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 Sep 2013 Jay
The carpet is frayed in the hallway
And the nails along the walls are facing upwards
As reminders that any attempt to
Unearth the secrets swept beneath them
Will result in ****** hands
And the closet door in the bathroom
Is hanging off the hinges
From the time your stepmother tried
To hide her boyfriend in there
And your father threw it open
As a reminder that closets
Are cliché places to keep skeletons
And the red smear beside the toilet
Is the result of your father's fists
Breaking blood vessels and skin
As a reminder that even ghosts
Can leave behind stains
And the glass window in the bedroom is splintered
From the time your father had a nightmare
And thought the house was on fire
As a reminder that sometimes
We burn from the inside
And there's a hole in your bedroom wall
From the time your brother put his fist through it
As a reminder that walls are the only things that stand between
Yourself and every version of yourself that
You've tried to hide within them.
 Sep 2013 Jay
 Sep 2013 Jay
Your eyes
are my favorite color
dark and sultry -
a magnetic force,
that pulls me in.
My favorite scent
is your skin
against mine
in the early mornings -
before the sun,
kisses the sky.
My favorite sound
is your heartbeat
when it's racing,
when it slows down -
quite often
I like to believe,
that our pulses
are in sync.
Your hands
are my favorite
pieces of art -
the way they intertwine perfectly
with mine.
I could trace my fingers
against yours
for a lifetime,
and never become dissatisfied.
Your lips
are my favorite taste -
I love the way
they become chapped
from placing
too many kisses,
on my skin.
 Sep 2013 Jay
LJ Chaplin
Let me tell you about how I feel,
I promise not to bore you,
If you promise to let me heal.
I've been bullied,
Pushed to the breaking point,
Because of the words that have been stated.

I've been shunned and ashamed,
Labelled with names,
That do not justify who I am,
I have been ignored and refused,
And verbally abused
By people who I thought would understand.

Am I a part of collateral damage?
Another scar from stereotypical carnage?
The bullets took off,
But yet you all forgot,
About the boy who took every single shot.
I told you I'm fine,
Because after all I'm defined
To act like nothing has happened.

You're probably thinking,
Wow this screams for attention,
But if that thought crossed your mind,
You're in serious need of a certain lesson.

I don't expect you to change your ways,
But to consider the way you behave,
Towards a person who wants to feel alive,
But struggles to breathe because they're hurting inside.

This is the story of a boy who cried help,
Built to be destroyed by a world who made him hate himself.
"Be not afraid of going slowly,
be afraid only of standing still."
 Sep 2013 Jay
Poetry is often associated with
the romantic,
the candle lit,
the girl with flowers in her hair;

And hardly ever with
the silent and passionate,
the mysterious
and brave.

But while it is probably
that those who never love
will never write,

Happily ever after
never made that good
of a story.
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