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jeffrey robin Feb 2015
)(                                                          )(
­)(                >                      <                  )(
////  • ||
          ­            shekinah
                    /\          /\


Wild babe the cosmos !

                                  Let there be life !

Just what the hell it is ?

                           ( Who the **** knows ! )


But let's get up off our ***

And let the Will be done !

It's such a Wilde Beaste !

So it sure should be fun !


Ain't gonna be no Sadie Hawkins day !

All the wild stallions too are gonna play !

Only one thing is certain to remain

And it's that




Will mean the same thing !


If you don't believe me just ask


for I know that she knows

The same applies

As to being in


or in

Feb 2015 · 177
run ( continued )
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/   \


Indian song

The tribal hour

Linen cloth // hair full flowered

She is still sitting on the hill

The river runnin where so ever it will

If she ain't born

How can she die ?

If she don't die

Who are we  ?

She and Her ?

You and Me ?

It is all but illusion's game

Till we get the meaning straight

We won't know what it's all about

Till we trust the words come from our Mouths

Till we vow to never part

Till we live with true human heart
Feb 2015 · 435
Little one
jeffrey robin Feb 2015



Amnesty 's child

( death comin down too easily )

In the school yard // clown children

Play hide and seek from themselves


Stir em all together in a ***

Mix em in with marmalade jam

Spread em on wheat bread with a slice a ham

Eat and eat until you drop


Amnesty 's song

Wide the open day in the fields

Put em in chains and watch em go

Pickin the cotton and tomatoes
Feb 2015 · 173
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/    \

River run :

She flees //

The New Dawn

( not as new as she'd hoped it would be )

She and Her

( who ? )    //   Well I guess

We are never alone

Visions of visions  that

Appear and are gone

In a second // a hundred years

In one face // everyone

Whose thoughts you encounter

As your own

The drift of day

The child sees

Laughter and tears

( the woman flees )

She ain't goin anywhere

But to where she first come from

Indian song

The tribal hour

Linen  cloth // hair full flowered

She still is sitting on the hill

The river runnin where so ever if will
Feb 2015 · 368
from LeRoy to his Martha
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/    \

                                                   Been to the MARKETPLACE with you


                                                       ( trying to sell our souls )

If I could only **** Madonna I'm sure the
Level of my creativity would go

WAY up

But that won't never happen

So baby?



I mean

You know you always say

Just how much I mean to you

And how you see my suffering

And how you'd die so I might be saved


Now is the time to prove

Mean it

Now is the time

To simply place

Your body on the line


You know I' ll be true

That I ' ll stay the entire night

And the song I write

Will be

Dedicated to you


To you baby !

To you !!!


And when you see me on the magic aisle

On the red carpet you ' ll

Know my smile

Shall contain a memory of you


So baby let's get down to business

Take it off this very instant

Let us get my juices stirring

There is hit song gently growing

And it needs just one exploding

Inside some babe and

Here you are !

And you said you'd be there for me

You would never try reform me

And now I shall always

Be grateful to you


Grateful to you
Feb 2015 · 190
under the tree
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(   )
(        )
(             )


Imponderable realities

( truth so simple ! )                                        


Yes or no

It is up to you to speak


We love the shadows !
We seem to

Only to stay hidden

We write poems but they seem like lies

Like deceptions


We want so desperately to appear to be real

Without actually becoming truly vulnerable


Nothing really matters
( right ? )


Just a little game played

Amongst the big ones


Although we too

Hurt and main

Ultimately we apologize

And cry a bit in shame

Making everything alright !


I' ll write it all down pleasantly

( it is so hard sometimes
To sleep thru the night ! )

And maybe if the darkness
Ever fades away


We will see

A few human beings

Still alive
Feb 2015 · 271
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
                                   ­          )
/    \

0            0

The war !

Have you noticed !



besides being addicted to *******

And making up some stories about this having

Something to do with something called love

Do you do ANYTHING ?


Anything by which it might be said that you are human !


We are in a state of TOTAL WAR !


