But don't despair..God is watching you and all will be well
if you stand firm in your faith.

**Just trust in God
The smile on her face
Has been replaced with a frown
The cheeriness in her eyes
Has been replaced with emptiness
The laughter in her voice
Has been filled with sorrow
The blush on her cheeks
Has been stained with tears
The old scars on her skin
Have been renewed with a blade
The recovery she was so proud of
Has been taken away
Her eyes looked tired
And they were red and swollen
Like she had been crying for too long

Her clothes looked baggy
And her sleeves were long
Like she was trying to hide something

Her face showed sorrow
And there were purple bags under her eyes
Like she hasn't slept well in a while

Her mouth formed a frown
And her lips looked dry and chapped
Like she hasn't smiled in a long time

Her deep brown irises looked bright
And her clothes didn't hide her scars
And her beautiful smile had returned
Like none of those bad things had ever happened
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