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May 2022 · 61
Old Forgotten Friend
With a beginning, there’s an end
My old forgotten friend
Those days sitting on the docks
In the summer times we spent
An ever vivid memory
Of two unremembered souls
Finding solace in each others space
Sharing highs and lows
May 2022 · 84
Buying Time
My death might not mean much to you
But it’s affected many lives
I’ve been waiting for my day
Since the moment I arrived
Although it seemed inevitable
For a time I felt immune
Never for a second
Did I think I’d die too soon
I imagined I would grow old
That my body would decay
I’d struggle standing on my legs
I’d have some aches and pains
But I didn’t know the magnitude
Of day after day after day
So in a sense I feel relieved
Although not overjoyed
In a life of ups and downs
I leave behind a void
I was a cousin and a nephew
A son who lost his way
But only to be found again
Now standing center stage
The lights were bright and blinding
Heaven sent its shine
Even if it’s not your belief
Don’t criticize what’s mine
You know as much as I do
You may think that you know more
And I’d push you to continue
To research and explore
I believed in optimism
Perspective coincides
I believe it to be criminal  
To be deprived of time
The essence of our purpose
Existence to maintain
After all we’re only human
Not little drops of rain
May 2022 · 174
Promised Land
They were their images and reminder
A reflection of their past
That led them to the promised land
While avoiding the lords wrath
Theirs was the light the glowed incessantly
While guiding every step
So beautiful to the naked eye
That they all broke down and wept
Immaculate and gaudy
Primitive and pristine
Unsullied by a humans touch
All-encompassing, and green
Lavish and luxurious
That is only seen in dreams
Captivating and glorious
Now visible to see
May 2022 · 106
Home Sweet Home
They built a nest of feathers and twigs
The sparrow, and the weaver
While admiring how the dam was built
By the curmudgeonly old ******
All day long they sang their song
Amidst the making of their dwellings
Then rest their heads and prepare
For their favorite story tellings
May 2022 · 152
On The Prowl
Every sigh I take
Is an extension of my tention
That filters throughout my body like decay
My spirit’s breaking down
Which makes me wear a frown
And I mope around with each passing day
I dip my head and scowl
Depression’s on the prowl
But of course, I’m set in my own way
When I see the light
I’ll try with all my might
To feel differently than I do today
May 2022 · 81
The Mother Of A Child
The mother of a child
A beautiful baby boy
That brings with him a new chapter
Filled with love and joy
Every day’s a new day
For new finds and of firsts
It’s the time to make new memories
Where nothings been rehearsed
To share him with the world
With protection, safe and warm
And start teaching him every nuance
From the day that he was born
A bundle of joy
A blessing of grand scale
A ton of love and support
For the little one that’s frail
A connection to a fragile soul
To nurture and grow fond
To watch and see, with loving eyes
An unbroken bond
May 2022 · 105
Mining For Diamonds
I’ve been mining for a diamond
I’ve found only shards of glass
That pierce the skin and produce blood
But I know this too shall pass
I’ll find the jewel I seek in time
I know this to be true
Then I’ll mount it on a wedding ring
And wait for your “I do”
May 2022 · 109
The Raven Squawks
Dark and filled with mystery
The raven mocks and squawks
Hovering in the dead of night
Or perched on the rooftops
Seeking with their beady eyes
For an easy prey
Then attacking it on sight
In the field in which it lay
May 2022 · 96
The Essence Of Fairytales
Tiny bubbles never seem to burst
Despite their roll on planet earth
Every passing second that trickles by
Another instance of when worlds collide
And the pitfalls of such grand scales
Are the essence still, of all fairytales
Apr 2022 · 230
The Big Idea
Imagination’s key
For make believe and fantasy
When the light burns bright
When the bulb is lit
Beckoning the cargo ship
To steer and set his course
Without feelings of remorse
And set the record straight
As to what the mind creates
Apr 2022 · 90
The Urge To Keep
Baring all for you to see
Underneath a shaded tree
I look at you
You look at me
There’s instant fire; chemistry
We ****** at the upmost peak
There are no words to say
No words to speak
Just fireworks
And the urge to keep
