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7.1k · Sep 2016
Equality Wish
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
True equality is what is wished for
But what if you really opened that door
What would be on the other side?
I’m not sure we’d enjoy the ride

Individuality dies with equality
There are no choices you see
If everyone has to have the same things
No one gets to win the brass ring

No more people like you and people like me
If the same is all we ever get to be
The same model car and the same clothes
The same old food in the same homes

The same haircut and the same color
Or we are all clean shaved so much the duller
The same education for everybody
You’re paid the same as anybody

Sports would all end in a tie
If there still played at all… sigh
No more winners, No more losers
No choices so no choosers

There are no differing opinions you see
When you’re a victim of true equality
No reason to strive
There is no ladder to climb

No reward for hard work
Are you feeling the irk?
No matter what, you cannot get ahead
It’s almost as if you are full of lead

But that just it, no ahead to get
When everyone gets what everyone gets
The Thought police are out in full force
No one is married or there is no divorce

No kids at all or everyone has 2
There is no longer me and no longer you
When equal society is the important thing
Everyone gets to feel every sting

Orwellian yes
But truth none the less
The only people different are the ones in charge
While everyone suffers they live it large

They get to decide how much you’re alive
And they can tell you 2+2=5
So how does this strike you?
Will that work for you too?

I’m not a fan
Of this little plan
Because not everyone is the same
No matter what people will claim

We don’t think the same thoughts
We don’t call the same shots
Not even twins are exactly the same
And if we all were, what a boring game

Just a bunch of clones, going nowhere
Just dull and drab, no bling and no flair.
Yet that is what current society prescribes
Even though were all from different tribes

If we ever achieve true equality
Remember sometimes wishes end badly
The Fire Burns Sep 2017
Odes to Coffee, a Haiku, a Limerick, and a Verse

Coffee, Coffee Nod
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee Yawn
One cup down, talk now

Coffee, coffee, coffee
Coffee, Coffee, coffee
Everyone shut up
Please refill my cup
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

Coffee, Coffee yay
Coffee, Coffee hey
Let me take a drink to jumpstart my day
Off to work we go to earn some needed pay
Be a real man and drink it black
Or make it all fancy and catch some flack
Written in 2015
4.8k · Sep 2016
Panama Hat and a Cuban Cigar
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Sittin’ on the beach, in Cancun
Suns overhead it, must be noon
Don’t really know ain't been to sleep
My souls on ice, I guess it’ll keep

My Costa’s are filtering out the sun
I seem to be suffering from too much fun
Only one cure, I need another drink
Maybe then my clouded brain can think

Summer time in old Mexico
Have a good time when we go
Drinking and smoking and having fun
Swimming and snorkeling, soaking up the sun

Bikini clad waitress, strolls the line
Cuba Libre please, don’t forget the lime
Swaying cheeks, a pleasure to see
Maybe later on, just her and me

I can’t wait, slowly follow to the bar
Panama hat and a Cuban Cigar
Strolling along, while I watch her sway
Can only imagine, if I had my way

Summer time in old Mexico
Have a good time when we go
Drinking and smoking and having fun
Swimming and snorkeling, soaking up the sun

Puffing smoke, we arrive at the bar
The bartender winks, I stuff a tip in her jar
Hands me my drink, I squeeze the lime
Having so much fun it’s bound to be a crime

Mexican girls and ******* tourists
Equal opportunity, hey! I’m no purist
Seeing the sights, and doing well
Summer beach, and I'm feeling swell

Yeah, summer beach, im'a feelin' swell
feelin' swell....
2.1k · Sep 2018
From Friday Night Lights
The Fire Burns Sep 2018
From Friday night lights,
to construction sites,
from the king of campus
to new and nameless.

New Job, new town,
on his face he wears a frown,
can't yet drink a beer,
he is young, full of fear.

Covered over with bluster and bravado,
but the truth is, there's no place he can go,
burnt all his bridges on the day he left.
she left for college and left him bereft.

No word, no goodbye, she said it was over,
nothing to do so on he must soldier,
off to a new place to try something new,
he hopes to get passed and pull through.

So skipping college to learn a skill,
walking high iron, adrenaline thrill,
like dodging rushers in the big game,
but no one here knows his name.

And up the ladder of life he goes
making fewer friends and many foes,
but suddenly, from nowhere, a new lover at last
and has unhinged himself from a rocky past.

With gray in his hair and memories full,
on the beach, from a glass, he takes a pull,
the burn of whiskey, and grit of sand,
he looks and grins while holding her hand.
I'm not sure about the progression of this one.
2.0k · Sep 2016
Archery Practice
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Knock to field point
carbon fiber weave
two blue and one white fletch
core muscles engaged

Pulled back on a string
cams broken over
energy ready to be freed
peering through black peep

Fiber optic pins
glow in the sun
judge the right distance
pick the right one

Finger on the trigger
let the arrow fly
watch it home
ten ring, target, good shot
1.8k · Sep 2016
Johnny, Jack and Jim
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Well I like the taste of Whiskey, but today it was just a disguise.
The reason I’ve been drinking, Is because she said goodbye.
She turned away from me and she walked right straight to him.
So I called up my 3 amigos Johnny, Jack and Jim.

Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels and Good old Jim Beam,
Whenever I need them, they’re here for me,
They’ll drown out the hurt and dry up the tears,
And do in one glass, what takes 15 beers.
So I don’t drink Bud, Miller or Coors light,
I go straight for the whiskey and knock it out right.

So I got in my truck and headed for the creek
Pulled out my pole and I started a streak
15 bass and a couple of brim
Then I started thinking about her and him

Her in his arms in the back of the truck
I started damning all of my luck
Walked to the yeti and popped open the top
Nothing in there that would make it stop
Drove to the house and opened the door
Those three bottles where there on the floor.

Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels and Good old Jim Beam,
Whenever I need them, they’re here for me,
They’ll drown out the hurt and dry up the tears,
And do in one glass, what takes 15 beers.
So I don’t drink bud, miller or Coors light
I go straight for the whiskey and knock it out right.

Woke up in the morning with the light creeping in
Sitting in the chair right where I had been
Phone started ringing; my head was pitching a fit
Recognized the number, so I answered it

She said she was sorry and that she had been wrong
She started crying, saying she wasn’t strong
I’d heard enough, I was trying to mend
I told her no, goodbye, so I pressed end

Sat back down, phone ringing again
Decided to spend some more time with my men
Reached on down picked em up off the floor
One more time I wouldn’t need her no more

Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels and Good old Jim Beam,
Whenever I need them, they’re here for me,
They’ll drown out the hurt and dry up the tears,
And do in one glass, what takes 15 beers.
So I don’t drink bud, miller or Coors light
I go straight for the whiskey and knock it out right.
I originally wrote this song in 1998 with my buddy David Waters, and I dug it back out and added some lyrics and made it into a HickHop genre
1.7k · Aug 2018
Wishing I was Fishing
The Fire Burns Aug 2018
My french lime shirt,
tail flutters in the wind,
the ocean waves of teal,
continue rolling in.

The boat's spray is salty,
I taste it on my lips,
we bounce  up and down,
as we race on wave tips.

Slowing now to troll,
looking for exposed tails,
the seagulls above,
flap like winds in the sail.

Sliding in the water,
cold, causing a gasp,
a long 8 weight fly rod,
now firmly in grasp.

Bronze flashes in water,
tail shining in sun,
the bait swirls around me,
this is about to get fun.

Whipping the silver fly,
in a long backcast,
now flying forward,
landing soft and fast.

Twitch it now, ripples,
a V cuts the bay,
the hunting, tailing red,
is now on its way.

With a mighty splash,
it swallows the fly right down,
the mud is churning up,
the water turns brown.

Stripping line and reeling,
in the shining sun,
nowhere else could I be,
having so much fun.
1.5k · Sep 2016
Dove hunting
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Hunting dove down on the backroad
way on back only the rancher knows
he doesn’t care so we wait for flight
12 gauges ready to start our plight

Ring necks, white wings, and mourning’s are game
chichi birds make us swing all the same
listening for the whistle and the beat of the wing
one of us today, will win the brass ring

Limiting out is what we’re hoping for
but if not, you couldn’t hope for more
outside with friends and family alike
kids getting bored, gone on a hike

Men at the truck with cold Coors Light
relaxing outdoors, no one’s uptight
suns getting low, they are about to fly
here they come, hear the wings sigh

Draw a bead and a lead and fire away
one bird down, hope there’s more we pray
birds on the tailgate at the end of fight
get em’ all clean before the black of the night.
1.5k · Jul 2018
Aging Older
The Fire Burns Jul 2018
I used to read and see just fine,
now I wear glasses all the time,
my hair was full and feathered then
now I am a bald, just smooth skin.

Was the captain of the football team,
now I rub down with icyhot cream,
my back is shot with pinched nerves,
every joint creaks and they all hurt.

Was in shape, man I was cut,
now trying to lose this gut,
used to stay out every night,
now its time for bed when no sunlight.

