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jeffrey robin Jan 2016

then who will be here ?


See the gentle eyes


She sits in the park

Watching over

The afternoon's children

As they seek
some semblance

Of the angel mother

That they want to believe

Is here



Amid the shadows

Amid the movement of strangers

Amid the police

And all the rest

She watches over them

And with her gentle eyes

Calls upon you

To join her in her lonely task

Of renewing the spirit of man


If not you

Then who shall be here ?

Amid the darkness

As the light

That we have been given

To shine

And show  the way

To the kingdom ?

jeffrey robin Jan 2016

Palpable pure hatred

From the sewers and alleys

From all the human dwellings

Child of the millennium

Within the greed a festering

The inhuman faces

Of the strangers that we see


The nation has fallen

The end of all civility

Cartoonish leaders

Blood from their mouths dripping

Onto the bloated bellies

Of the sterile ladies


An  there ain't no

To be seen


Only wailing children

Amid the flames

jeffrey robin Jan 2016
0    0

/  ( • )     (  • )  \


I think we all need

A little big more understanding

There is a mountain there to climb

A holy wisdom to attain

Amid the lovely ladies in pain

Are 1000 children calling you by name

She has a warrior sister

Let's go there


The waters !

Time to walk upon the waters !

jeffrey robin Jan 2016

We are here and it is good


sweet child sing

Be the only power in the world

You are the mighty force

Of absolute righteousness


Some speak of despair

Of lovelessness and desperation

You speak of truth

The truth you live and understand


We are here and it is good

We aren't going anywhere

Sweet child sing

I will stand right by your side

jeffrey robin Jan 2016

Muslim loving

You know the type !


Welfare scamming

*** pervs

And drug addicts

• )?( •

An dey hate god

An dey hate you    

and dey wan ***** yer wife

And da kid !!


Bad bad libbie !!!



Let's deport them all back to hell

And build a fence so they can't get back in

And ban that compassion crap

And give government the power to **** anyone

Not opposed to Big Government

That'll show em !

jeffrey robin Jan 2016

The only brothel in town !

The bright moon song of the wolf

And the maid

She of the wishing well

The broomstick and the big cigar


She stands sideways in the alleyway

Buxom lady
Fer sure !

The midnight ride on the el -train

The rain is falling

As do I

jeffrey robin Jan 2016



oh for a sense a home

A sense of human decency


Too many corpse children

Piling up

In the heart

In the streets


Oh for a sense of peace

a sense of peace




God won't  mind


He hardly notices

These mundane things



Wanders down by the railroad tracks

Gettin on

Back to you

Hop the freight to eternity

Back to love

Back to truth

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