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Nov 2016 · 321
Too much like zen
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2016
God won't save you because of the frequency spent on your knees; but for the frequency sent on your knees.
Sep 2016 · 359
A folk song
Jeffrey Stelling Sep 2016
They say that god created everything the earth the birds the trees the seas the skyyyy-hiiigghh
But no one will admit he also put, what you call sinful in your miiind ohwhoa

What is heaven? What is hell? And who the hell cares if alls well?
But for those who fear the end
And pray for some god send well
Ohhhhhhhhh-whhhoooaaaaa well

Now debris it covers everything, all the buildings burned down to the grooouuund
Flooding waters or scoring droughts you can't even hear the suffering all arooouuuuund

Could be heaven could be hell
always throw the thoughts out of my braaaaiiiinnn
Because neither pleasure nor pain time just, keeps on running down the draaaaaiiiiiiinnnn.
We're all the same.
Maybe one day we'll use our ******* brains.
Mar 2016 · 410
"A Cry for War"
Jeffrey Stelling Mar 2016
"Get on the ground!"
"GET ON the ground!!"
E­ight seconds between the first verbal command and the ninth bullet's firing. You don't know blue like We do.
You find an illegible manuscript in the rain gutters of an old European city, all that remains is the post script...
Police State, NY, USA
P.S. They'll come for your freedom before they come for your life. Practice Mindfulness patiently and persistently, ardently, and with perfect equanimity.
Sincerely yours, an old war buddy
Jan 2016 · 792
"A Bipolar Revue"
Jeffrey Stelling Jan 2016
-"Why do you breathe out?"

~"Because I breathe in."

-"Why do you breathe in?"

~"Because I breathe out."

-"How did this begin? I mean, how did it come about?"

~"I'm not exactly sure, though I swear I heard a shout."

-"Well, who was yelling to you?"

~"I don't know...but I cried."

-"And at your beginning, why cry, why not sing?"

~"Well because, my good friend, we start to die when we begin."

-"Pfffft, well if that's the way you see it then fine. We'll let it be-"

~"Oh no, dearest companion, you've asked the questions, the truth you will see. How truly there is no real Me or real You. How the mind has disguised what is one as something two. Two sides of the brain means two processors at work. I mean I should know I've been running them since birth. My experience cleaved so I may be able to comprehend something vague called reality? All that is real teases me, it flitters around my head and vanishes into nowhere, a land beyond Time,  beyond the dead. And so that's what I mean between breathing and not. Because the space between breaths is where the Truth will be taught."

-"...well...okay...hmm, um, check please!"
Dec 2015 · 504
"For want of..."
Jeffrey Stelling Dec 2015
Writing with a hexed pen
Bewilderment, ink-blot, psychotic again
And once again,
One more time for good measure.
"It seems you've discovered a shipwreck,
won't be long until you find the treasure."
Buried deep within the ruins even air cannot penetrate
So however soon you dredge it up,
You've come just a moment too late.
Crash upon the surface empty handed
quite irate,
After all you were relying on that fortune to fill a plate
So now your belly's aching, rumbling, quaking
As the Earth before demolishing Man's crude play-things
The sound of ten-thousand mortars
simultaneously striking the sand.
Quick, lend a hand, or head, or ears.
There's nothing to fear here.
The company is pleasant.
As long as we stay below ground
with the dust-bunny symphony
Field mice play the pianette
Dare I neglect the cat faced composer?
Whose whiskers entrance, enticing stupor.
In the game of life there are only losers.
God gives to take, he laughs when you complain,
For he is the deliverer of Love and of Pain.
Dec 2015 · 302
Jeffrey Stelling Dec 2015
Know that one fractal of mine previous bind,
the pact of where free will lies
Tied between minds, hanging by a silver thread,
And severed in a moment of existential dread.
To have to watch it all would  be too great a burden for the human head.
To carry, so Mother groomed us clever
From faerie-dust tender care created a lever
In knowledge of Self-drenched to the core
Oh boy life can sure be a snore.
When all of your intents just lead to "I'm bored"
Go on now, with the leader of the fleet
he has ironed his pleats
Released his loved, his prized
The great farce, a fantasy of divide
Off to go catch the madman in his one last
That retrieve is past.
The last installment, thanks for reading.
Jeffrey Stelling Dec 2015
Some walk on their hands by some
cruel gesture of idealistic Faith
As long as the mind is numb, the Soul is all alone.
Feel the chill of a November evening
Neglecting the Life-giving day.
Act as if each of these things can be
merely thrown away.
For all that come or choose or may.
As for the Individual, who try and try as he may
to swear that at the end of this
One Long Day
That they know to be home
They didn't know they were creating most
if not all, of Love, of Fear, and hope.
Dismay or reasons to hooray.
Terra-cotta attachments
"Let all Rise and Fall"
by the end of your most
manic, monkey-minded day
You wish to say Nay
To cast your flashy wristwatches off
the concrete roof, in ballot to eternity,
While our souls collide, aloof.
Limitless, understanding, Time.
Just one more!
Dec 2015 · 340
Jeffrey Stelling Dec 2015
We may share a halo in the dark
With you- moment to minute
Thirty-three percent of this decision is up to thee.
Thirty-three for the one they've been calling a He.
Thirty-three reserved to the necessary joined loyalty
to call "this", "we"
And one to old King Zeus, high
Eyes piercing, black as the dead of night
On the mountain top upon which the Great He resides.
Drinking from elysium fountains while
Most others feel a drought burn
in their throats,
They all hold the sorry and sordid note
of a particularly self-pitying semitone.
Vibrating desert air, the harmonic below
While the miser, glutton, clutchingly laughs
"Oh dear boy! What a wondrous show!"
And chucks copper colored coins in our general direction
Considering yourself lucky if "Your Man"
Wins an election.