Drinking beer and liquor with no care,
now the hangovers I just can't bare.
still hanging out with my friends,
guess we all adapt until the end.
1.5k · Sep 2016
Archery, (Life's Metaphor)
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Lightning focus
both eyes open
the bow is drawn

Precise aim
steady hand
solid base

Release triggered
the arrow flies
straight and true

this shot accomplished
draw again

There is always
another shot
or another target
1.3k · Nov 2016
A Scar Unseen
The Fire Burns Nov 2016
True pain rarely leaves
a visible puckered scar
it is a tear on our very soul
1.3k · Sep 2016
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Gather wood and stack it up in a pile
it will be a roaring blaze in a little while
stack small twigs first into a cone
make sure they are dry as a bone

Some lighter fluid and a match
if you did it right it will catch
fuel ignites with a whoosh
similar sound as a basketball swoosh

Add bigger pieces and logs
be careful not to bog
it down and choke off the air
building a fire takes great care

Until it is a roiling pyre
otherwise known as a campfire
ready for Weiners to roast
or maybe some s'mores to toast

Or just to sit around with whiskey in hand
on the radio your favorite band
sit in your chair and stare at the flames
lots of shapes in and around the fire frames

From the flames themselves to shadows cast
just like life it burns up fast
must keep feeding it to keep it alive
you swear its alive and trying to thrive

Thrive it must to keep you warm
shield you from the winter storm
fire is a tool much like a gun
my son thinks playing in it sure is fun

Burning branches and its hot as hell
red hot T-post bent into an L
now we use it as a rake
to pile up coals so we bake

In the heat until goodnight
to the tent we use its light
1.2k · Sep 2016
Muddy Road
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Wet and cold
driving dirt roads
rain pouring down
onto the ground

Water standing in the tracks
and running down every crack
begin to slip and to skid
turn into it in a bid

To regain some traction
it works but only for a fraction
of a second, so I turn the ****
the mud begins to spray in globs

Now in 4 wheel drive I proceed
should be enough to do the deed
of getting me on down the road
so the truck still I goad

Forward into the muck
hopefully and with some luck
we make it to the end
then my frayed nerves may mend

But then the bad news sinks in
we have to turn around and do it again
the cow tracks look like tiny lakes
now out of the truck each step I take

My foot sinks an inch or three
so I step to the side under a tree
try to walk on grass and roots
getting taller as mud sticks to my boots

Almost there I see the door
of the mud I want no more
into the deer stand I climb and sit
a reprieve from the mud for a bit

Three hours later constant rain
back out into the cold mud pain
tripping and sliding back to the truck
for the trip back in the mud and muck

The muds not deep it’s just real slick
depending on the route I pick
halfway back, spin sideways
not into cactus or a tree I praise

Slipping and sliding is great fun
but right now I long for the sun
you see the truck I drive is not my own
father in law’s out on loan

So get it stuck or bang it around
I will never live it down.
back to the gate no incident
onto the road no fender dents

This is day one of the hunt you see
so three days left of this for me
100% forecast of more rain
and those **** dirt tracks don’t drain
1.2k · Oct 2016
Beaches and Bikini's
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Presents wrapped colorfully out on the sand
the gulf shore waves test the knots and bows
fabric triangles and strings leave just enough
to the imagination, while curves show

A stunning visual display on water and land
Bouncing like the volleyballs, part of the show
small, medium, large, some overstuffed
rogue wave washes it off and now we know
1.2k · Oct 2016
Inspiration for a Dream
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
The hum of the fan
sings a lullaby
as the stress of the day
falls out of the muscles

An angels cloud of a pillow
my head sinks in
covers pulled up high
warm in my womb

The sheep ramble bye
one bye one
and slowly transform
into nothing

The sandmans dust
has been sprinkled
and rapid eye movement begun
falling into the land of dreams

Landing softly
in a newly mown green field
with knee deep patches
of bluebonnets and Indian paint brushes

A creek trickles nearby
its lulling sound
a salve for any remaining pain
brim swim in its cool waters

In the distance
snow capped mountains
haloed by the sun
that hides behind it

Cottontail rabbits
on the move
pay me no mind
on their journey

The purple martins
sing their song
by the mockingbird

A whitetail doe
and her two spotted fawns
ease by, head down,
munching on grass

Calmed, and relaxed
breathing easy and rhythmic
eyes dart around
taking in the beauty of the dream
1.1k · Apr 2018
On Beltane
The Fire Burns Apr 2018
Dancing bodies in flickering light,
beads of sweat from the heat,
blessed between the bonfires,
between spring and summer meet.

Bagpipes play a haunting tune,
sacrifices are freely made,
these gifts we give to nature,
hoping for an even trade.

Golden flowers braided,
into locks of ladies hair,
scattered in the bushes,
luck and beauty shared.

And when the night was over,
sacred fire taken to the homestead,
bring good fortune and health,
to greener pastures, our herds are led.
1.1k · Sep 2016
Backroads and Beer
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Gravel, dirt or old blacktops
cruising around, not many stops
through a pasture or tunnel of trees
backroad therapy sets your soul free

Driving around, might even get stuck
No high dollar cooler in back of my truck
Just an old igloo, full of beer on ice
Drink them to fast for that yeti price

Backroads and beer
Nobody else here
No cops around
Jamming country sounds

Just me, my lady, my old red heeler
Flip channels, check score, cowboys and Steelers
Blanket and a picnic behind the seat
Pull over in the shade for an afternoon treat

Might stop at the creek for a skinny dip
Squeeze her tight and kiss her lips
Chasing each other and splashing water
Keeping cool as the evening gets hotter

Backroads and beer
Nobody else here
No cops around
Jamming country sounds

Mountains blue, pop the top
This is so fun may never stop
Out in the country is the place to be
No suit, no tie, completely free

Ol red starts barking, sees a rabbit
Pull over, he jumps out to grab it
The chase is on, we watch and see
Reds tongue is flapping but rabbit ran free

Backroads and beer
Nobody else here
No cops around
Jamming country sounds
1.0k · Sep 2018
Saints and Sinners
The Fire Burns Sep 2018
Life out in the street is hard,
so be careful or you might get scarred,
think about the choice you make,
as it just might be your life they take.