You will be killed or enslaved


Yes you will

The long hard poem

The lonely road thru the earthen graveyard

The corpses

The despair

And we

Addicted to *******

Lying in some ***** alley

With our starving babies

With our loneliness

With our fear

//      ••   //

Still muttering

Oooooh !

Joey left me !

I'm Bwoken !

Boo ** Bwoken !

Fer CHRIST'S sake !!

YE jus stuffed Joey 's body in

The Dempsey dumpster !


We are at war !

Total war !


How do you yell WAKE THE **** UP

To people who have never been awake

And don't ever want to be

And couldn't handle being awake

And don't really want to anyway

And really couldn't care less

And really don't care about anything

Except just gettin laid

By any moving object or thing that is lying around

Greased up and ready to do its thing ?



Calls you by name



SO WHAT !  ?

Is the only thing I hear you say
Feb 2015 · 343
hey hey hey
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
hubba hubba

                   (                      (
                    /) ) \              /) )\
                   /\                   /\
               walkin  down da road with my    bubba                                                  

A long long time ago


Naked angel song

Love ?

Time to get yer head on straight


Fragile this cosmic endeavor

Some force

Trying to enslave


was asked aloud


Naked bodies fornicating with whatever
Is available !


Sick !

(  •  )  (  •  )

She slid something into something else
And wiggled around for awhile

And cried out


but it was only an old hot dog


After it didn't respond to her pleas for eternal love  she  cried out


and ate it



Mark one one up against the revolution !


Without a spiritual home you are homeless

Without a will to be real you are not


I cry when you cry but for different reasons


The long long walk in the rain

The mystical sloppy way of denying
That anything matters

Except for the ego and it's pride


The utter disgrace

The perverted shame


I guess watching the ***** show

Isn't so entertaining anymore

Feb 2015 · 229
the flood
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
My cup runneth over

//// • ||
                           You appear
                          /\           /\


we are the stuff of dreams

The most magnificent of stories


                                      ( once we decide that Life is Real )                                                         


In the worship of the gentle soul

( The truth embodied body )

In the arms of the girl

Who is the daughter of Earth herself




Come !

Out of the chicken - hearted shelter

To the street

We meet

The world is ours
Feb 2015 · 331
your name
jeffrey robin Feb 2015

•    ­                            
                                    )                           ­      (                    
                                                               ­               )



Vast spaces

                                                     The distance between stars



plays on and on


The song is GOOD


Sweet is the gaze from eye to eye

Pure is the homeland of the enlightened life


In midst the madness we have here

Please dear lover

Protect yourself !


I sit on the porch stoop constantly

The little children come
And sit for awhile

•        •

We are the golden aura waving in the breeze


We hold tomorrow so preciously
Feb 2015 · 255
simple it still is
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
||          ||
   <                   =0=                     >  

The fire has gone

We remain together


We keep each other Warm

( such is Love )


People keep talking

They keep on going off to War

In worship of the Masters


In the shadows

We of the Light are waiting

In the quiet song

The universe is singing


The power of creation !

The sense of pure giving !

The wonder of such Majesty
Everyone ! / everywhere !


We shall allow a true story to develop itself

With us as it's words
With us as it's images

We shall be fulfilled

We shall remain by the fireplace

We shall be fulfilled
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
------_••• _------
|||   |||


We love



no matter how the story changes
The LOVE never changes

//        //

If the story changes the LOVE
it WASN'T love to begin with

( as in HP LOVE )





so it is // so it is
Feb 2015 · 236
once upon us
jeffrey robin Feb 2015

( )
(    )
(       )

                                                  Yes or No
•        •


( maya )


Gentle pilgrim

Soul Warrior            ( Still Alive )


One question lingers

( this you know )


Legs spread
***** get placed
Forever in the same ole place

And what happens next
Is already known


Our story ?

( it's already been told )

Stale and old


One question lingers


One reality


Will you answer ?

What truth do you know ?

What life do you seek ?