I demand insurrection.
Don't let them leave you scared, second-guessing
Where the rest of the so-bless-ed water went.
Or why we hadn't started cleaning the ocean
with a garbage net.
Ten ****** Seconds earlier, left with
What life will swiftly be, left behind.
Some will be left, just to rhyme.
I scrapped the original ending to this, so enjoy that plug until I think of something better. 2 more Thanks!
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
"Please bookmark the important parts"
"Avoid impermanent pain for impermanent pleasure"
Obviously a detriment.
So go force-feed the children radioactive
seeds and chemical regiments.
Only to act surprised ending with substance dependence.
Not fostering the Soul
Always expressionlessness
"Don't tilt your chin so **** much like this"
Remain Static.
Until on an intimate date between Destiny Lane and Memory Way

I swear there is a way to maintain
an adoration for all souls in all forms.
Admirable Admirals in uniform
to the smallest worm
on the biggest farm
there is.

You're not born here from a matter of constant coincidences
The Incident occurred from either
Two young lover's pleasure experiment or
You were an accident.
Sometimes, for me, these things are hard to admit.
Trying to find, words to define; senselessness
An eerie uneasiness builds in his chest
Like the Father's First caress
of a heavenly mess that began brewing under a moment of carnal duress.

"Tie an Angel's ******* knot? Give her a kiss!"
Second installment, the rest aren't finished yet, thanks again.
Nov 2015 · 504
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
First breath, undressed
first dismantled-resold for parts
Critique will carry you off in a cart if you're not careful.
Because in this mean - getting meaner - world we're living in
At least thirty percent "believe" in "original sin"
An inexcusable chip of guilt predetermined.
That's twenty-five to eternity and back again.

I heard her back crack again as she rolled over.
Getting older
Imagining bolder than cross-country renegades
Left us digging ditches without a *****.
Less bounty than all of Suffolk County could prescribe
Matter of fact, may as well chew cyanide
Than choosing you want to leave this Messy Life alive.

Because you can't. No one does,
Not even those filled with holiest Love
Personally hand-delivered by idyllic "god" above.
When you learn below, you'll feel the flight of the morning dove.

The Path doesn't split with the cresting tide like the sunbeams.
or how water and sky divide
Have you ever seen a cloud go hide to die?
We ask and beg, demand the lights in the sky
To explain. Were we crafted from stitched animal parts?
Or grown from Angel Dust?
This one is going to come out in 5 installments, thanks for reading, bear with me.
Nov 2015 · 341
Not exactly a poem
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
I understand well, that You were the gatekeeper of my Soul's prison. That lackluster fate it held prior to our engagement. You've released unto me the holy awareness that there were world's beneath the surface of what we believe to understand. Though you shared with me this key piece of esoteric wisdom, it seemed not so long after that you yourself had forgotten.
It is such a shame, believing yourself to be too fragile to take that ever-so-important leap of faith into the truer meaning of every single breath, and because you refuse to accept me at my word, there is a net waiting below. In order of relief of these Earthly fascinations.

If only I could prove it to you, I search and scour for a method to show the intangible, which is so easily discarded with a witty remark, a turn of the cheek, a wisp of the hair.
A brief little giggle, nonchalant enough, but which rings in my head for days, long after having last witnessed your face.