Guns on every corner cocked and loaded,
some selling bombs readily exploded,
black tar ******, crack, and coke,
decisions altered with every ****.

Vagabonds and losers,
everyone's a chooser,
champions and winners,
some are saints and some are sinners.

Deep in the dark with no assistance,
fight of your life against heavy resistance,
all your armed with is your wits,
are you ready to go, or call it quits?

Out of the dark and into the light,
did you win, maybe, but there's always a fight,
pay attention, prepared and ready to roll,
keep your eyes on the prize and strive for the goal.

Vagabonds and losers,
everyone's a chooser,
some are saints and some are sinners,
but not everyone's a winner.
1.0k · Oct 2016
Sky Reef
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
When you get to Mexico, Cozumel
whether by plane or cruise you sail
really close to your port of call
take a Taxi not far at all

To Sky Reef for some fun and food
snorkel the reef will put you in the mood
have some nachos, all 3 kinds
beef, chicken or shrimp you’ll find
all delicious, servers friendly and kind

Plenty of mixed drinks and have no fear
they have lots of ice cold beer
how about a massage on the edge of the sea
or Tequila tasting, thrown in for free

Have a seat with an umbrella
chill out with the girls and fellas
have a good time at Sky Reef
relaxing excursion, just too brief
Fun little Verse about a spot in Cozumel. Have you ever been?
Written in November of 15
926 · Sep 2016
I Love to Fish
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Ask me what I want to do, go fish
if I had a genie, it’s what I would wish
in the lake, river, creek or pond
eagerly cast next to a fern frond

Wiggle my bait and work it some more
hoping a fish cannot ignore
flipping up under docks
or the edges of piles of rocks

Working the tree stumps
waiting on a big thump
on my lure, adrenaline pumps
waiting for the end of my rod to jump

Bass, on Carolina, Alabama, or Texas rigs
crappie and pan fish I’ll catch on a jig
white bass and hybrids, on slabs and spoons
I have even caught them casting at  loons

Sam Rayburn, Cedar Creek or Lake Fork
I’m getting excited just like a dork
Tawakoni, Amistad, or Nacogdoches
if I ran out of bait, man I would use roaches

Livingston, Stryker, or the Trinidad  Lake
catching some fish, fry them up on a plate
bait cast, and spin cast, pushbuttons oh wow
I also can fly-fish, I taught myself how

Gar, carp and buffalo, anything that bites
looking for something to make my line tight
Matagorda, or Galveston, or Port A
I have no problems fishing  the bay

Intercoastal waterway or out in the surf
no problems cooking surf and turf
Black drum, Red fish or Speckled trout
as long as they’re biting I’ll never pout

Whiting, and Croakers and even Hardheads
catching are fun, getting the slime off you dread
gaff tops are pretty, but just as slimy nasty
I’ve never had any, I hear their pretty tasty

Flounders are flat and so are sting rays
but if that’s what’s biting I’ll fish everyday
jacks, and mackerel and bonnet head sharks
so many fish in the ocean, that’s just a start.

How about invasives, silver carp and snakeheads
cast for the snakehead, jumping carp in a net
I’ve fished lots of bass, native and Florida strain
but there is one thought that sticks in my brain

Is I’d like to go catch some peacock bass
top water action would really kick ***.
catch and release or serve it up in a dish
as you can see I really love to fish
912 · Nov 2016
Honeyed Sweet Lust
The Fire Burns Nov 2016
Honeyed sweet lust
drips a trail
I long to travel
tongue travail

Pert and round
ripe, ready to pick
my mouth waters
as I long to lick

Anticipation pains me
I want to dig in
my body readies
for original sin

Salivary sensations
toppings galore
this time its honey
no need for more
900 · Sep 2016
Mountain Lake Trout
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Melting snow creates a stream
running down the mountainside
like a vivid night of dreams
ending in the foaming tide

Valley lake full of trout
top of water, insects float
on the edges cattails sprout
not sufficiently deep  for a boat

Cold clear water in I wade
casting my fly to the shore
I spy motion in the shade
stripping back cast once more

The fly hits the cattails base
a swirl and a flash below
moving fly, trout gives chase
incoming, stripping slow

