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 Jul 2013 Jay
Passion fire hope
I feel so out of control
I feel like everyone thinks the worst of me
Constantly not knowing what they know of me
Knowing even if they don't know it yet i know it deep inside of me and it kills the best parts of me.
These things i only wanted to try
Like a temporary fix for all this *******.
God knows i never meant to hurt anybody.
But it's funny how the way you think things will play out is only stereotypical to the real thing....
It's crazy how after it happens its ALL your mind is controlled by.
And I hate it how I don't really know how to feel about things.
Do I smile when you say you FINALLY don't want me anymore and I want you.
Do I scream to the top of my lungs with hate when you say what I did wasnt that bad.
I don't  know how to feel when I sit in church.
I can't even look at you in the eye.
So I fog up reality with the tears i cry inside.
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
Flares light up the dark,
Like fireworks on the Fourth of July,
Calling out for help,
But we're drowned out by the siren's cries.

This is an S.O.S.,
Can anybody hear us?
We're in an awful mess,
Our hands are waving above our heads.

The captain has gone down with his ship,
And we're left on the boats to survive,
These flares that we have set off for you,
Are our last chance to stay alive.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Jeremy Duff
My wine is on the top shelf of my closet, inside a suit case.
One pack of cigarettes rests inside of my nightstand.
My Vicodin lies in the back of the same nightstand in a small red envelope.
My **** is in an Altoids tin sandwiched between my two mattresses, by the window.
Another pack of cigarettes is in the front pocket of my backpack accompanied by a lighter.
Another lighter is in clear view on my nightstand.
Three 70 mg Oxycontin are in an allergy pill container underneath my bed.
My tobacco pipe and tobacco are in an old medical kit on the second shelf of my book shelf.

I love you mom.
More than all these things
and the fact that I feel that I have to let you know that makes me very, very sad.
 Jul 2013 Jay
There comes a day in your life where you meet someone special…
You try so hard not to admit it but you just can’t hold back the way you feel…
I like you.
You get all those feelings…
Those butterflies you can’t stomach,
That heart rate you can’t put at ease,
So baby …
Sweetheart with the beautiful smile. Sure, I loved sleep
But dreams couldn't compare
Not to talking to you until my mind screamed for rest
And the butterflies in my stomach settled
Darling with the endless amount of love…
your love could fill the oceans and climb the tallest trees,
but could your love belong to me someday?
Be given to me?
Can you feel the way I do for you?
& Boy, sometimes I tangle my own fingers
Closing my eyes, losing myself in a daydream
Where your voice is more than an echo in my mind
And I even believe for a few seconds you're still here
Lover, who writes me poems,
You should know I write you too.
I write about you until my fingers ache
And still after that I keep writing
Because there's just some people you could write about forever
And baby, you're one of them.
And boy who played me a song,
Sweet sounds bow down to my ears,
And the way you play your guitar…
& the way I daydream about kissing your lips...
I can’t wait until the sparks of your tongue burn my mouth
send electric shocks through my body
Cutie… with the funny jokes,
You make me laugh.
Today you made me laugh,
like you always do,
you’re the only one who can now a days.
Baby, with those sparkling eyes,
Your eyes haunt me whether I'm dreaming or not
And what haunts me more is the fact that
I can’t have you now
because you ruined it
It hurts to think about it,
So I have to block you out.
Play your songs to someone else,
Read your silly lines of heartache to someone else,
And go find… someone else.
 Jul 2013 Jay
Meryl d'Encre
Flashes of quicksilver through the air
Sharp edges of broken glass
Echoes of light

Wind playing like wild things in the
Warm darkness of the summer night
Clear rain beating like so many drums
Drop after drop hitting black tar
Silent crystal bells sliding along your face
Caressing your cheek your hair your skin
Snug against your throat
Through the armor of clothes sinking into bones
Cleaning paths of whispering nerves
And the rumbling sound rolling around in your head
Slow and lingering
Vibrations down your spine grasping

Crawling out of yourself
Taste of electricity on the back of your tongue
Liquid steel and smooth fire
Sparks rushing through you human livewire
Moving right beneath your skin bursting stars meteorites
Stripping you raw and true and farther than you’ve ever reached
Heart slowed down tight and straining
Fluttering choking too slow for the light
Blood thick and red pulsing in your chest your wrists your mouth
Under your tongue against your lips fighting its way out

Like the scream inside of you
Deep and rooted scratching at the walls of your mind
Eternity spent nowhere
Frantic whimpers broken claws slow poison world of grey
Threat of oblivion never ending struggle
Remember remember remember who you are
Crackling yellow or smooth white and stark black ink and smell of paper
The world beyond the world technicolor light
Soaring away invisible wings
Beating the rhythm of you heart

And you laugh and laugh and laugh and your smile feels like a storm
 Jul 2013 Jay
i have bitemarks on me
from you loving
too hard
scratches on you
where i didn't want to let go
but suddenly
the battle
is over
the breathless tangle
at an end
i forgot where i begin
and you did it
on purpose
the bitemarks
you left on me
are sore
and so is anything
that once was
in my chest
love makes me
love makes you
love makes us
sorry if this is a bit explicit. it's not actually about ***, for the record. it's an analogy about incompatibility, *******
 Jul 2013 Jay
"it'll get easier"
they say
"holidays won't be so hard forever"
they say
"christmas will be better next year"
they say
"it won't hurt so much after a while"
they say
"mom'll come back someday"
they say
"she'll come to her senses"
"she'll realize her mistake"
"she'll miss her family"
"the kids won't forget about their big sister"
"she won't disappear again"
"you're gonna be fine"
"it'll all sort itself out"
"just be patient"
"it was your dad's fault"
"she was crazy"
"give it time"
they say.

(whoever they are)
do a lot
of talking
but not enough
to make today
feel alright
because i can't look anywhere
without seeing us down by the lake
with watermelon dripping down our chins
and scraggly weeds
growing inbetween the rocks

i miss that thing i used to have


        i                 ­       

                                                             ­              y
happy fourth of july.
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
Two Sides
 Jul 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
When I feel sad or close to losing it, I write.
I need to write otherwise I start to think,
When I think I begin to imagine,
When I imagine I start to feel scared.

There are two sides to me,
Like Jekyll and Hyde,
But one has been silenced by the other.
Inside my body is the real me,
My skin, bones, flesh and organs are just the shell
Of what lies inside.

It's like there is another person,
Screaming and writhing in sheer anger,
Restrained by a straitjacket,
Throwing himself against walls,
The veins in his neck throbbing as he curses.

I never expect people to care,
In fact I nearly don't want them to,
I want them to be distant,
To stand in the bleachers and watch
The two sides of me battle it out.
I don't want them to be in the middle when the swords start to clash.

"You can't be lonely"
"You need to talk"

Talking only feeds the flames of feeling like a burden,
Being the thorn in a persons side as they try to tackle their own problems,
Another straw that hangs in the balance of completely and utterly destroying the camels back.
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