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 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
I didn't visit
You today
They told me
What happened
When they came home
You left us
It was your time
I know that you passed
But I just don't
Believe it
I don't
Something won't click
I don't believe you are gone
I know it in my mind
But deep down I don't believe it
I can't
I can't believe
I can't cry
I can't miss you
Because I don't believe
Because I can't believe
I need to see it
With my own eyes
So that I can miss you
So that I can cry
So that I can believe
Both that you are gone
And that you are no longer hurting
I love you
I love so much
But I don't miss you
Because I don't believe you're gone
 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
So much
 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
My birthday.
It's in three
On that day
My siblings
Are busy
Busy with sports
All day
All freaking
On that day
My parents
Are going
To a funeral
A freaking funeral
Get to stay home
Happy birthday to me
Happy freaking birthday.
 Jul 2013 Jenna Dixon
I'm not sad
I'm not angry
I'm definitely
Not happy
I'm just
My uncle left
My grandmother
Now my cousin
His daughter
Left as well
They all
Left sadness
And heartbreak
But I'm not sad
I'm just here
I just want to say
I would give you rivers and seas,
if only I could
encompass the tidal pulls
to bring them straight
to your bedroom window.

I found you lingered
in each drag of my
ever growing
cigarette addiction,
but addiction means trapped,
and I like to think of myself
as unchained.

Deep cuts on my forearm,
from falling off barbed wire
trying to reach you.
My friends will swat my hands,
when I reach for the scabs
I have a awful habit
of re-opening wounds.

And mornings are better,
when awoken with light kisses,
but they make nights alone
much worse
Because I long for your heavy breathing,
and your soft skin
to lull me to sleep.

I walked on ice so thick,
for so long,
your easy waves
and astounding depths,
caught me off guard
sometimes I forget how to use words,
because we talk so much
without them.
Blood staining your baby blanket
Your childhood washed down the drain
Tears streaking your flushed cheeks
You now hide in the dark
That you were afraid of not so long ago
You sit alone
Scared of what you've become
Your innocence gone
Along with your sanity
All of it is lost
Unable to be found
Just like you
I've been dreading this day for quite sometime
The day you finally push me away
Leave me behind to rot
You didn't deserve what you got
Possibly a sharp slap to the face
It's all my fault
And I couldn't be more sorry
Now I'm lost and wandering
Because I don't know what to do without you
You must have forgotten that you are my everything
That you're the reason I'm still alive
But now you're gone
And you're probably going to forget what we had
You just kicked me out of your life
Just like everyone will do eventually
Don't worry
I'll get used to it
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
The one flown too close to the sun
I watch the water on my wings crystalize
In the cold I am alone
Between the sea spray and the sun I am alone
Watching the suns ray's dance among the rainclouds
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
I feel
 Jun 2013 Jenna Dixon
I feel like being a **** today
There's nobody who can stop me
I feel like being a ****  today
You may not want to talk to me
I felt like writing this for a chuckle or two.
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