You offered me meaning, purpose, and passion. Now I live, if only, for Love. I fear I may never truly have yours, but you were there when I needed you, now I suppose I can return the favor.
An undelivered letter
Nov 2015 · 353
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
A single white rose proposed as a question
Never receiving a reply, though needless to mention, in fact
Perhaps the response of her cheeks flushed,
with a dazzling toothy grin was enough,
For me, with open arms, to incline a proposed sin
In what once was a Precious Garden.
Allow me to retrace my inquisitive exposition,
Attempting to tip-toe a clog in my throat, a schism,
Sticky, Syrupy, Bittersweet
Staring off into the night sky darkness with wind whipping across the wharf
Back and Forth and Back and Forth
To try to speak, to introduce in too close quarters
Having already begun lucidly dissolving borders
Her hand brushes my shoulder, as we turn to stone.
Nov 2015 · 455
"Sorry Words Sordid Slurs"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
All I see for miles is the pseudo-realistic
flashing lights and sounds of corporate interests,
Surrounding my soul. All around now, inward or outward bound?
I consult inside my mind as the sounds rebound, thought resounds.
All Over and over again.
When will this silly game of repetitively digging holes for Fame end?
Will Love answer these questions? Or am I doomed to this cycle
Of Ask, never learn, and pretend, to then, then back again?
Sorry words and sordid slurs I hate regurgitating
this useless knowledge I've collected.
Taking up space in The limitless mind.
Leaving dents in my teeth, leaving smears on masterpiece's perfection.
Moaning, groaning, "When Lord will I learn the Lesson?"
Nov 2015 · 792
"In a dream I was"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
In a dream I was a soldier
Rolling dice in the shadow of Christ
My head twisted, contorted, out of control
Away from my game to meet His Holy eyes
A heroic gaze staring purposefully into mine
He spoke with no words and thus unto me delivered
An enchanting message, One sent my spine to shiver.
'Twas of no average man, the soul with which I spoke
And as I understood him, I heard his corpse choke
up a gasp that sent the blood fleeing from my face,
And upon his magical message my soul seemed to shake.
"Of that you have done unto the least of thine brethren,
Thou hast done unto thee, thy lord, in heaven."
Nov 2015 · 282
"cigarette lips"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
No matter circumstance. Circumstance doesn't create your reality. Your mind does. Circumstance is not the boss of you. You can refute circumstance.
Nov 2015 · 324
"We made Love"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
We made Love with our eyes from across
The Golden Room in the sky.
And when she sat across from me I could
Feel Both Hearts heavy beat.
She managed to brush my leg, with tapping feet.
A blush Rose in her face as she herself introduced
Unto me, My Heart began to race and I said
"You're made of something that I've held before."
And now, well of course,
Here we are; Once More.
Nov 2015 · 428
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
Perhaps the noisy aeroplane
Disrupting Meditation
Is the sign, Divine
You have been searching for.
Nov 2015 · 747
“Balance Beam"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
Well there’s no easy way out
And there’s no way out alive.
So What’s the point in living,
If you’re just living to die?

I used to have a reason,
A reason just to be.
A perfect girl, in an awful world.
A girl that was just like me.

I don’t know why it’s difficult,
just to get some sleep.
Probably because scornful words
stay stuck between my teeth.

And as I fill, with tempered swill,
These measured beats of rhyme,
I dream of something simpler to ****,
Than the Ticking Clocks of Time.
I'm tight this one is my most popular and my very least favorite hahaha
Nov 2015 · 375
“The Storm"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
Lofty scribbles of madness enchanted
On long trips to nowhere, leave me
Helpless, without care.
How dare I? How dare We?
Jump gleefully while suffering hangs in the air blatantly?
It’s Fate, You see.
The smile on my face has never been fake
and it would be quite the task to undertake
Take a deep breath, you know you can’t keep it.
Release it, don’t plead for it to stay or Return because
It Can’t. And It Won’t.
One moment to the next, no chance to recant
But you may take a step back and observe
What once ignored, finally Heard
From a different perspective
In Retrospect:
The water is Calm.
But as for now?
The Storm rages on.
Nov 2015 · 445
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
Pencil Smudges
Sunshine Budges
Both give way to Rain.
Don’t hold grudges.
Hope. Keep Trudging.
Don’t give way to Pain.
Nov 2015 · 771
"Bay Leaf"
Jeffrey Stelling Nov 2015
Super sweet ******, unfamiliar to me,
Stumbling, punch-drunk, smiling toward thee.
So easily come, so easily go,
Spiraling, Spiraling, Spiraling. Woe(Whoa.)
Tossed to and fro and hither thither slither,
Such a young flower, so quickly you wither.
Quicker you vanish from mine sight
Save mine mind
As quick as ripe fruit succulent plucked from the vine.
Stained, scattered points of broken light in thine eyes —
I remain, nothing more than just “A pretty cool guy.”
Until our next meeting, will it come?
I don’t know.
Suppose all I can do is
Stick around for the show.

— The End —