Such a lovely boy and girl

Walking together down that road
Feb 2015 · 196
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/    \


wings of chance on winds of change


We are the creators here


In these storybook days


Delicate words


We touch each other too brutally / ( I do believe )


Smeared across the page

Lives get ugly / ( what of that ? / we say )


Like we are only little

Bits of

Nothing Really

But then how bitterly we do complain


Wings of chance on winds of change


The sun is shining somewhere

The light is shining

Let's go there
Feb 2015 · 154
easy now
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
                                                    basic man

Beyond the           Frills                                                  


First things first / I say


                                               Basic love
( she feeds the homeless child )


Basic girl                                                

Knows what love is before she
-- Falls in love --


( it's easier that way )


We are the final story

Written down


We are the final word

Written on the page
Feb 2015 · 125
soft the dying song
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
( but we all can hear )



                             ­                        ^^^

child of any age and color


Dreams of dying invade the sanctuary


She looks down at her school books

But they don't mean a thing


Lingering Song

Tiny hints of freedom on the loose

Beyond the hurt we give each other


you and I

We take the Long Walk

here and there





•               •

We shall make it okay

Soft the dying song

We listen


We hear and understand all things


We feel each other and know real love


We hold each other and we Sing
Feb 2015 · 137
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
                                                first morning

are you here ?


gathering together in the storm



Tellin so many stories to each other
Who bothers listening  ?

Over and over we hurt each other

And say the same sad things !


In the first morning


The first morning


We open our eyes // ( our Heart appears ! )

and we        SEE


We see each other

We go free

A new morning

The first morning

We see each other finally
Feb 2015 · 218
we be cool
jeffrey robin Feb 2015

ain't nobody
         ain't nobody                                              


Everybody talkin a love


Ain't nobody

Ain't nobody                                    

Who does


Young and beautiful things

Walking down the road

Goin here // going there

Tryin to become human beings




We are the last hope

The true soul warriors

We may be hurting but we hurt no one


We shall never hurt no one
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
0    0            

Tracks thru sand

The winds !

Lo !

Only a corpse remains ....        


Is it you child ?



We are the voice unheard

The sacred song within the rain


she looks so very fragile

Curled up on the floor

Moaning of love that is gone

Crying in pain


Crying in vain


Is it you child


You look so very fragile

Curled up on the floor

Your lover has gone


I feel so very fragile

Looking thru your window

You seem so very helpless

Lying there


In the wild morning

In the revolution

Young men and young women

shall be re-born


Will you dear child be among


You look so very fragile




Lying there
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(    )
|   |

alone on the hill
) ( love ) (

Oh she fills the night

With the every child's prayer

Oh my love she


We watch with silent mind





|||   |||   |||

|||   |||   |||

Love song !

I hear !

Oh how gently


In the night



Me and she


Me and my love



Me and she

Me and my love
Feb 2015 · 121
jeffrey robin Feb 2015


We         ......

                            ( soft as the song that the mountain provides  )

See                                       ••

The lonely boy


                                        ( you know what he needs dear child )

In one moment the game is over                                      


The                   LOVE SONG

( the fantasy of the          Fantasy )


Naked day on the hill


Whatever you want me to // I will

( why not ? // no big deal )


Love is seeing how to fulfill

Dreams that linger all around


Only the SEEKER is            FOUND

( such is SIMPLE JUSTICE friend )

And thus all suffering ends

And the Reign of Love Begins
Feb 2015 · 147
let's be off now // okay ?
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
|| •   • ||


                                                      ­                      she      

Some talk of their love
Some talk of themselves


I walkin the road

I walkin the street

I walkin alone




I walkin

  The dyin earth                                                          

­///            ///

Have you got a name ?

Have you got a song ?

Have you got a truth ?


See the child

Will you take him home ?