Every memory
From now
Until eternity
Apr 2022 · 77
Your attitude’s obtuse
Your posture is oblique
You hide your battle scars
Your methods are unique
I tried my hardest to befriend you
But you turned the other cheek
And it’s impossible to get a read
When you hardly ever speak
Apr 2022 · 103
Spread The Word
His body could not contain
The thoughts within his brain
He must diffuse the news
It’s too hard to refrain
When all is said and done
When there is no one left that hasn’t heard
There’s still anticipation
Before each and every word
Apr 2022 · 101
Hurts To Feel
There were dark days in my past
When I walked amongst the shadows
Waning in a battle field
Dodging flying arrows
Aimed straight at my heart
But deflected off my shield
Then ripped and torn apart
Until it no longer hurt to feel
Apr 2022 · 103
The Journey
‪The fun is in the journey ‬
‪Passing town to town ‬
‪Seeing peoples faces‬
‪Out there in the crowd ‬

‪The fun is in the journey ‬
‪Always on the move‬
‪To a specific destination ‬
‪Or wherever they so choose

‪The fun is in the journey‬
‪To the city up the road‬
‪To a beach somewhere in Mexico‬
‪Or to other parts unknown‬
Apr 2022 · 117
The Last Reindeer
The last reindeer went missing
From out in front on Santa’s sleigh
So he had nothing to guide him
Through the snow on Christmas Day
The presents were not delivered
And so the children cried and teared
That’s how Christmas got ruined
When the last reindeer disappeared
Apr 2022 · 70
The dessert was dressed and garnished
With a wafer, thin and crisp
Eaten by the mayor
Who spoke with a small lisp
He gobbled up the sweets
Then went on to make a speech
Of how to build up unity
And whom he’d like to reach
The children in the city
To the homeless on the streets
He told anyone who’d listen
And with that, he packed the seats
It’s how he swayed the voters
The election his to keep
Winning in a landslide
Will history repeat?
Apr 2022 · 91
Deep Within A Dream
Abundant clouds
And distant ships
Alone on empty seas
No sun yet in the morning sky
A calmness, without breeze
No sails deployed
The waters flat
Cool, calm, and serine
The crews asleep
As silence looms
Deep within a dream
Apr 2022 · 69
The crowd stood still in awe
But what they failed to understand
Is that no rules or laws were broken
Just some slight of hand
A card trick or two
A disappearing act
Step aside folks
And enjoy the ride
As he pulls a rabbit from his hat
Apr 2022 · 160
How The River Cures
how the river cures
this malady of yearning

Quenching the thirst of a dried up old root
And where no fisherman goes hungry
That has ever cast his rod
And when the lonely and the sick come calling
We listen, with an open-ear, and nod
Apr 2022 · 283
I’m spinning off the rails
At catastrophic speeds
Flying off the handle
To fulfill my childish needs
I’ve busted my back
I’ve paid my share; my dues
I no longer wish to offer up
My services to you
The flag I wave is of surrender
The universal sign of truce
My mind is fed up and tired of‬
‪This mental warfare of abuse ‬
Throw down your weapons
Your words can open doors
Instead of seeing bloodshed
While financing all their wars
Apr 2022 · 84
Under Attack
I say this with a heavy heart
Destruction tears our world apart
Every layer peeled straight back
Under duress, under attack
Burning buildings, burning cars
Cuts so deep, they turn to scars
But the wound is still too fresh
Heavy pounding in my chest
Figuring out how to deal
With an unwanted guest
That leaves behind a mess
With no time to digest
The guns and bombs
And the men at arms
While trying to stay calm
Between the sirens and alarms
Apr 2022 · 84
The Warden
They run the tightest ship in Brunswick
The warden sees to that
Never one to say too much
Gossip, talk, or chat
He just goes about his business
Marking off his chart
Making sure that every inmate
That each one does his part
Apr 2022 · 96
Daylight Comes
Daylight comes
Fresh and new
Spread vast over the land with dew
The clouds are scarce
The sky is blue
It’s where lovers love
And the flowers bloom
There’s dazzling colors
In plain sight; view
Offering up
Its sweet perfume
Apr 2022 · 63
Get there with flare
Style and pizzazz
Spread your wings and fly
Towards the horizon
Past snow covered peaks
And wave with one hand, goodbye
Or run through the grass
Jumping off knolls
Into a somersault
Tumbles and rolls
Leave an impression
Wherever you go
And always be patient
No matter how slow
Apr 2022 · 147
Nerd, The Great!
