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Jun 2022 · 134
The Performance
A thunderous ovation!
He bowed down to the crowd
It lasted for a minute
The crowd was very loud
He stood there with conviction
His performance was elite
In the role in which he played
A liar and a cheat
There was no room for error
So he rendered it complete
As he smiled at the roses
Gathered by his feet
Jun 2022 · 271
The Alternative
Counted on, but don’t come through
Stuck in just one point of view
Never sure of what to do
To justify the means
Mind is racing, spinning wheels
We’ll never know the pain he feels
The alternative, has less appeal
And doesn’t come with laughter
Only tears and big regrets
Not knowing where to place his bets
He constantly wonders why he let
His loved one get away
Jun 2022 · 62
The Colors Of The Sky
So pleasing to the eye
Are the colors of the sky
Bouncing off the clouds
In an incandescent light
Bound to earn their worth
In heaven and on earth
Without even a question as to why
We accept it and move on
Before the clouds are gone
And the sun comes out again for its reply
Then settle under shade
With sips of lemonade
And wave up to the clouds to say goodbye
Jun 2022 · 82
Big Smile
You’ve eclipsed my expectations
You’ve opened up my eyes
What I believed before, is no more, to my surprise
Your grace under pressure
Your fortitude and drive
You’ve exceeded every notion, of what it takes to be alive
I commend your motivation
Your inspiration, and pride
Your willingness to carry on, when you’ve been denied
You’re open to adapt
Despite your being shy
You’ve answered every question with a smile, big and wide
Jun 2022 · 112
End Of The Rope
I’m struggling, trying to stay afloat
It’s been on my mind, what you said, the last time that we spoke
I can’t clear my head or focus, when you think it’s all a joke
I just need to carry-on, when it’s clear that I can’t cope
And tie a knot, with all I’ve got, at the end of my own rope
Jun 2022 · 101
The Astronaut
The astronaut had landed
First foot to touch the ground
He planted his flag
He’d constantly brag
And he’d walk around town pretty proud
But that was back then
And today is today
And no further progress
Has ever been made
It’s such a shame
But he’s not to blame
He did all that he could, if not more
Jun 2022 · 71
Forgotten Tears
I’ll love him till the end
My imaginary friend
Who’s looked after me ever since I was a child
He’s missing his glass eye
Which was picked on, ****, and pried
His stuffing has been falling out for years
In a strange turn of events
I picked up and I left
On a secret journey of forgotten tears
Jun 2022 · 144
Northern Lights
Northern lights revealed
An awe inspiring view
Along the hills and mountains
Here, sitting next to you
The skies lit up
In a multicolored array
On the cutting edge
Because we know no other way
Mystic and mysterious
Jupiter and Mars
Romantically disposed
Underneath the stars
Jun 2022 · 85
I pray the day will never come
When I somehow cannot smile
Being undisturbed
Conflicts not my style
But it’s true I haven’t had a good fight in a while
So I scrummage up some courage
That I had many years back when
And I stand in solidarity
With whom many I call friends
I’ll fight for your freedom
As I hope you would fight for mine
We’re together in this battle
And together we’ll be fine
They rambled on and babbled
Although I’ve ciphered out the code
It’s all just interference
Meant to keep it tempered; slowed
The signal’s getting weaker
Yet, I still made out a verse
It had to do with outer space
And blowing up the earth!
Jun 2022 · 80
Christmas In June?