Trout is caught and in my creel
wade back to the lakes edge
in the truck behind the wheel
driving home on mountains edge
893 · Oct 2016
Beginnings and Endings
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Finger tips, lightly drawn
Across bare skin
In places
Usually hidden

Goose bumps raised
Along with expectations
Stimulations and possible

Blood boils
And expands
Filling and raising

Electrical impulses
Spark along neurons
As temperatures

Lubricants and friction
Fight a battle
As other fluids
Are exchanged

Ecstasy reached
In full release
As squeezing and kissing
Reach heights

The sounds and smells
Of fulfillment
Fill the room
Spent and weak
812 · Sep 2016
Out Till Tuesday
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Thursday at noon
hit the road
done for the week
lighten my load

Cold beers calling
out my name
party all weekend
call up the gang

BBQ brisket and *******
maybe fishing, or hit the dance hall
country music, turned way up loud
waiting on my woman, I make the call

I'm out till Tuesday
and that's ok
need a break from workdays
settle the mind and the soul
forget work and lets go play

All day Friday at the lake
****** Mary's mixed and ready
drop the boat in
and run it steady

Skiing and laughing
with some friends
watching the sun set
in the end

I'm out till Tuesday
and that's ok
need a break from workdays
settle the mind and the soul
forget work and lets go play

Saturday headed to the mountain
hunt some sheds, do some hiking
the air is clear and its cool
all of this is too my liking

Gather wood, for a fire tonight
to keep us warm as temperatures drop
jack and coke  in my cup
listen to the fire pop

I'm out till Tuesday
and that's ok
need a break from workdays
settle the mind and the soul
forget work and lets go play

Sunday morning, driving home
taking our time, all alone
shady spot, all secluded
for work, time, I'll now atone

Blanket down, made of fleece
in the woods, afternoon delight,
no one sees
though the sun shines bright

I'm out till Tuesday
and that's ok
need a break from workdays
settle the mind and the soul
forget work and lets go play

Monday comes, back home again
mow the grass, take out the trash
fix the sink that, began to leak
this long weekend has been a dash

Monday night, on the couch
football game, as steaks grill
a long deep kiss, from my wife
long weekend ending thrill

I'm out till Tuesday
and that's ok
need a break from workdays
settle the mind and the soul
forget work and we did play
805 · Sep 2016
Largemouth Bass
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Swim along chasing shad
Under docks with shade
Tail walk just for the fun
773 · Sep 2016
Deer Lease
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Brownwood, Texas is the place
Where we go to give game chase
Deer, Turkey, Dove or Quail
That’s where we track them on the trail
From a ground blind or a tree
This is where we feel most free

Drinking whiskey by firelight
Or sometimes it’s Cold Coors Lite

Hot, Cold, wind or rain, we don’t care
To fill our tag is our prayer
Rifle, Shot gun or Bow
To fill our freezer, with, bird, buck or doe

Sometimes we go just to camp
In the morning it is damp
Horse licking dew off the tent
Sometimes this is how night is spent

Flashing lights and UFO’s
No one believes us but we know
Taking Picture’s in Bluebonnets in spring
Lots of Stories about everything

Driving across condemned bridges
Chasing Deer across Fences
Busting bottles on the Sign
Driving through the River that winds

Multiple Jeeps, wheelers, Trucks of all Kinds
But Polaris Ranger is head of the line
When it comes to getting around
Smoothest ride on the ground

Kids, chase rabbits, and lizards galore
Collecting bones, climbing trees and more
20 years on this lease
Sometimes it is good for Peace

Of the soul and of the mind
A great place to escape the grind
Miles, Years, Family and Friends
It has paid in dividends
772 · Oct 2016
Fishing Road Trip
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Boat hooked up
Let'***** the road
Left work early
Lighten my load

Buddies jump in
With their gear
Truck loaded down
Have no fear

Rods and reels
And bottles of crown
Headed to the coast
Jamming throwback sounds

Dinner time
Whataburger stop
Back on the highway
Haven't seen a cop

Halfway there
Need to get some sleep
But stopping at a buddies
Conversation runs deep

Morning comes
Got to get going
The beach it calls
And the tide is flowing

Check into the house
Drop boats in the water
Let's go fish
Can't stand it ni longer

Live gulf shrimp
hooks and weights
Out to the jetties
To sink some bait

Tap and pull
Set the hook
Drag screaming
The bait was took

Finally turn
This big old red
Bringing him in
Feel just about dead

Scoop him up
32 incher in the net
The tone for the trip
Has been set

10 guys  here
For three more days
Fishing trip
Memories made
725 · Jul 2018
The Still Nights' Retreat
The Fire Burns Jul 2018
Pink hyacinth blooms,
atop floating green leaves,
the dark green bullfrog sits idly,
occasionally announcing his presence.

Fullmoon light illuminates,
the blue water pond imitates
a giant silver mirror,
reflecting the sky.