He stayed up in bed
He was smart and well read
He had very thick glasses
That he wore on his head
He tried to capture his dreams
To arrange and rearrange
Every thought he could think of
No matter how weird or strange
He managed to do it
It all now made sense
To take aim at the bleachers
And swing for the fence
He wasn’t an athlete
But he surely might try
To hit a home run, run the bases, and slide
His anticipation was growing
And the message was clear
He could take on the challenge
Or cower in fear
He instead chose the former
In turn, accepting his fate
He’d not only be good
But undoubtedly great!
Mar 2022 · 73
Getting Noticed
It’s hard to get noticed
When you’re quiet and reserved
Hard to get that promotion
You undoubtably deserve
It’s hard to get respected
For the time that you put in
But yet you keep on showing up
Without a smile, but with a grin
You play the game
Within the rules
It’s in your repertoire of tools
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
If every day remains the same
Mar 2022 · 82
The Racketeer
He was wealthy, but was fair
A multi-millionaire
He had a racket in the city
A businessman with flare
He listened to his buyers
And gave them what they wanted
As he made his way to the top, undaunted
He was quick to turn a buck
Had no need for luck
He was king among the people who were pawns
He made the poor the rich
Then wound up in a ditch
And that’s exactly why we hear of him no more
Mar 2022 · 92
The pieces come together
Each piece forms a scene
The picture can be of anything
As a concept or a theme
But when there’s missing pieces
You may want to give up and quit
But you know that there’s no better feeling
Than when all the pieces fit
Mar 2022 · 217
Come Rain Or Come Shine
He achieved very little
Never went for the win
He’d much rather snuggle up
With a bottle of gin
He wore matching boots
Come rain or come shine
But he rarely wore pants
Due to way too much wine
Mar 2022 · 67
She stared afar with distant eyes
Lonely, lost, and petrified
But with an inner strength, and a stubborn will
She’d swallow whole, the bitter pill
While facing the whole world
When to run, who to trust
Having faith in humanity
Does she assume way too much?
Mar 2022 · 267
Speak No Evil
He articulates his words
When he tells a tale
A terrific story teller
He succeeds where many fail
He goes on and on about so an so
And he always comes out clear
He has many things he wants to say
And tell to all his peers
It’s already common knowledge
The things he likes to share
But you never know when he’ll say next
So always be prepared
Mar 2022 · 71
Turned To Gray
You’re prone to laughter, causing grief
A joker and a common thief
Stealing hearts from trusting men
A confidant and a long time friend
Just to throw it all away
I tried to run, but had to stay
I wondered more about what I would say
If a world of color, turned to gray
Mar 2022 · 236
Her fragrance wafts and fills the air
Take a whiff and be prepared
What you’re about to smell is grand
Transported to another land
Where skies are blue, and clouds are pink
And there’s nothing else to do but think
This is where I long to be
Me with her, and her with me
We’ll ponder about a dance or two
While feeling good, and in the mood
And we’ll take each step just like we said
Forever, or until the end
Mar 2022 · 86
Natures Beauty
Winter springs and mountain views
The horizon, red and orange hues
Search the landscape, vast and bare
Clear your mind, and breathe the air
Visualize a rustic scene
Red mountain tops, and fields of green
Shimmering water, reflects the sky
Beauty to the naked eye
Mar 2022 · 158
No Surprise
The woods are filled with mysteries
Like the light that shines between the trees
Or an eerie silence, despite the breeze
Yet, with endless possibilities
From anybody’s point of view
That sets the stage, then sets the mood
Then gets completely misconstrued
By anything you do
It’s the existential energy
That fills my curiosity
For what’s now a monstrosity
From something that came from a seed
They climb high and touch the sky
Right before our very eyes
No electric shock or big surprise
Just a rustling through the leaves
Mar 2022 · 124
How To Finish Last
You exacerbate each moment
As though I wasn’t there
Invisible to feelings
That let me know you care
With your never ending laughter
Your crocodile tears
Your general misunderstanding
Of how to disappear
Fade into the night
But out of all the darkness
Comes a glowing light
A serpent and a sphere
A metal shield and spear
To battle back the demons
That suffocate with fear