We crafted out of snow
A man of seven feet
A carrot for his nose
His eyes were two small beets
We used raisins for his smile
Two sticks for his arms
He donned a scarf and top hat
As if to keep him warm
He was given last a corn pipe
So he looked debonair
Needless to say, on this special day
There’s Christmas in the air
Jun 2022 · 126
Summer Days
The summers heat
In hot dry waves
Domino’s and lemonade
Sandals, shorts, bikini strings
Ocean views and summer flings
Relaxing down by the pool
Not a single thought of work or school
These are just some things we do
When we are a kid
Jun 2022 · 66
The Sad Truth
‪Her memories are fading‬
‪Her children are all grown‬
‪But they cannot be bothered‬
‪And the house is not a home‬
‪She wonders where the time has gone‬
‪And what still lies ahead‬
‪When just today she had trouble ‬
‪Getting out of bed‬
Her husband has been dead for years
She looked to him for all
She had everything invested
But had no crystal ball
She was helpless, scared, and lost
And she paid a heavy cost
Just in order to maintain some balance
She was alive, but dead inside
With nothing to decide
It’s been years since she last cried
It’s like she’s in a fog without a forecast of it clearing
Jun 2022 · 79
I love your use of color
The patterns that are formed
How every single layer
Somehow matches the decorum
It’s a fascinating marvel
Of which I hope you’ll share
With loads and loads of people
And make them all aware
The time is now
The moments right
Turn ignition
And ignite
Jun 2022 · 295
The Plan
I bend and I stretch
While making my move
It isn’t for all
Not mother approved
It’s falling in line
Or taking a stand
The promises, many
Yet we’re still undermanned
The focus distorted
Reverting back to the plan
To take over the world
And be king of the land
Jun 2022 · 128
Aged To Perfection II
Exquisite and beautiful
A hypnotic trance
That adds to the beauty
Of the forbidden dance
Your edgy new movements
Perfected; enhanced
Like the meeting of lovers
In an encounter of chance
That soothes the spirit
And lessens the grind
Then aged to perfection
Like expensive wine
Jun 2022 · 111
Aggressively Waiting
I gander into the existential void
I flow along the waves
Hanging on your every word
Enlightened by a phrase
Your double entendres
Your Freudian slips
Sounds can be heard
Or read from your lips
All of it poignant
All of it clear
Aggressively waiting
For your thoughts to appear
Jun 2022 · 60
It was probably a zombie
When push came to shove
They were always such a nuisance
From me, they get no love
I had one as a neighbor
He never paid his bills
But he lived there without cable
Which still gives me the chills
Jun 2022 · 50
Fine Leather Shoes
The pages come alive
With knowledge to share
Mixtures and potions
Magic and flare
Recipes used
Elixirs and brews
Porridge and stews
Never refused
Not even by the gentleman
With fine leather shoes 👞
But as the legend grew
You already knew
Don’t be confused
It’s just what I do
Jun 2022 · 85
Missing Pieces
Desperately grasping
Into thin air
Stumbling backwards
Now under repair
But pieces are missing
Broken or lost
Yet the goal is still completion
No matter the cost
It’s something attainable
Rediscovering life
Conquering obstacles
The troubles, the strife
Jun 2022 · 318
Opened Doors
Opened windows
Opened doors
What is mine
Is also yours
Come and go
As you please
Birds fly south
So they don’t freeze
The fires burning
The dwelling’s still
Not exciting
No big thrill
Just a room
Inside a house
Or is the room
Turned inside out?
Jun 2022 · 58
Just like an inferno
He raged out of control
A hundred miles an hour
Burning down the road
He took a left at Hell
He’d been there, you could tell
As he continued on down the empty highway
Heading towards the setting sun
Chased and on the run
But always staying one more step ahead
Jun 2022 · 84
Ombré Shades Of Gray
She donned fascinating colors
Bright and full of life
She wore multicolored layers
She cut through with a knife
She had a bad experience  
And clambered up real tight
She had trouble sleeping
She would wake throughout the night
The days grew long
The well ran dry
It became harder to recover
From each and every lie
Now she’s more reserved
Set in her own ways
A somber way of living
In ombré shades of gray
Jun 2022 · 333
The clouds come alive
Harboring blood drenched skies
Mirrored by the sea
As rays of sunlight add dimension and the colors run free
A collage of different facets
So much there to see