A single disturbance,
created by a drinking damselfly,
ripples the night's reflection,
like paradoxes through time.

I sit and watch being still,
until the hum approaches,
I have been found by the mosquitos,
time to retreat.
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Camper parked by the lake, Friday Afternoon
feet in the water under an early rising moon
cooler full of sonic ice, and margarita mix
blender on the table soon it will fix

Chile pepper party lights already in full glow
guitarron beat hits hard in the mariachi flow
discada full of shrimp as the friends arrive
drinks and shrimp fajitas, let you know you are alive

Meteorites streak a trail across the August night
moon smiles like the Cheshire cat, not sharing much light
bikini-clad women dance to the Mexican beat
the stars and ladies are a stunning visual treat

Cozumel is where you make it
no matter how far from home
Friends and food and lots of *****
you just made port on your cruise
Summer Sun or summer night
Tequila tasting makes you feel right

Saturday morning, skiing and fishing
it's not the tropics, but its better than wishing
Sombrero on my head to shade the summer sun
sitting in my bag chair in the water lots of fun

Lounge chairs on the beach, bikinis on display
splish splash and laughter as the women play
while we a just miles, from our home station
having a good time, just like we're on vacation

Guys gather around, for Cuban cigars
day drifts into the night's beautiful stars
Couples start slow dancing in the summer night breeze
lots of contented sighs let out with a loving squeeze

Cozumel is where you make it
no matter how far from home
Friends and food and lots of *****
you just made port on your cruise
Summer Sun or summer night
Tequila tasting makes you feel right
712 · Sep 2016
Dance, Atop the Pyramid
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Aztec shaman
Summons Quetzalcoatl
In dance and jumps
Atop pyramids

Back arched
Soul bared
Awaiting to embody
The feathered serpent

Ancient gods
From the sky
Through ritual

The enemy's heart
Will pump in his hand
And slowly stop
As the gods consume

The life forces energy
And the shaman
And he
Are as
710 · Nov 2016
Election Erection Error
The Fire Burns Nov 2016
With Hilary's election
Bill gets an *******
And tries to ***** his wife
Only done once in his life
As she leads in the wrong direction
693 · Sep 2016
Sideways Grin
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
The lips smile
A sideways grin
Begging for a kiss
Makes you go the extra mile
But don't scrape your shin
Enjoy giving bliss

The mouth of, which I speak
Contains no teeth or tongue
When excited begins to leak
Find the right spot, acts as if it's stung

Juicy as a freestone peach
Eat it greedily
Because when it is out of reach
You want it needily

Kiss it tenderly, nice and slow
If you are doing it right, you will know
Hands will push you into it
To stop, they will not permit.
675 · Oct 2016
Back Roads of the Southwest
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Pump  jacks, mesquites  and  telephone  poles
ice  rattles  in  my  cup , in  the  center  console  
horn toads, ground  squirrels, coveys of  quail  
road  runner , coyotes  and  foxes  on  the  trail  

All  alone  out  on  the  road  
backroads is  where  I  roam  
white  stripes, a  dotted  line  
driving  in  the  warm  sunshine  

Window  down , the  wind  blows  in  
old  school  tunes  rock  from  backspin
passing  trucks  in  the  oil  field  
now  in  front  a  clear  windshield

Texas  border, not  far  away
switch  to  country, let  it  play
Merle  haggard  sings, as  antelopes  graze
in  the  field, a tractor cuts  hay

A lynx crosses the road in front of me
carrying a rabbit, caught something to eat
a rare sight indeed, but you never know
what you'll see on the back roads
On a Drive from Artesia NM to Odessa TX
665 · Oct 2016
Spirit Land Inhabitants
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
psilocybin and peyote
transport me to the spirit lands
where I commune
with father bear
mother eagle
and grandfather time embodied
as a Kodiak bear

They tell me of the past
and hint me the future
but mostly they tell me
of the now
and the pain
thoughts come to me like rain
memories form but not remembered

I awake, refreshed with new knowledge
that shapes my outlook and ideas
664 · Sep 2016
BBQ cookin, Jack and Coke
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
BBQ cookin, Jack and Coke,
sitting on the porch waiting on some folks
Ready to party when they arrive
supposed to be here just after five

Its a party with family and friends
when it starts who knows when it ends
Having fun, as the sun goes down
singing songs and getting down

Have a cup
fill it up
red solo, or Dixie
whiskey, tea or pepsi
your gonna need a drink
and some time to think

Its a party with family and friends
when it starts who knows when it ends
Having fun, as the sun goes down
singing songs and getting down

Fajitas are done time to eat
Onions and peppers, two kinds of meat
all the toppings are on the table
pile them on, if you are able
Dinner done
Time for fun

Its a party with family and friends
when it starts who knows when it ends
Having fun, as the sun goes down
singing songs and getting down