As you skulk around and ****
Without a chosen God
And manipulate your victims
With just a subtle nod
You’re the villain in my thoughts
Who can’t be sold or bought
Just a cold stare and a place in hell
Where your gifts are often sought
But you have no soul to steal
You just keep spinning your own wheels
Chasing after every high
To know exactly how it feels
You’re brutal and your crass
Without a touch of class
You’ll go down in history books
As how to finish last
Mar 2022 · 223
Broken Dreams
A broken heart from broken dreams
Isn’t always what it seems
But a broken heart can turn to dust
When the passions gone, the pain, the lust
You’re insatiable by nature
Always going to extremes
To find out what’s been missing
And to heighten my esteem
Mar 2022 · 79
It’s been best described by experts
About the speed in which they race
About the supersonic conclusion
At the finish line in space
Intergalactic speed traps
When they cross over the line
But able to see clearly
Through the fabric of their mind
Mar 2022 · 132
6 Feet Below
I feel I’ve worn out my welcome
Time to exit and go
Into warm or cold weather
On hot sand or snow
Mixed with these feelings
That have been gathered and stowed
As well with the fortune
Of nice objects and gold
Wealth in abundance
More than you know
But none of that matters
When you’re 6 feet below
Mar 2022 · 83
The Symbol Of Peace
The symbol of peace
An image of love
Flys with a purpose
About and above
A gentle sweet creature
When push comes to shove
Just admiring the beauty
Of a white feathered dove
Mar 2022 · 142
Safety Umbrella
A safety umbrella  
Out at sea and afloat
And the city that lies within
Is filled with bright colors and hope
It’s a bustling small city
With buildings and homes
But it’s easier to shout
Than to call on the phone
Mar 2022 · 90
Workin hard at survival
Just to breathe and exist
Amidst all the chaos
With no one to assist
The changing of power
Unrelenting; persists
Fighting for a country
Just to die in the midst
The head of a nation
A leader of men
Has a sullen demeanor
For an untimely end
Mar 2022 · 468
For The Love Of Monkeys
Monkey see, monkey do
Do you love me?
Because I love you
I loved you once
But then you grew
Now I love you two x two
You are my sunshine
My ocean blue
My orange skyline
My godly view
Close and cozy
Stuck like glue
But that was a secret
You already knew
Mar 2022 · 239
Delicate Notions
Delicate notions of momentary bliss
The unbridled anticipation of a summer eves kiss
The empowering feeling crossing goals off your list
Or not wanting to change anything if given just one wish
A heart of a tiger
The will to persist
If nothing gets lost
Does nothing get missed?
Mar 2022 · 108
Discovery in the ocean air
Seagulls taking flight
Waiting on the rising tide
Before calling it a night
To sit or stand
On hot beach sand
While avoiding things that bite
It’s the sound of waves
The hot suns rays
That make the moment right
Feb 2022 · 70
Sonic Boom
I can’t comprehend it fully
What it takes to be a bully
It isn’t something I would ever do
They belittle the small and weak
Then turn the other cheek
And acts like that, really get me fumed
They say “be the bigger man”
But I say take a stand
And deliver with one punch a sonic boom
Feb 2022 · 367
Calm Before The Storm
The eerie silence
The calm before the storm
The trees swaying in the distance
Much just like the norm
Then a steady rumble
The ground moves under my feet
Witnessing such power
That’s both impressive and elite
The trembling in the valleys
Things begin to shake
Just before you realize
It’s just another quake
Feb 2022 · 130
Beach Day
A cloudless day with sunshine
Time to still prepare
A beach day like none other
With the smell of salty air
Waves crash in the distance
The seagulls swarm for food
Castles made of sand fall down
Just like in my youth
Feb 2022 · 184
The smallest creature walks the earth
Wondering where the rainbows are
He’s seen them in the past
He’s seen them from afar
He’s not in any hurry
As he walks along the trail
But the sun is nonexistent
As the scenery grows pale
The clouds have grown too heavy
The wind is on the gain
The sky has turned from blue
Into a melancholy grey
Then the floodgates opened
Pouring down with rain
But out of it came beauty
Too hard to explain
A rainbow in all its glory
That it tickled his small brain
The creature stood in awe
He wanted to be sure
That if it were a rainbow
He need not wonder anymore
Once he was assured
He went about his way
Wishing that the rainbows
Would surface everyday
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