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How ironic that silica imprisons silica for all time
An hour glass is made from the very sand it holds captive
Laid here counting roof tiles...

two at a time

my eyes heavy
but my lids in denial
of sleep

she whispers in my ear

are you awake
then adds
with a grin

WHY NOT abandon one basic need
for another
why not rest
upon anothers flesh
soft and warm
scented with the promise
of dreams
insomnia so cruely denies

Pillow pressed beneath her back
giving support
so sorely needed
amid the punctuated night time prayers

God called upon in blasphemous tongues
praised and cussed
in unison of mouths wet and open

Sheets that offer no warmth soon cast off
replaced by heat of breath
and perspiration sweet and salty
to the lips
nails find no fault inscribing thank yous
in reddened ink

Falling back exhausted yet wide awake
as by my side
cuddled in she sleeps

and I close my eyes and think myself blessed
for every night the first
for we two
have yet to sleep
She rammed her fist in hard
between willingly
opened legs

stretching the soft
white flesh
with moist nimble fingers

her husband watched
wide eyed
lips wet
as her breast glistened
from the oil
rubbed gently into the
soft skin

Sharing a smile of heated anticipation
they placed the turkey
in the oven

and began preparing the vegetables
I've told you before I don't write ***** poems snigger
 Nov 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
Anon C
Here I sit, alone in the dark
writing again, unable to stop
while you are out dancing in lust
still not healed from your prior affliction
and this is why I am glad
I am the one who sits alone
in the dark
spilling my soul
Dedicated to someone whom I love but never learn their **** lesson. Promiscuity is a demon.....
Two sparrows descended upon
food left atop a picnic table--
bread crumbs and
chicken wing bones
not picked bare yet.

And the birds ate the birds
with zeal and their familiar,
innocent sweetness
and I wondered if they knew
they were cannibals.

And if they knew,
I wondered
if they would care.
 Nov 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
Anon C
Feeling the need to reach into my darkness
Too much contentment, my fear surfaces
So for the moment I dedicate this to you, friend
Shadows dancing in obscurity
For whatever reason
I am feeling rather translucent
At this moment
So I will dwell upon this thought
Ask myself
Why do I fight it, hopefulness I mean
It has to be a disease, with no cure
Or just that I am so broken
that I feel the need to abuse my mind
Surely I have endured enough
So why am I corrupting myself
Creating false entities
What in the world is wrong in my soul
Is there an antidote?
To clarify 'friend' is my dark thoughts. That friend who is not a friend at all, so why the hell are they there?
Sadness is a razor
Uncertanty marks my arms
Dissapointment carved my thighs
But the crimson is so beautiful
When all you want is to die

My arms cry for a breakup
My legs for being unwanted
New skin where the old used to be
Your body is now haunted

But the scars have a certain beauty
Be it from razor, needle, or knife
They show that you were strong enough
To not give up on life
touching lips
tracing blue veins bulging
in elastic skin
absorbing the texture, the mixture
of delicacy and sin

caramel waves cascade
and invade
brows and lashes curling
through my fingers
they  l i n g e r
on cheeks
on weeks
of sideburns and stubble

white steel
stronger than stone
big and square, like mine
though they bite hard sometimes

lacking pad or pencil
or stencil
my hands can replicate
the contours of your jawbone

it is to your outline
my palms are aligned
this was mostly written about seven years ago and now contains a moderate amount of present day tweakage. this is my first post on hellopoetry - so please be kind [and honest]
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