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You're all alone,
But take my hand.
Follow me,
You'll understand.

Surrounded by people,
Yet still by yourself.
They push you aside,
Place you back on the shelf.

But not me,
I know your fears,
I feel your pain,
I see those tears.

Hide it all you want,
Put on your fake smile.
Lie to everyone else,
I won't fall for your guile.

Take my hand,
Come follow me.
Tonight we will run away.
Let me set you free.
An older poem..
When the roof caves in
Threatening to give
He hovers above her worries

Her head cradled in his lap
He gently strokes the hair from her face

Helping her fight the tears
     Easing her fears

Whispering so softly
Words so sweet
Only meant for her ears

I wish I could paint it
I wish I could create it
I wish someone's eyes would meet mine
As I watch my roof cave in
 Mar 2014 Jazzy Loveless
Your lips-
They are exactly what I imagined.
They taste so sweet. So forbidden.

Your tongue is inviting yet elusive.
Your hands crawl up. Mine crawl down.

Fingers raking skin. Leaving fine red marks.
I never have craved such pain before.

Your piercing eyes light up the room so dark.
My own are lost in this trance you've put me under.

Our bodies dance, intertwine, and lock.
Breathing becomes shallow and quick.

Kissing up and down your legs.
I bare my teeth. Insatiable for you.

So softly.... So slowly.....
I tantalize your naked skin.  

"Stop....  ...Don't be mean..." You breathe.
A careful moment of silence, just this once.

My mouth drops open in disbelief.
Only to be wrapped around you once again.

You turn to feel the pain. .....You can't wait.
A naughty laughter escapes you as I sink my teeth in.

The pleasure grows as you coil
Your legs around me even tighter.

Pull down on my hair arching your body for more.
Eyes roll back..... you never felt so high before.

Lost in my intoxication I come
To a reluctant.. and heavy... halt.


A trembling but indulgent sigh tells me everything.
 Mar 2014 Jazzy Loveless
I'm so sick of waiting as the seconds slip on by.
Most of my life centers on waiting for other people.
My eyes have rested staring at the floor waiting for my name.
Being held up for whatever reason.
Remembering the past to the point the present doesn't really matter.
I don't see the future. I don't put forth that kind of effort.
People tell me all the time that I have all this opportunity
Inside I feel certain that I have missed out entirely.
This existential crisis constantly shifts its form.
I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of the metaphors.
Sick of the frustrations.
Sick of myself.
I'm tired of everything I have been drowning in.

I want to say **** everyone. At least to those who have left me scarred.
And trust me, there are plenty of them.
I hate the plays on my weaknesses
It's one thing to be manipulated and another to modify
Becoming mutated
Were we ever truly organic or have we been designed ?
Predestined to these predispositions since the dawn of time
No one wins these types of power plays
and I stray to isolation pondering for days
Can mind overcome these matters?
Because the experts don't seem to believe
we are capable of advancement
without these artificial enhancements
After all they have to practice
It's ****** hidden in plain sight
A quiet killer seizing and thieving life as we sleep
In broad daylight
I am not examining your flaws
Nor restraining you with obstruction of laws
But you seem to believe you've broken something
Becoming troubled and overcome

I hold no Gavel
Not even an ill thought
Time is forever changing
Our rights and our wrongs
You have not been sentenced
Nor are you judged

I only require patience
and a natural flow of occurrence
Stop fighting the current and let go
The sands may shift
but that's something we cant control
Like a girl
I clung to your sleeve  
Holding your hand as we crossed the street
and you spoon fed me during breakfast
( I have to confess how much I ******* hated that)
As I'd listen to your latest business accomplishments
In complete and utter indifference
But when it came to my turn to speak
You disregarded it serving me another bite to eat
Interrupting me
My words can't escape a mouthful of spoiled, slighted, belittled, moves
The truth of what you thought of me was defined
Clear as day and as black as night
It was once benign but now I'm infuriated and livid inside
I spat my chewed bits back on the table where we'd dine
And left without speaking a word
Do you think he paid it any mind?
If you do you are absurd
He didn't even hear me walk out the front door
I had prince charming waiting outside
I bid thee Farewell
And I'll pray for you
Listen to this song and you'll have a good laugh!
After Sunday you stink of hypocrisy
Please don't waste your breath preaching to me
To me it's one big joke
as you line up for the punch line
Wearing your see through clothes
and flaunting your plastered eyes
Keep funding your guilt
as I kick back and criticize
Pockets full of change
I wound not spare a dime
I like boys
I love holding hands with him
Feeling his warm embrace
I love the feeling when I am with him
Watching the sunset together
Dancing, Laughing, and Playing
Running my hand through his hair
Tasting his lips against mine
Feeling the scruff of his beard
The feeling in his arms embrace
Whispering secrets to each other
Making plans for the future together
Dancing till the sun rises
Laying in the grass staring up at the stars
Waiting to be equals
Standing under the rainbow flag
Kissing under the rainbow
Holding his hand walking into a unclear future
Just what I was feeling sorry for any bad spelling or grammar it is like 3 in the morning wile I am writing this . . .  so sorry in advance. As always any feed back is greatly appreciated.
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