Liquid courage for what's to come
a little dancing, don't be glum
Find a partner, cut a rug
grab your cup, take a chug

Its a party with family and friends
when it starts who knows when it ends
Having fun, as the sun goes down
singing songs and getting down

Big screen TV set up outside
Karaoke machine, sing with pride
doesn't matter if you're good, just have fun
singing away with the sinking sun

Don't stop Believing and Crazy train
We have them all just don't strain
Clap for  all and tease a few
Its a loud rambunctious crew

Its a party with family and friends
when it starts who knows when it ends
Having fun, as the sun goes down
singing songs and getting down
655 · Sep 2016
Fishing on the Dock
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
March and April are the time
when crappie bite and winds chime
Cedar Creek, Prince's dock
it's the spot do not mock

Years of trees submerged there
fishing rods used by the pair
minnow on one jig on the other
catching crappie is never a bother

Medium shiner and red and chartreuse skirt
cast em out wait for the ****
cold Coors lite in the fridge
if not biting here, let’s try Caney bridge

Or maybe a dock across the way
down on the dam at the end of the day
but usually the dock will do just fine
under lights at dark or in  sunshine

Fill the basket with white and black
watch the cork, reel the slack
when it bobs, set the hook
paperlip slab, fillet and cook

Electric knife and old butcher block
cleaning fish around the clock
cornmeal, seasoning and fillets
a great dinner at the end of the day

Shake in a sack and toss in hot oil
toss in some hushpuppies' watch it roil.
eating on the deck with family and friends
our bellies full, the day ends
654 · Nov 2016
Country Music Ride
The Fire Burns Nov 2016
Crank the truck
Radios up loud
David Allen Coe
Sings out proud

Put it in gear
Head down the road
Willie sings
And lightens my load

If that ain't country
And whiskey river Take my mind
Send me down the road
New places I can find

Clint blacks next
At the stop sign
I sing along
Just killing time

Commercials now
Never stop I think
Then merle screams
Think I'll just stay here and drink

Country music gold
Radio clear and true
Hank Williams wails
***** tonk blues

Miles go bye
Thoughts of love inspire
Big john cash tells me
About a ring of fire

My ride is long
Where too?
The oaks chime in
With Bobbie sue

Singing and riding
Let the music ring
Waylon tells me
Bob wills is still the king

That may be true
But not what I say
Now George straits
Marina del rey

Circling back to home
And the end of my ride
Kiss an angel good morning
With Mr.. Charlie  Pride
651 · Sep 2016
Lets Go Fishing
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Casting lines
dropping jigs
some of them tipped with pig

Chicken liver
on the river
channel, Blues or yellow cats

Texas Rig
rattle Trap
pull out that hot spot map

Spinner baits
attracting blades
casting lures in the shade

Spin cast
snoopy pole
custom rod, medium fast

Crappie and largemouth
catfishing in the south
lakes or rivers, even streams
sometimes of the gulf we dream

Finger mullet on the line
waiting on the drag to whine
sharks or rays, even trout,
man that what it's all about

Whiting or croaker
let's go catch some Redfish
or salmon for the smoker

Northern pike and walleyes
white bass and panfish
fishing under blue skies

Bring a rod and a reel
tackle box and cold beer
at the lake its the deal

Cast and wind
catch and clean
fried blackened or steamed
648 · Sep 2016
Matagorda Bay the other Way
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Well the Josh Abbot Band sings Matagorda Bay
but I’m pretty sure it’s all the wrong way
should be I’ve been walking it all day
casting a shrimp or mullet along the way
whether the river, the surf or the bay
or even  the intercoastal waterway

You can never go wrong fishing here
from the bank, the beach, or even the pier
maybe spring, or maybe fall
you will always have a ball
with your dad, in laws or college friends
it always pays in dividends

Of reds, whiting, croaker and trout
usually followed by a cookout
sometimes black drum or maybe a ray
either way, make them pay all day
casting a squid or maybe a mullet
the fish always bite, take it and tug it

After dark on a green light
try as you might
you just can’t find a lure they won’t bite
when the tide changes and shrimp are running
two at a time is for what you are gunning
tired, and sore, but you are tough

All night long until enough is enough
then to bed for some shut eyed dreams
then up again, as the morning sun gleams
do it again, as it never lasts

Creating memories of the past
to share with friends
and also the kids
of Matagorda Bay
647 · Oct 2016
Machismo Murdered
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Wounded men at barstools
turn and watch her walk away
they try to play it cool
but their blood spurts to her hips sway

She held them up, cleavage for miles
dressed to the nines in her heels
shot them with her shotgun smiles
and laughs as they bleed and reel

Egos destroyed, she did not sit
just kept on walking by
now they wither bit by bit
as their machismo, slowly dies
647 · Sep 2016
Coleman Portable Heater
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
6-8 hours on a small bottle you’ll burn
when its heat for which you yearn
off grid camping is a breeze
with this heater you will not freeze