•                    •

Hours and hours        Come to the end

Miles and miles

The road never ends




The road never ends

The people are restless

The story is hell

It's so hard to speak of

Though we know it quite well


Talks of love
Like she's talking of her self

I ' ll walk with her and with
Nobody else

I ' ll walk with her and with
Nobody else
Feb 2015 · 163
Nice and Easy now
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/   \



Keep it simple my friend

                                         ( nice and easy now )

It don't matter

                                                    Someh­ow it don't matter


Demons out on the prowl

Don't go
With them

Don't go
With them

sittin by the fire

                                             ( Symbol of wisdom )

Fire ::::

I see the

Light in your eye


The fire in your sight

( symbol of wisdom )


nice and easy now
Nice and easy now
Nice and easy now

Keepin it simple

So very simple

Very simple

Feb 2015 · 269
Live ! Child live !
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(                                        )
(                            )
(                  )
(           )
(     )
/    \

                              0             We ride !

0                    0                   0


Enjoy being dead if it's all you got left


We ride !                                          



Enjoy bein dead if it's all YE got left

( no need to criticize -- right )

0 0 0

                  Right ?
Feb 2015 · 278
Life !
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/    \

##     ##

There's a lot worse things to do than die


He saw he was a ******* human being


he thought he'd better kick back and understand

He had a girl / he told her

And she said



once you embrace creativity

The creative power embraces you

And the entire scheme of things is known

••              ••

it is better to be under the el-tracks in the early morning
In the shadows awaiting dawn

Than in the mansion with your millions
And your model wife and lovely children




This is the END OF DAYS

( it is always the END OF DAYS )


you don't have to be Stupid to act stupidly

You just have to see the lies and to play along


she worked at the burger joint busing tables


Everyone loved her but that meant nothing

Then in walked an angel ragged boy


We are as mythical as we'd like


You can be anything if you have the courage

To be nothing-at-all until you die


Love me and be free

Deny me and the whole human race is doomed
Feb 2015 · 367
Picture me thusly
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/    \

she wears her naked aura like  a cloak of magic power
( which it IS )                                                    
To heal !

This the primal act of love

( to be NEW BORN is to heal the very
Soul of Man )

Even the most distant galaxies know every single
Atom by name

To be lonely is to be the Fool

To be the Fool is so very close to being Free


I remember you


I remember EVERYONE
I remember EVERY NAME


The naked aura  !!
                                        ( She )

Made love to me on an afternoon
In the moment that lives forever
                                        ( they ALL do ! )
Once the SIMPLE DECISION is made


Look a little closer till you see the love


To love someone before you love everyone

Is to be quite ******* ugly

And hence unlovable


She wove a mighty healing spell
With every single act of kindness


I knew a Child who said





( wise kid ! )


She walks by the waters wherever she is

She sings the moon's song like she is in the mountains

She feeds the hungry man and worships his poverty

She lives with the dying breath in the transient shelter
In the bowels of the dark evening



The pretensions of your suffering
Are so disgustingly staggering

It kills


We see childhood streets in the childhood
Of creation

We talk with god for awhile

And go home
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(          )
(                    )
   < <                    (                            )                       > >
<   >
<          >
<                    >


( oh god ! It's almost time to start the poem !  --- I'm getting nervous )


when I was a kid I got lost and I totally freaked out

when I was finally calmed down by a neighbor
I realized I was never more than 3 or 4 houses from my house

I had been there many many times

It just looked different on a real sunny day


They all called me       LITTLE JEFFY


God was I a cute kid !


And smart !

Jesus was I a smart kid !


////                    ////

In those days there was no television

So we all knew each other

And did this thing called

Playing with each other


How things have changed

Now kids play video games or have *** with themselves
While pretending to have *** with another !

What weird kids !


••                                                ••

( see ! I'm zipping right along with poem now !
Wow !
Look at me go ! )


The trouble with Americans is that they are all *******

But god loves them anyway some say but I don't really think so cause why should he bother loving an ******* ?


we are the dreams that stuff gets made from
•             •

Lying in the manger with you for awhile

//               //
Feb 2015 · 478
good ole days
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
//     //
0                 0
___00                       00___

saw in the sky an opening and dared to try burst free

///         ///

I was in love with a girl when I was a kid

But then she joined the Marine Corp

But we were only 11 years old

So it's possible I'm not remembering it all correctly


We never had *** but then we talked a lot


She was really good with her bow  and arrow

After she shot the arrow the arrow would divide
Into 2 arrows and then 4 arrows
And then 8 and then finally 16 arrows
Would strike 16 different targets perfectly

God she was a great girl !


