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 Oct 2013 Jeett
Elizabeth Squires
why did he not bother to contact me
that is the big question which shall remain
from our conversations he did abstain
other matters were more pressing for he
his mind sidetracked to sweeter terrain
the grass was much greener at that place
it held sway o'er my unattractive space
a well lit spot made the seeing real plain
he employed an axe to chop the line
dead was the telegraph no more chit chat
pickings of delectable kind he'd pursue
mine were akin to a dull farmyard swine
one once was as blind as cave dwelling bat
but one now knows the color of his hue
 Oct 2013 Jeett
Nebraska Waters
All these things
I learn about you
All these things
Big and small
All these things
Kept in a journal
All these things

All your things

All these things
I know them all

 Oct 2013 Jeett
Tim Knight
I didn’t see the moss at the foot of the white-clad border walls
because I was holding you by the edges,
so to not crease, rip or crinkle you.

The road is always long, but this street
takes the ****. The same trees grow and repeat,
twisting up into great nothings acting as a canopy,
but not quite pulling it off as the rain broke through.

You looked comfortless in my arms, as though you’d
rather be somewhere different in a lot less clothing, and asleep
waking to a familiar ceiling nearer to the weekend than this weekday
in May.

Sometimes, if the wind is right and ushered correctly,
the crane lights of the night highlight that moss
and only those searching will be aware that
it lives at the bottom of a white-clad border wall
just over there. >> visit now for free poetry.
 Oct 2013 Jeett
 Oct 2013 Jeett
There where never monsters in the closet
or under my bed, the only monsters
that I face are the ones that come at out in
the dark with the soft voices in my head.

The voices fight a battle between the
past and the present, the fears of my past
laughing as my future struggles to crawl
towards the dim light just like an infant.

But unlike the innocent infant I will
never reach the prize unless I learn to
face the shadows that claw my back carving
scars that I must hide with layers of lies.
 Oct 2013 Jeett
 Oct 2013 Jeett
No sun-no moon
No morn-no noon
No dawn-no dusk-no proper time of day
No sky-no earthly view
No distance looking blue
No road-no street-no 't' other side this way
No end to any road
No indications where the crescents go
No top to any steeple
No recognition of familiar people
No courtesies for showing them
No knowing them
No travelling at all-no locomotion
No inkling of the way-no notion-
"No go by land or ocean-
No mail- no post
No news from any foreign coast-
No park, no ring, no afternoon gentility
No company - no nobility -
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds
Only November!!!
 Oct 2013 Jeett
As It Is
 Oct 2013 Jeett
I am in a boat, watching the waves
When I learn the ways of the ocean,
I shall become one with it
And go to the depth of it,
In the stillness
And vastness
The boat isn't really there,
neither am "I"
The waves are only on the surface...
There's only depth...
And silence

तथाता tathātā
This poem was written in 2006.

तथाता tathātā is a Sanskrit and Pali word, a Buddhist term, which is difficult to translate, yet often translated as "suchness"and "thusness". It expresses the true nature of reality in any given moment - being always "as it is".

— The End —