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 May 2014 JenChi
Michelle Morine
Catching the rain
with your love

I'll meet you in a song
I'm ready for your rain

These pages torn
from my heart
I give to you
to write love

I'll meet you in a song
with these pages
you've written something new
 May 2014 JenChi
The Exception
 May 2014 JenChi
Let me start by saying
I don't believe in love
But please let me explain
that it's just a rule of thumb

I say I hate the world
as I have a fear of rejection
I'm slightly socially awkward
especially when showing affection

However, beneath the surface
is another side to me
which i hide away from the world
for only a few to see:

I act like I'm the best
because I feel like I'm the worst
I shake my fringe and lower my head
when I'm uncomfortable or hurt

I have a tendency to overthink
and I get jealous easily
and I find it hard admit
as I'm afraid of people seeing all of me

I don't like to tell people these things
as it makes me feel vulnerable
just like I'll only sing to you
when I am feeling comfortable

I know you know I say 'shut up'
when what I really mean is 'yes'
there's a reason I'm telling you all these thing
that I probably should confess

I wanted to let you know me
but I was unsure how to do it
so I had to write a poem
or I'd be too awkward to get through it

So I have to tell you in a poem
how I really feel
before I change my mind
and the truth is never revealed

I say I'm really good with words
when actually, I'm just average
I'll say one thing but you'll know I mean another
if you watch my body language

I say that i don't give a ****
and that is sometimes true
but you can tell I'm lying
if I can't look at you

I've said I don't believe in love
yet I believe in fate
and I guess I like you quite a bit
so I'll tell it to you straight

i don't like expressing emotions
so forgive me if I'm blunt
but listen close to this
because I'll only say it once


I like the way you sing to me
though sometimes out of tune
I like the way when we lie down
you let me be the little spoon

I like how we don't have to talk
when we lay side by side
I love it when you tell me
that you miss me late at night

I hate your slow replies
but that's only because I'm needy
I like how we think we're really cute
when others think we're cheesy

I like the way you're patient
and how you hold my hand
i like the way you're respectful
and the way you understand

I like how we feel comfortable
when we're around each other
but i have to admit you're super annoying
when you steal all the covers

Your eyes, I've noticed, do this thing
where they go really soft
and i don't know if you knew
but you do it quite a lot

I like the way that sometimes
in your kitchen we'll slow dance
And normally I'm quite wary
but with you I took a chance

i hate the way you outsmart me
and how you're often right
I hate the way you cross my mind
every single night

I laugh at the face you make
when my hair falls in the way
I find it funny how we insult each other
at least five times a day

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
is what we both live by
but I know I won't feel worthy of you
however hard I may try

I've said I don't believe in love
as it's a common misconception
but maybe I'm starting to think
that every rule has an exception
 May 2014 JenChi
Antony Glaser
we hear the dancing men giggle,
**** cloth comedians
two Tarzans twittering
like nightingales singing in berkley square
their female wrestling partners
as bereft as any whale
longing for ruby rings
to signpost the hell out of there.
 Mar 2014 JenChi
 Mar 2014 JenChi
Late at night is when I think
And try to I clear my head
I often stay awake all night
Just laying in my bed

As soon as I get comfy
Thoughts start racing in
I start to question everything
and regret my every sin

At first the thoughts are gentle
Like what will I do tomorrow
But as time crawls by; they escalate
Till I'm drowning in my sorrow

I think of all my failures
Every detail of what I did wrong
After hours of reliving pain
I convince myself I don't belong

I suddenly feel isolated
and like the silence will never end
I feel like I will never escape
There's too much I just can't mend

I feel overpowered and worthless
Like I'll never do anything right
I hide till the world fades away
And I'm awoken by the light

I realize a new day has come
It's time to put on a brave face
I put those negative thoughts away
Until I return to this place
 Jan 2014 JenChi
I've been in love many times,
And if there's one thing I know, it's my heart.
(Some days I think that's the only thing I'm sure of.)
I know my heart.
And I know I seem to believe in things that stand little chance
And I know you don't want to see me hurting
And I know I have heard the same tired ******* warning
From everyone who loves me
But listen here,
I also know my heart.
And I'm telling you that it doesn't work any other way.
I'm telling you, dear, that if it wasn't you when we met
It won't ever be.
I'm telling you that it's not an option for me to just
Change my mind
And love somebody new just cause it's hard sometimes to be what I am.
You look at me like you're ready to see me crash and burn but
What you don't know, darling, is that I've done all that.
I've been there, where you think I'm off to,
And if I trip my way back to hell, I will claw my way out again.
You say you know the feeling
That you've learned, like you've been cured.
I think you quit.
You say you're like me
But I think you only
Used to be.
You wanna protect yourself, hold back, shut down?
That might work for you
But that's not how I work.
I don't care how many times you look at me loving her
Like you'd look at a train derailing,
I see it in your face, but
You don't know.
I've crashed and burned and suffered, and I'm back, and I will always
And I know you'd rather I pick someone close, someone sure,
Maybe you.
It could be easy, it could be safe, it could be- No it couldn't.
It's not you.
And you better ask yourself before you push too hard-
Why would I ever take this kind of chance again
If I didn't know it was worth it?
I know my heart.
I know myself.
I know
I don't just turn things off.
I love someone? I'm in it for the long run.
And if it's you, it's you all the way.
And if it's not,
Nothing in the world can change that,
Even if I try my hardest.
You can tell me all day how it won't ever work out,
You can give me reasons to doubt and give up,
You can offer to be my Girl Friday and I might even accept,
One thing I know about myself is this:
You're not gonna get my heart
Unless it rips itself out of my chest and follows you home.

— The End —