I don't really remember what happened

I kept thinking she joined the marines but we were young
And it might of been the Peace Corp


saw in the sky an opening and dared to try burst free


After we win the revolution and liberate the world

I'm not sure what I'll do then


Maybe write some poetry or my memoirs


Or maybe just hang out with you for awhile
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
he's a real banana-republic man
living in a banana-republic land
making all his banana-republic plans
For the war lords

^                ^
•    •
/   (  \

Feb 2015 · 190
no option but life
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
)(                                                           )(
<                                             >
(                  ^                 )
<          <^>         >
////  • |
                   /\    /\

Only a song    
                                                               ( only we singing )
In the hills                                                            


Only a dream remains after the seed has grown

And a man is standing by himself

On the street


With his story sounding loudly in his mind


Only one lover allowed at a time

She moves both ways

She has so many faces but one name

She has told you so before

She laid it quite clearly on the line




Only one lord

Only one life

Only one lover allowed at a time

Only a moment's sublime truth will do at all

We can be such fools

Though we can do it with rhythm and RHYMME


One this day

We are still singing in the hills

Lovely maidens of the fields below

Come join us won't you in the hills !
jeffrey robin Feb 2015

/    \

                                                 ( it's alright )
Whatever you do or don't do
( it's okay )                            
We are not counting on you anyway


You were always          ON YOUR OWN
I know  you never had a home
( just a dream )


Stick to the same old schemes
I know how you like
To feel safe

Maybe you is
( maybe you ain't )

What's it to me ?


I guess it's goodbye
It's all alright
We weren't counting on you anyway
Feb 2015 · 257
Why not !
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
)(          0    0         )(
/      \
                                                         ­  and our love


What else has any worth ?

Love !


we wander thusly every street

Thru every life

The world complete

Within each and every birth



the words of the MASTER POET
fall upon the page

Like children emerging from the mind of god


So come

Let us put aside our petty lives
And egos

And be here to aid god

In protecting his children who are everywhere

Crying out to us for shelter

( • )



And he whose love holds all the Worth


wandering back thru former births


thru the world the children search

( and we are standing here the while ! )

Let us help them thru the miles

With sanctified minds

And holy words

Feb 2015 · 398
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
poetry is to go beyond

( • )  ( • )

and to enter the sublimity
Of fanciful creation

•         •

Thru poetry

We can plumb the depths of superficiality
And enter the world of the truly mundane

Where self created artificial emotions flourish
In the sanctity of ego and it's  brother -- pride


Poetry is like  a perpetual Facebook selfie
An intimate look at virtual nothingness

Uninhibited by any sense of responsibility
Or the foolish societal claims upon us
To // get real //

I came to understand this today when I
Witnessed a bus crash into some child on the street
And **** it

All the phones came out and the pictures were taken
Posted and going viral

The excitement was so real

Everyone trying to get their picture taken with the grieving mother
Who was Center Stage for the first time in her life!

People were lying down in the street with the corpse and taking selfies

It was a true celebration of what is real

People were ******* and cheering and loving
And having such a good time


It reminded me of you !!

Love without the limitations imposed
By vain morality and modesty

Life without some pompous *** telling us
What is fit or not fit to explore

We are just bodies !
We are pure art !

Thru poetry we can delve into the complete emptiness
Of meaningless experience

And raise it to the heights of enlightened vulgarity
We can raise simple uncomplicated exploitation
Of others
Into the grandest expression of total eternal love

We can talk majestically of touching someone's hair
Or  neck or genitalia

And show it's superiority to that of knowing someone's soul

We are gods and goddesses of the sublime manifestations
Of dying in pain

Numb to the oblivion of the gathering
Of the holy tribes

We have entered the mystic realm of sheer
And perfect triviality
Where life is hardly noticed within the noise



Feb 2015 · 147
yes !
jeffrey robin Feb 2015

O _O

00                        00
||       ||
<                     _                  >
•            •
•                          •
It is true

It is a real simplicity

= =

It is one



Is  in perfect  harmony

//           ::         //

The  entire song

Breath by breath


Beyond creation

Knows no death

0         O         0

Childhood dreams

Passing by

The lovely creatures !