The most breathtaking artistry
Thats ever been or will be
Jun 2022 · 92
Guns Blazing
Go in with guns blazing
No thought of retreat
Failure to surrender
Sour in defeat
No logic or intention
Otherwise unique
Just another way of saying
Think before you speak
Jun 2022 · 56
Made Golden
‪Walking amongst the trees‬
‪Made golden by the sun‬
‪Grass reflecting sunlight ‬
‪A little’s more than none‬
‪The sunshine playing hide and seek‬
‪In between the leaves ‬
‪When people think serenity‬
‪This is what they mean‬
‪Tranquil, yet mysterious ‬
‪Eerie, non mundane ‬
‪Whispers from the treetops ‬
‪Calling out your name‬
In the distance, there’s heard chiming
Day soon turns to night
And the parting of another day
Does not leave out of spite
Jun 2022 · 82
Bare My Soul
I bare my soul
That I may leave my mark
Something maybe that I’ve written
Somehow lit a spark
Written word can be recalled
Reread and consumed
It gives us something to hold on to
To fight the doom and gloom
Writing releases
Inspires; inclines
First with our vision
Then with our minds
Jun 2022 · 125
Wave Break
The waves break to form a mist
Against the violence in the sea
Where head on head collisions
Are a common sight to see
Their magnitude, tremendous
With power to be sure
It’s a spectacle on full display
And its natural state is pure
Jun 2022 · 97
Ominous Rose
If the sky is the limit
As far as it goes
Then the furthermost reaches
Is where we’re most exposed
Our bodies unshielded
Brittle and froze
Just to melt and fall downward
And again start to grow
From out of the soil
A fragrant soul
A lily confession
Of an ominous rose
Jun 2022 · 77
What occupies my mind
Is all the waisted time
When we’re not even guaranteed today
But carry on we must
In matters pre-discussed
If you can find the trail
that leads the way
If you leave, then go
Take both your feet and toes
If I can’t convince you otherwise to stay
Jun 2022 · 78
The Gutter
If my mind is where my thoughts are kept
Then the gutters where my thoughts get swept
Down the drain beneath my feet
Blatant, yet discrete
I push forth, though I go without
To me it’s all been one big drought
It’s still all I ever think about
Yet it eludes me all the same
I hope to one day settle down
To be happy when I look around
Feet firmly planted on the ground
Not feeling any shame
I’m not sure of what’s in store for me
But I’ll be ready when I need to be
It’s not as easy as one, two, three
But I guess I can’t complain
I’ll look for opportunities
For things they’ve done for centuries
I’ll re-organize my priorities
Whether in sunshine or in rain
I’ll put my savings in a trust
To do everything I must
To be taken serious
Not for riches or for fame
It’s the person that I want to be
The person staring back at me
By avoiding a catastrophe
And breaking free from chains
It’s the vision I see for myself
The picture of perfect health
I’ll play the hand that I was dealt
And finish out the game
Jun 2022 · 145
Tell Me Something Sad
“Tell me something sad”,  she said
Behind a shedded tear
It was a difficult time for her
A very trying year
People pass, friends move on
And continue on ahead
Leaving us to withstand the cold
While still warm in our bed
Jun 2022 · 90
Midsummer Breeze
Bending like bows
In the midsummer breeze
There’s the trembling of aspens
The tall skinny trees
They’re armed with their arrows
They rear back and take aim
Then the arrows fly to the heavens
Come wind or come rain
Jun 2022 · 284
Gray Feathers
A tuft of gray feathers
A pile of leaves
A collection of secrets
That no one believes
Deep in the forest
There’s barely a breeze
Just soft spoken whispers
Reflecting off trees
A squirrel, a mouse
A bear, and some deer
Each moment captured
Is like a breath of fresh air
May 2022 · 177
We marvel at the waterfalls
And the power they reveal
We admire Mother Natures art
With her magnificent appeal
Years of water shaping rocks
As smooth as they can be
With a thud and not a whisper
Each drop can form a sea
May 2022 · 169
Your Touch Is A Poem
Your touch is a poem
Engraved on my skin
Every end that we meet
Is a chance to begin
Not a moment gets waisted
Not a harsh word gets said
Just a melodic symphony
Going off in my head
A violin concerto
In harmonious tune
In sync with the rhythm
Under a luminous moon
Shining down bright
Enough to light up the room
When I see your silhouette
I’m compelled and consumed
To express and make known
That my loves overdue
For the lone single reason
