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young bare feet tiptoe down old wood steps,
counting each one,
one step,
two steps,
three steps,
down, lower and lower
until her soft skin touches cold wet pavement,
listening to her soul music,
a light wet patter
creating the soundtrack of her life
the clocks screech out
the darkest hour is upon us
but she doesn't mind
she is elsewhere
as cold drops land upon her
she takes a breathe
a long deep breathe separates her
from reality and paradise
to herself she whispers
'the rain loves me
i love the rain
the rain is cold
lonely and sad
scared and broken
but it loves me
and i love the rain'
il tuo sorriso,
come le stelle sopra di noi stasera
Non credo che potrei abbastanza confrontare
il modo in cui i tuoi occhi brillano alla luce della luna pallida
essi sono di colore blu
sono sempre stati
ma è diverso questa volta
perché questa volta ti piaccio troppo
questa volta siamo completamente persi
in un mondo tutto nostro
ma mi rendo conto di minuetti dopo
sveglio nel mio letto
lacrime sulle mie guance
era solo un sogno
e questo è tutto ciò che non potrà mai verificarsi
English Translation:
your smile,
as the stars above us tonight
I do not think I could quite compare
the way your eyes sparkle to the pale moonlight
they are blue
they always have been
but it's different this time
because this time you like me too
this time we are completely lost
in a world of our own
but I become aware of minuets after
awake in my bed
tears on my cheeks
it was just a dream
and this is all that will never occur

Wanted to try some other language writing although i had to look some words up c:
I noticed
          The way you stared
                   You tried to hide it
But I noticed

I noticed
        How you apologized quickly
                       I shrugged it off
But I noticed

I noticed*
         I said the wrong thing
                    you laughed it off
but I noticed

I noticed
             the sad glances or smiles
                          you'd try and play it off
But I noticed

I noticed
         I am an Anchor made of glass
                      thrown off the edge
                           you try to stop me from sinking
                                           but you can't stop when I shatter
your the one who didnt try at all
the one who stopped trying
the one who kept ******* up
to everyone your just you
nothing special
a waste of space
so why try
to be with these so called
it's like this
you are at this place
maybe it's your first time
maybe you've been here a million times
and its filled with strangers all around you

it's like you shuffle past
and try not to focus on them
because like I said
They're strangers

you listen to the music
that blares out
as your favorite band
stands in front of you

and as everyone around you
screams the words
the chorus and the verses
the instrumentals and just smiling

you realize that these aren't strangers at all
these are the family members you haven't met
the best friends awaiting to be found
and the memories awaiting to happen

but it all starts there
in that one venue
with that one band
when you realize

sometimes its not what you wear
or who you talk to
it's not the color of your skin
or the people you dream of kissing

it's those two minuets and fifty seconds*
when we all forget about being strangers
and it's like we have known each other forever
it's the moment i could live in forever

Everyone is smiling
singing the words
to the song they fell in love with
by the band who stole their hearts

all these different people
with all the same hopes
the same thing got them
through the terrible weather

and I realized in that moment
I was not just a speck of dust
in a universe of greater things
I was part of a whole

I was part of something so much bigger
that even the most complicated
nor simplest minds could understand
It's as if

In that moment I realized
that band needed us
as much as we needed them
and I didn't feel so small after all
This poem wasn't only inspired by my concert experiences but specifically by the best I've had, I dedicate this poem to Silent Stories for always being there when I was upset, whether it was through their music, or even occasionally in person. I don't think they realize the impact they've had on me as a whole. I remember times where I'd be extremely upset and so done with everything and I'd press play and my favorite song would come on and I could just barely mumble the words i knew so well but I did it and I made it threw the city, the four tracks that have picked me up over and over again and never got sick of doing so. I remember the first time I met Nick Reynolds, I wanted to take guitar to be like my dad and he was basically my guitar teacher for a good amount of time, along with the actual teacher and a few other kids but he worked with me and a small group. I stopped adoring my dad after I realized he wasn't going to call anymore and that it had been months since he said hello. and that was the year I decided I liked guitar and that Nick was a good guitarist and I wanted to be like him. He has become such a great person and guitarist since then, It has been quite a while but well worth it because I have found something I love. I remember the day my aunt had committed. It was during a silent stories show. I checked my Facebook and saw the posts, not too long after, I got the call. It was before Silent Stories was up so I walked outside and sat behind a tree, terribly upset. I remember the band walking out and flicking on the headlights to the car, right in front on me, where they practiced jumps and guitar tricks and flips as I watched quietly. as soon as they were done they were on their way in to play their set and I just felt like I couldn't move but I remember Adam stopping and looking down at me as if he knew and he just kinda said to me "you gunna come inside?" It was simple just a question but it made me feel better because I didn't even think they noticed I was there struggling not to break down. It's these moments I remember and every moment in the crowd at their shows in different venues, different states, different cities, that I realized I'm not as alone as I feel at times and maybe I'm a stranger to that crowd when I walk through that door but we're a family as soon as that first note is played.

*The song referred to is here:
**Band Referred to;
What if the rain
is tears of the forgotten
and some dance with joy
and others curse at the wind

What if that red wheel barrow
next to the white chickens
wasn't a wheel barrow at all*

what if the days we spent
were days wasted on words we never meant
*Reference: The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
It has been awhile since I have written to you
on torn lined paper
that smelt like me
I am sorry this is not from my notebook
and you cannot really smell anything
you cannot see what this page looks like
I do not want you to cry anymore
I know each day that passes
each time I say something
It's as if I am tearing your heart
your heart all over again
I know it seems that I do not want to be around
that I am running and hiding
you are alone
i know that's how you feel
but i could not tell you
all these different reasons
of reasons
and I could not tell you one
and I'm sorry
I remember this young girl
with long curly blonde hair
dimples and a bright smile
she had green eyes and she never lied

She never let anyone cry
and she was always there
to catch accidental tears

This was the same little girl
that loved to eat her vegetables
and loved to listen to her Daddy
sing and play guitar before bed

Well, soon enough
Daddy stopped playing
because he wasn't there at bed time
so she tried to play herself

this was the same little girl
who has had hateful words
thrown in her face

This was the same little girl
who was beat up at school
but still managed to smile
and say "Everything is gunna be OK"

But along the way something snapped
She cut off her long blonde curls
and her eyes no longer were a bright green

Her smile wasn't as bright
actually, it barely was there
but she still said
"I'm OK"

this is the same girl
who resents the man
who she thought
she was safe with

this is the same girl
that wants to be
who she used to be

this is the same girl
who sat in the dark
and writes these words
Someone once asked me
questions I would answer blandly
they weren't what I wanted to answer
Questions of perfect dates
and perfect people
when simply
I wanted them to ask
"What is you favorite flower?"
I could respond with my fascination
with these tiny
white petaled
ones that made me smile
so wide
eastern Europe could see my teeth.
I wanted someone to ask
about my favorite food
So i could respond
with this amazing blend
of rice and fish
and seaweed and other ingredients
but I'd add
that I only eat them with chopsticks

I would look at them and ask
If I was to fall in love with you
could we share these things
and face the world?
but I couldn't do that
because who wants me,
the girl who wants **Sushi and daisies.
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