Everyone !


Here we are !

( you and I )

Eternal love

( you and I )

Embedded pure simple song

We embrace

And we sing
Feb 2015 · 200
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
)(                 ^                )(
  ~~           (          ^         )             ~~
////  • ||

<<<          /  (   (    \       >>>

/    \

                                      ++++++++++          ­          

Emerging from shadows
( obscurity )

Someone who embodies
True humanity


Here you are

I knew you'd come

I knew you knew

I know your Love


I know your Love



In the heart

The city streets

The people start






all the rest ?

We play such childish games

Learned in Adult Book Stores !

infamy !!!!


But here you are

With true love

With your love


From the shadows

Walkin streets

We ain't no ******* politicians !!

We ain't playin no Adult Bookstore games !


We are simply gathering
Feb 2015 · 229
he walks roads .......
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
I'm sure you remember

)(                                   )(
<<                   >>
^^            ^^

////  • ||


//                     //


                                          It was good

( goodness was ! )                                    


The first thing I remember was I was about 7 or 8

And we went to down town Philadelphia  and there 1000's
Of black people there and they looked poor and unhealthy

And very unhappy and that I got very angry that this was so

And that it meant everything I was being taught in school
And all of AMERICA and American history

Was nothing but a ******* lie                  


And I left home ( in my heart )

And wandered ( in my imagination)



And I still am the same

And the roads are still empty

And I still wonder where you are
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(                   (
         (                    •  
              \/                       )  
/    \              


I remember you

                                                 ( Pig tailed and freckle faced ! )

Cute kid


My first           ... Girl friend

( second grade )


and the years and the war and the war crimes

( I remember you )


                                 ...The dreams

The dreams that were alive for EVERYONE


everyone of       US !

( all life )


I remember

I seen


It was YOU who was here and I seen

And I remember everyone
And I remember every thing

And every dream

And all our love


Before we believed that truly love

Meant stuffing **** into crazy ****

While the music played

And we were played

And learned to prey upon each other

For popularity's most propertied sake !!

( but it would take a **** load of hate

But we were afraid of loneliness

So we took the lies
And we took the ****

And ****** it up ! )



I remember you

On the playground swings

With your pig tails

And freckled face


Your sainted smile !

Your heavenly dreams !

Your golden wisdom

And your soulful strength


The princess of second grade !

( You were seen ! )

You were held secure in our childhood love


There you are and shall remain

( you can RETURN any time you want )

There I am and shall remain

You can find me yes you can
Feb 2015 · 343
Movin on ( and ....... on )
jeffrey robin Feb 2015

   ­                       ^^^

Thru the               Wars
                           ( poisoned         Years )

prison         Fears                                  *


We movin

Movin on


Leave the      Broken down Day

The ugly            Story-line

Your Love is made

                                For         Better Things

( like ....   Life ! )                                    



on the roof

Has got         YOU
in his sights


It's that time

To be

Movin on
Movin in

Into the night


It's the hour of real feelings

Gotta get it right

So girl put down your razor blade

And ******* your Hunting Knife


You can fill yourself with with ***** and *****
And giggle like you're out a sight

But you ain't gonna  have no babe in your arms

That you can help survive


Till you move along

( Into the light )


Thru the          Wars
The poisoned          Years

the prison        Fears

And be here

By my side


We movin       On  

                                              And on and

And on .....                                        ......