Camper warm all through the night
if you time the bottles right
when its deer season
it’s usually freezing

Take it to your box deer stand
feel the heat, isn’t it grand
quiet and handy portable heat source
all without hoses or cords

Just ***** on the bottle ready to go
turn the **** listen to propane flow
match or lighter use to ignite
just watch for the dull orange light

That’s how you’ll now when it lit
and good heat is what you’ll get
small and out of the way mostly
but when it’s cold you’re warm and toasty
Has saved me hunting and camping
626 · Sep 2016
Halfway to another Beer
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Pop the top, love that sound
Especially with friends around
Couple of sips with lime and salt
Wondering if enough beer was bought

Can in my hand, it's getting light
Sun is going down, man it’s bright
Slip my shades back down off my head
Walked up to my buddies and this is what I said

Is my can half full or at the half empty line?
They simply nod and wait for the punchline
Asked again, I said did you hear?
I’m simply halfway to another beer!

Finally dark, stories are being told
About the glorious days of old
Football tales and fishing trips
Las Vegas winnings, piles of chips

Buddy twists a can and walks away
Tries to be subtle knows the game I play
He is at the cooler and I holler sensuous
Knows what I mean, brings back one for each of us

Chugging beer right on down
When I hear that sloshing sound
Know what that means?, Room in the can!
At the halfway mark once again

Is my can half full or at the half empty line?
They simply nod and wait for the punchline
Asked again, I said did you hear?
I’m simply halfway to another beer
625 · Oct 2016
The Jetties
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Slabs of purple granite
sink into to the sea
marking the way
into the bay

Long rolling waves
raise and lower
all of the boats
anchored afloat

Dolphins patrol near by
as the ladyfish jump
the pelicans and other birds fly
looking for fish from the sky

We sink live shrimp
or chunks of cut bait
waiting for a bite
for a moment, all with the world is right
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
As Luna pulls upon the tides
my thoughts also ebb and flow
I am simply along for the ride
as neurons fire too and fro

Tinted window glass darkens Luna's face
her light kisses the shadows in my room
as I sit in the dark and listen to my heart race
worrying about things in life that I assume

Then she comes in and approaches
angelic, white gown glowing in the night
I simply stare, into my soul she encroaches
no more thoughts, just her in the moon light
615 · Oct 2016
Pumpkin Carving Contest
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
It approaches quickly
Ghouls and goblins day
Are you ready?
To lead pumpkins astray

Transform your orange gourd
With your knife and paint
Into something scary
That makes us want to faint

Hollow eyes carved
And a wicked crooked smile
Glowing with light from within
That can be seen for a mile

Scare us or make us laugh
With your pumpkin carved display
Show us your crafty skills
Turn them in Friday morning before 8
612 · Oct 2016
Going Separate Ways
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Going separate ways
one up one down
flying away
crawling afar

Two separate paths
have been taken
what once was love
has been forsaken
so now we go our separate ways
what could have been, flushed away

Fears and lies
can paralyze
or leave us paranoid
drifting with no meaning, alone in the void

One final look
and a knowing wink
gone forever
the chain has a broken link
Another Compilation
611 · Nov 2016
Dessert is Served
The Fire Burns Nov 2016
Dessert is Served

Apple pie flavored lips
the spicy nutmeg and clove
sending my taste buds
into spiraling ecstasy

Swelling meringues
toppings too be teased
swirling my tongue
up to the tip

Slurping her syrup
from delicious folds
phyllo layers
to be explored

The temperature
oven hot
rising higher and higher

Baking powder volcano's
erupting fillings
of fantastic flavors
exploding onto my plate

There she is
spread out before
ready, willing
dessert is served
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Flash them in the light
Vibrate them in the night
594 · Sep 2016
Off Season Digital Hunting
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
off season digital hunting

Dove, quail and deer
Eat corn at the feeder

Two turkey fly down from the roost
All heads come up as hogs walk by

Batteries in my pocket and SD card in hand
No rifle in hand for a reason

Currently nothing is in season
Just came to swap batteries and cards

In my trail camera
It watches and reports silently

Day and night
The comings and goings, natures delight.

The ***** and squirrels are frequent visitors
Robins and cardinals, titmouse and woodpeckers

All come for a bite
All captured digitally.
590 · Sep 2016
Campfires and Coors Lite
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
Sitting around stories told
Talking about days of old
Hunting, fishing and good times
Busting bottles. Stealing signs
Starry night is made of gold

Warm Campfires and Coors lite
Makes for a fabulous night
Crispy Fritos and bean dip
Great ideas and good tips
All relaxed, no ones up tight

Pack of coyotes begin to sing
Who knows what the dark night might bring
My wife gives me a sly wink
Mountains blue, I get a drink
feel just like a sitting king

Shining stars in the night sky
Satellites that fast fly by
Meteorites trailing fast
They just never ever last
Hell of a time that's no lie
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