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 Jun 2013 Jay
Katie Lo
I can't seem to grasp the fact that the world in fact is an ugly place.
We live in a world where suicide is an easier way out than being yourself.
We live in a world where kids have adult minds.
We live in a world where no one is utterly happy.

We live in a world where no one seems to understand the idea of being kind.
The world from afar is such a beautiful thing.
Yet close up, face to face with one another, everything is far much unappealing.

We live in a world where war is an option to obtain peace.
We live in a world where our leaders keep secrets from the public.
We live in a world where women cannot go outside without being harassed.
We live in a world where homosexuality is seldom accepted.

Why is it that as human beings, instead of helping our own kind, we turn our backs to one another.
One day you people will see the error of your ways.
One day you people will see the pain you've inflicted on not only others but a prolonged pain on yourselves.

But for now I'll continue to sit back and watch the planet wither. Slowly but surely.

And I just don't understand.
 Jun 2013 Jay
Breakup Rules
 Jun 2013 Jay
A set of rules on how to break up when we break up. Might be having a good time here at this restaurant, applying your make up.

But when we leave and go, we're separate separately, a break from you and me.

But if this keeps happening, and I come home, and you meet me here, and now we're here, here's a set of rules, they're loud and clear:

No cheating and don't let me be misleading I'm not talking about the ****** pleading and the needing, if your truth is used and trust abused that is when we both lose, and no longer fused, we have to split.

Arguments and anger talk and a lack of communication, a big thick wall. That is when this is no longer a free for all, we part our ways, we're free to all.

At last. No contact. Got my stick and sack, there's no coming back.

I don't want to know or see
any of your friends
or their friends
or our friends
from when we
first began
I don't want to see them
or hear them
mention or remind
I want you out of my life

This is what I abide and believe
If that what's true
from your point of view
Then maybe this contract we don't have to do

These are the break up rules
and if you agree
it's nice to meet you
let's make plans for two
 Jun 2013 Jay
Tess Michelle
 Jun 2013 Jay
Tess Michelle
he creeps into the corners of my mind,
and gives the demons a cup of tea and a hug
comforts them until they quiet down and I have peace again

he lights a fire in my hollow, cold chest
melts away the empty feeling of deep depression,
thoughts of moving to my grave many years before I should
 Jun 2013 Jay
aint no such thing as halfway crooks
aint no such thing as halfway intellectuals
aint no such thing as half read books
all i see are loud mouth crooks
that base everything off the way people look
spookin me out and trying to show off
when there isn't anything but smoke blowing
there's no such thing as the things you speak
the way you talk, your emotions bleed
you're weak
your words become more cheap
the longer you speak
i suggest you creep
and listen for a peep
no such thing as a smart person who doesn't listen
as we sit here and have this argument in the kitchen
and you keep dismissing
bait and hook like you're fishing
it's physics
you need to split
and fission
pay attention
and think before you speak
you're revealing your true intentions
non intelligently
understand that perspective
is not a collective
exchange thoughts and ideas
and you'll learn how to treat
another person
show respect
the next time we meet
by calling out
and taking names
showing face
talking about race
like you have it all understood
and the other opinion is no good
your mind is closed
as it should
you're from another planet
and our world's will collide
but let it ride
take a look
at someone else's life
you might be surprised
that it's the same on the inside
 Jun 2013 Jay
Emilie Pece
I will not show my disappointment
I will not express my sadness
I will sit quietly and I will wait
I have always done my best
To be calm
But I have failed many times
I will always be a failure
But I will fail silently
 Jun 2013 Jay
Do not complain
 Jun 2013 Jay
If you've never felt the piercing cold of winter,
How would you know the pleasant warmth of a summer's day?
If you do not know of sorrow,
How do you know what is joy?
If you are yet to experience unfathomable failure,
How can you revel in success?
If you have not suffered,
You will not appreciate happiness.

If you've never felt weakness or vulnerability,
How would you know of strength and compassion?
If you do not know of oppression,
How do you know what is freedom?
If you are yet to experience paralysing fear,
How can you be courageous?
If you have not been through heartbreak,
You will not appreciate the beauty of true love.
True love is love that is always returned.

To value the good,
You must first encounter the bad.
 Jun 2013 Jay
Chaz Kirshcmann
 Jun 2013 Jay
Chaz Kirshcmann
We are fine we are kind
we all rhyme all in time.
We will find the right words
to define all of time and how we see reality.
We all perceive the world differently,  
from yours to mine words can define.
Oh how our eyes make out life
Oh how a simple thing as air can make things clear.
Thank god for ears.
 Jun 2013 Jay
i sit on the streetcorner of your mind
and every once in awhile
you drive by
throw money at me
hey baby
how about a
and i smile for you
because im in the red

you do not mind
paying for my ******* smiles
and playing with the curvature of my lips
you do not mind
buying me for an hour
to smile at you

i am glad
that my crinkled eyes
are enough to make you feel better
i am glad
that you feel you are good enough to me
to demand a smile for free

and only because
i want you to feel better
do i give them to you
even when the bank is looming
shaking all the outstanding debts
at me
that i really
owe myself

you do not mind
ravaging the smile
you paid for
you figure that you are allowed to ****
that which is yours
and i let you
because you
paid for it
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