(  <•> )
Feb 2015 · 258
she my love knows everyone
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
/    \                    

                                              Little child of the years that linger here


Yeah sure

We are the ones who made such promises

//                                       fear /
certainly knows just  *******

( we see it happen every day)


( But we still remain )

Despite the fear
Despite all pain

We do stay loyal to the law

(  •  )        (  •  )


We are the children who linger midst the years


We are the seed


We are that which become human beings



the lovers who know everyone

Who know everyone as love
Feb 2015 · 284
I want my mommy
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
( and other poems )

^^                       ^^
^^                       ^^
////  • ||

                                                            ­ ( dis is my mommy ! )


I say it's my mommy

It's your mommy too yeah


We sit and wait for the axe to fall

For the wars to come

For the death that calls

Over and over again our names

••                                              are we stupid or what ?

I have a lover too

But I call her a beloved one

And I wouldn't write sick ***** poems

About her and betrayal and hate

Like a lot of you dumb ***** do


There is a child of the streets

I seen her crying the other day

Screaming !!



So I took her home with me

Now I raise her as my own


I want my mommy ?

I guess that mommy also
cries out for me !
Feb 2015 · 229
sing me of pure morning
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(  •  )
(  •  )                                      <>                                  



The night was cold and the night was long

We were weak and we grew strong

We who didn't know right from wrong

And weren't really into learning


We gathered together to hear someone's Word

someone showing the world his Love

We walked thru the heartbeat and the sacred breath

To face the face of death


On the hill in the Park

The lovers moan and the kiss of the dark

The heavy arms of the the police  men

To whom we surrendered with open hearts


The pure morning held its tune

Up to the light of the fading moon

We who knew the truth too soon

But it was what we were learning


The night was cold and the night was long

We were the weak who became strong

We finally saw right from wrong

Though we weren't  into the discerning
Feb 2015 · 239
thru the Gate
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
0          0

/ O      O \


all of the women all the time

the One Womb

the Eternal Child

//               //

Sacred touch

  •                   the lonely stranger 's                 Name



The Holy Spirit in its pure goddess form

Touching your godly heart

•         •

we enter thru the gate

The pillars of light do part

Good and Evil are the same

(  everybody knows )


I am HE

You can tell me who you are

You can say so if you want

And I surely shall believe

Anything you say
Feb 2015 · 318
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
San Francisco dream

(                                     (  •. )
(  •  )                               •                                                                      


                                                     ^^^         ^^^      ^^^

                                     we talk of love in the strangest ways

( only the             Stranger               is real
You know )


Softly touch

( easy now / there is so much pain )                                          ••

I see you in your Mother 's arms

I feel the power of your Father 's Eye

I promised them I'd guard you well

I promised them your life

                                 ( and my Word is always True )


How we falter step by step

How we fall but then get up

How we hold the child' s soul

All so softly all the time


The fullness of           responsibility

Is the only gift alive

It is yours and it is mine

Do not lose your humanity

By giving your birthright away


Do not give your soul away

To a warring government

Your own power must be found

You must go to the market place

You must stand in the center of town

You and you alone are He

the righteousness of the eternal king

( • )   <>   ( • )


Let us stand together now

Do not play the fool my friend

And say you don't know what I mean
Feb 2015 · 236
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
she told you of me

)(         oXo         )(

                                                       ( did you hear ? )


One last naked dawn

( I don't say much anymore )                                  //

just the power in phantom form

Comes and goes amid pure scenery


Ain't no child but the first


Ain't no lover but your own


Mine was home for anyone

//                     ( and the years )

Beyond death and the Presidio
( • )

Was a saintly figure / ( he )

Looked a lot like you or me

We slept together in the Park

we are together / still / you know

She comes unto us with the Song



I don't say much anymore

A phantom power on the street

A smiling Child of pure poverty

The still exalted human form

Of the simple human being

Feb 2015 · 222
Who shall I send ?
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
)(               ^               )(
<<                                 (      ^      )                              >>>
//// • ||

                             /\     /\

All your crying

//           //

Why are you

Crying ?

•             •

Stop cryin

Stop cryin


It's a rainy day

Everybody walks together

Pain fills every heart

//         <>        //

Why ?


Isn't anybody gonna dare to say  ?

