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Mar 2024 · 106
Picture Perfect
With our backs turned to the waves
Tanning on a sun filled day
We adhere to what the body craves
And reap rewards, within restrains
Sounds of seagulls
Crashing waves
Pose for pictures
Snap away
To replay
The memories made
That we’d never wish to trade
Mar 2024 · 82
House Of Wood And Stone
Many questions remain unanswered
Of what little still is known
About the theories and conspiracies
Of the house of wood and stone
What all did transpire there?
Were the stories heard, all true?
Could evil still be lurking by?
And could this happen to you?
Mar 2024 · 189
Baby Blue
A glance, a look
Was all it took
So many years ago
And to this day
Your vibe; Feng shui
Turns baby blue
My darkest gray
I’m in blissful awe
The love’s still raw
When I look upon your face
I see our lives
As intertwined
Which can’t be copied or replaced
You fill my needs
Through your good deeds
I’ll never waiver or compare
You’re my moon and sun
My whole universe in one
And I cherish every second that we share
Mar 2024 · 102
Good Morning
I rise from where I slept
Morning breakfast’s prepped
Lighthearted conversation
Not too heavy or in-depth
Coffee and a biscuit
Or a scone to set the tone
Maybe, a spot of tea
To put our minds at ease
And discuss the coming day
How to do it, and in what way
Mar 2024 · 81
Finding Home
I see open fields, and sun drenched skies
All hellos, and no goodbyes
A back and forth, with wise replies
A good time spent with alibis

Hearing melodies, that soothe the soul
We lose ourselves, and in a sense, control
Of our bodies movements
From high to low
Being free, and letting go
All while feeling, I’ve found my home

Wrapped in safety, immune from harm
A goodnight kiss, with warmth, and charm
I’ve been relinquished, rendered, deprived, disarmed
Found my inner peace, before I buy the farm
Feb 2024 · 109
My anguish spills onto the canvas
The expressions, I try to convey
They’re projected, using multiple methods
A visual representation, put forth, on display
What I create, it speaks to my vision
My understanding, in tangible proof
It might produce, more questions than answers
But there’s a fine line, between fiction and truth
Feb 2024 · 169
The Cat King
A royal enforcer
A king to the throne
A cunning lord; leader
That let it be known
Fierce like a feline
Agile and strong
The decider of fate
For those in the wrong
Fair and deliberate
Constructor of laws  
Don’t be fooled by his whiskers
He’s got razor sharp claws
Feb 2024 · 80
Tip Of The Hat
You’re the muse that I choose
For your creations and views
For all you’ve been fighting
For all you’ve fought through
One who’s loosened the noose
Of a built in excuse
Still, you rise to the top
Relentless, unstopped
With pain in your body
You still hip and you hop
Your sounds in my eardrums
Cascading, aloft
Serenading the airwaves
I salute you, hats off
Feb 2024 · 57
The Renified Renaissance
He’s accepted his condition
That’s hindered his ambition
Putting on an exhibition
Rooted deep within tradition
He takes on all opposition
Then redefines the definition
Making his own rendition
Using verbal ammunition
Thoughts he’d hide away from others
Which contradicts his inhibition
There isn’t that much thought involved
It’s his own conscious decision
To spread the love, the vision
Of an unsigned Welsh musician
That’s still overcoming obstacles
And put in an unwanted imposition
Yet, he continues on his mission
Turning dreams into fruition
Rising tides so big, they’re renvolutionized
Based in facts, not superstition
Jan 2024 · 89
Mixed Emotions
‪The fires lit‬
‪The sparkles fly‬
‪The only question is‬…
‪For how much time? ‬
‪Enjoy the moment ‬
‪While it lasts ‬
‪Memories, they form our past‬
‪See brilliant colors ‬
‪In the moments shared‬
‪It can’t be purchased ‬
‪By a billionaire ‬
‪It’s celebrations ‬
‪It’s feelings felt‬
‪And being at peace with yourself ‬

or run rampant
Act a fool
Decide the rules don’t apply to you
be resistant
Maybe you’ll have better luck
But always question
Never trust
The world we live
Is not kind and just
Be resourceful
Be aware
Try not to be caught unprepared

