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Stop telling me
how beautiful I am
or how my eyes sparkle
or even how adorable
my dimples are
Stop saying that
I'm the happiest girl you know.

Beautiful girls
don't stand alone at parties
or spend friday nights alone
Happy girls don't lock their door
and take out their razors

                                                                                                                                                         **and cry.
I was climbing this wall trying to get to you
a wall of rusty nails and barbed wire
I'd climb a little bit and then
I'd loose my footing
a couple feet lost
and I'm closer to the bottom
further away from you
Fight for it soldier
you yelled
Watching me below you
but i kept falling while
the people who surrounded you
pushed me down
and my fellow soldiers below
fighting their own battles
told me they needed help
and my battle was useless
so I let go
I loosened my grasp on the wall
and fell to the depths below
the bottom
but I did not know
that above me
where you stood
there were mean people
holding you against your will
and you wanted me to save you
you yelled for me
and I let go
and I left you there
i thought you wanted me to fight
to be worthy of you
but really you said
Fight for me soldier
because you needed to be saved
my hands shake
as I place a single candle
on top of a store bought cupcake
it doesn't mean much anymore

I take out my lighter
and light the wick
staring at the flame
as in flicks
lighting the shadows in my dark room

I start to sing
choking on the words
trying not to cry
or wake anybody up

"Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, dear Jenna
Happy birthday to me"

I try to blow out the candle
one pathetic attempt after another
until I finally succeed
I wish to simply disappear
like i never existed
to save my family and friends
from the heartache

and i quietly clap to myself
tears streaming down my cheeks
but i know this isn't my last year
and next year I'll make the same wish
*over and over
5 years old
She wants to be a princess
elegant, sweet, and beautiful
Daddy said she'd always be his princess

7 years old
She wants to be a musician
to write songs
and tell daddy she misses him
She doesn't want to be a princess)

11 years old
She wants to be a warrior
to fight off the mean people
that took her sister
because she was sad
they told her she couldn't sing)

15 years old
She wants to be an angel
She gave up on everything
they told her she wasn't good enough
the mean people want to take her too*)
I looked at her
and I whispered
I'm not just sad
I'm lonely
in the most crowded rooms
and broken
because the glue won't hold
and i hate passing mirrors
because my inside
shows on the out
when I look into the glass

She stared at me
and simply said
"You don't look depressed"

I looked up and laughed
"I'm sorry, Did I forget my raincloud today?"
*stabs eyeball for being an awful poem*
11:59 pm
          in one minuet
                   sixty seconds
                        even sixty thousands milliseconds
            Today will be gone
                       Today will be yesterday
                             and tomorrow will be today
             Everything you did today
                         every person you met
                                  every conversation
                                          everything you saw
                                                   and touched

                                                                    is gone.
                  You'll remember
                        or even worse.
                            you'll forget
                      you'll lose it in  all your  lost memories

                                                                   *12:00 am

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