•                  •
•        •

And if I caress your *******

If I have *** with you

If I even say


It won't really matter
( this we know )

There is something we just got to do


To stop crying

( put it on the line )

Stop the crying

The slow train leaving soon

This endless crying

The pain we face alone

Stop crying

You're not the only hurtin one

//         //

We are all together walking in the rain

Come inside the heart of man

Let the healing be begun

And let's stop cryin

Stop cryin

Stop cryin
Feb 2015 · 333
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(        ==       )
•    •

/     (        )     \
(             )

Softly           ( Night )

True dreams still the angry hours


The naked girl with her ****** hate

Is gone gone gone

•           •

You and I

( in bold purity )        


( • )   ( • )


The red fanged  wolf is done with his scheming

The fire breathing dragon flies

Back to the dimension of myth and wonder

All is safe for you my child

In the ancient song

In the Logan Mountain Home

In the caverns

In the caves

In the sacred catacombs

The truth is maintained

The truth is maintained


I will see you soon

So very soon

( I do believe )
Feb 2015 · 347
love am I
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(  the song  )

||||               |~~~|                ||||

0     0


Dreary tune but I am singin fine

We ain't but victims of fear

We say we just lookin for a place to hide

But we really hopin to die

Hey babe I'm free

Hey babe

What do you want

You' ll  get what you want

Probably some day

Have some pride

Be the mountain or the field

Be the lover's softest touch

I' ll meet you there in the alleyway

Don't be afraid to bring the kid

No no

Don't be afraid
Feb 2015 · 906
Bein here with you
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
<<<                   >>>
<<       O       >>
0       0



The pale moon sky

Little child

Death is everywhere

The long hard road

The cold  mean stare

The ugliness


Oh say do you still see me

I never forget the truth

Of eternal loving kindness

And the moment

Of every afternoon

Of peace

Can you still see me

Under the pale moon sky

We don't have to die

We could make it if we try

We could find the strength

If we come together

Eye to Eye

If we come together

Facing Fate
Feb 2015 · 421
Poor man Jones
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
(                                                       (  •  )

                  ^^^     ^^^

Little lost boy out on the street
It's just him and the police man

Doin everything he can
To feel some love and to stay alive

I was born on the tenement roof
I spend my life sittin on the porch stoop

Smokin **** and sippin wine
Everything cool and I'm feelin fine

Little lost boy out on the street
It's just him and the police man
It's just him and the police man


Soft breasted gal
Got her scars in the county jail

Got her baby who knows where
Basically she don't give a ****

She lives her life without fear
I always call myself her man

In the middle of the storm
Life is always being changed

She wanders here she wanders there
Though she's my gal I don't know her name

Soft breasted gal
Got her scars in the county jail
Got her scars in the county jail


Little lost boy out on the street
It's just him and the police man

It's just him on the tenement roof

It's just him on the porch stoop

It's just him and he's looking for you

And only god knows what he sees
And only god knows what he needs

And what he does or doesn't believe

And just where it is he's heading

And if he's slave or free
Feb 2015 · 229
thru the valley of tears
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
<<<     ( to the other side )      >>>


                /    \
^^^^              ^^^^

if you want some LOVIN

If you want your     Life

Best to stop your whining

about what's been         Left behind


The mountains call you by name

And the man

Your help child

The man he needs



If you want to stay a child

And just be a waste of his time

If to you love is just a place to hide

Be prepared to be be denied

It ain't just a game / no

It's not just a game


Real LOVE is a fight

For HUMANITY to survive

The man you want wants somethin more real

Than a bunch of words begging for sympathy

Wants someone who won't ever deny

That LOVE means you're ready to fight and die

For your unborn child's sake

And that you're willing to let all jealousy die

For the sake of the community


Come on if you want

Stay home if you gotta do

All your petty me-and-you things

But we are not gonna wait

For you to heal your wounded pride


There is just too much at stake

To wait for you to put down your razor blade !

Your ******* razor blade !!

Your ******* ******* razor blade !!

Your high school masquerade !!!

That you hide behind


We are

Going thru the valley of tears

To the other side

You can come along

If you too want to survive
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