My search ends with you
May 2022 · 57
Paint The World
I want to paint the world
In pigments and in hues
A multicolored planet
With fascinating views

I want to paint the world
I want to make a splash
Like painting off-white covered mountains
And shades of green for grass

I want to paint the world
The roses, scarlet red
With a dash of yellow lightning
To electrify and spread

I want to paint the world
It’s the least that I can do
Light brown grains of sand
And the sky and water, blue

I want to paint the world
To help stimulate our minds
Pleasing with our vision
And pleasant to our eyes

I want to paint the world
Under different shades of light
And photograph with pictures
The colors shining bright
May 2022 · 222
The message was encrypted and acrostic
Out of letters, formed the words
Which pinpointed the location
Of someone mentally disturbed
The puzzle was deciphered
The enigmatic, solved
I’m beginning to regret at length
Why I ever got involved
May 2022 · 134
Bed Of Twigs
On a bed of twigs I rest
In a featherlight like nest
Snuggled up under fallen leaves
Awaiting my next meal
So hungry I could squeal
But as of now, I’m just happy I can breathe
May 2022 · 68
I Propose
To you, I propose
To join me; making one
Together, we’ll fulfill our dreams
For my heart you’ve won
Please accept this token
A token of my love
A ring that’s made to shine
Just like the stars above
May it bring us peace and joy
May it free our minds
From now until eternity
Or until the end of time
May 2022 · 197
Little Flicker
It was the smallest little flicker
But what was needed, was a spark
To bring together two lovers
For matters of the heart
As the fire continues growing
Be careful or you’ll get burned
Any trust that you come in contact with
Must be solidified and earned
May 2022 · 188
The Death Of Humor
I’ve isolated the location
Of where humor goes to die
It was always right in front of me
Right before my eyes
I once asked a total stranger
If he had wings to fly
But he just laughed it off and chuckled
And waved his hand goodbye
May 2022 · 81
I am perplexed; distraught
About the violence in my home
When guns are turned on children
Yet it somehow feels condoned
There’s nothing being done
The laws are still unfit
We need to speak up now, and loud, and never ever quit
May 2022 · 88
You Used To Be My Moon
You used to be my moon, but now you are my sunset
You know you caught my eye, from the very first day that we met
I fell for your effortlessness
Your tantalized mystic
The way you look and smile at me, every time we meet
Feels like home and warmth
Sitting by the fire in the den
Telling stories of when we first met
Then telling them again
May 2022 · 398
I’ve run towards the fires blaze
Towards the scattered last remains
But I have not surrendered
Nor will I give up
I’ve survived alone on pride
It’s been one hell of a ride
And I’ll continue pouring
Until I’ve overfilled my cup
May 2022 · 210
The Reaper
He creeps at night in shadows
The keeper of the time
When certain death grows nearer
The reaper comes alive
He wears no face of evil
He has no face at all
He is the sender of the souls
But will they rise or fall?
May 2022 · 60
Periwinkle Blues
I’d have nothing more to do
With those periwinkle blues
If I turned my attention more towards scarlet red
However, should I see your baby blues
I’d have everything to lose
So I’d jump into the safety of our bed
May 2022 · 213
Why Not Me
I was set apart from all the rest
Admittedly, I didn’t try my best
But the exclusion that I felt
Combined with the cards that I was dealt
You’d think that jubilation wasn’t my cup of tea
But if you thought that, you’d be wrong
It’s still the same old song
But now I stand up tall and scream out
May 2022 · 174
The Imagination
There are images in my mind  
Of a not far off location
That stirs my inner thoughts
As well as my imagination
Where the mood is red and green
Just like Christmas in the spring
Where peace reigns supreme
If only for a moment
To hear in between the screams
May 2022 · 225
Parallel Lives
I’m stuck on the wrong side of parallel lives
Leaping into wormholes
When the moment arrives
Through the wormhole I go
To the complete other side
Praying that the two don’t intersect; collide
I slip through the crack
Not a moment too soon
Catching the eye
Of a far away moon
Weather permitting
The flowers have bloomed
As I continue my life
Immersed and consumed
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