And if life hits you
Disregard, don’t react
They’ll just drink up the teardrops
Then manipulate facts
Use wit if you have it
Wisdom reveals gold
Someone once said that
That shattered the mold
An out of box thinker
Who’s expression is art
That can’t be hung on the wall
But felt in your heart
A pendulum *******
Not a battle, a dance
of light and dark shadows
While giving patience a chance
Jan 2024 · 68
No Spare Words
Poetry are words
That cannot heal the pain
They can describe it, well, in full detail
Unshackled, bound by chains
If used proper and correctly
They can change a point of view
Attain what they’re after
In whichever form they choose
But that defeats the purpose
Of their task, their common goal
That holds with it, the meaning
Of every living soul
A comparable ambivalence
On a common level ground
That echoes what’s inside of us
And lifts us when we’re down
Jan 2024 · 103
Within Reach
Emerging from a blossomed lotus‬
‪She’d found enlightenment and chi‬
‪A vital element, to be at one‬
‪With all life and energy ‬

‪The pappus of the dandelion ‬
‪Floats away the seed‬
‪Until all have gone, with budding fruit ‬
‪To fertilize and breed‬

To sprout and be reborn
Seeking warmth in rays of sun
And shelter from the storm
That inevitably will come

It’s nature we should nurture
Find balance, inner peace
It’s within our rights to have it
And well within our reach
Jan 2024 · 81
The Vine
Climbing the vine
I’m resigned to align
For an unknown conclusion
No one alive can describe
Will I vanish for good?
Will my soul fly to space?
Into the ether
Fade away, get replaced?
I’ll climb up for answers
Until the stalk ends
In hopes of inclusion
In the broader scope; lens
Jan 2024 · 228
Cryptic Fate
‪In the distance ahead ‬
‪Opportunities await ‬
‪Ones that are created  ‬
‪Not resigned to cryptic fate‬
‪The unknown, the igniter ‬
‪My will sparks the flame‬
‪The challenge, my survival‬
‪From the wars waged in my brain‬
‪The fight, it is endless‬
‪The battles ensue ‬
‪As I continue on searching ‬
‪For the next right thing to do‬
It’s my foresight, my vision
That I’ve become well aware
My purpose for living
To create art and share
Jan 2024 · 131
They deny prying eyes
Built stern for their aim
The protectors of secrets
Of the unknown; unexplained
Crafted with purpose
To conceal what’s inside
Taking painstaking hours
Through hard work and pride
There’s no flaws that you’ll find
In its build or design
Or opportunity given
To see what’s behind
A key is their master
In command and control
The determining factor
Of what’s revealed or exposed
Without it, it’s hopeless
Left to ponder and stare
And wonder what ever happened
To the duplicate; spare
Jan 2024 · 181
Too Afraid To Be Scared
Why do I look up to the sky expecting to see what I do not?
From the kingdom in heaven
As I grow old and rot
I lay sick in bed
A new year has come
Lying under my covers
I’m indifferent; numb
To the bursts of the fireworks
To celebrations and toasts
To kisses under mistletoe
I’ve disengaged, I’m morose

I’m uninspired, undecided
By the options provided
To live or to die
I’m in the middle, divided
To step or to stop
I’m conflicted, misguided
My moral compass is broken
I’m in darkness, under my eyelids

Because when I open my eyes
I don’t like what I’m seeing
Face-to-face with mere mortals
We choose to call human beings
But what does that mean?
To be unheard and unseen?
Following made up dreams
Hoping to be saved or redeemed?

From the pain that we’ve caused
And all the pain felt within
A life filled with heartache
Committing sin after sin
To myself, and to my loved ones
Did I not know or not care?
It’s only one life that we’re given
We’re not provided a spare

So it’s make, or it’s break
Triumph, or despair
We’ve only got so many options
And none seem too fair
You can be bitter, or grateful
Be filled with pride, or compare
Yourself against others
Be mundane or add flair

But is it a conscious decision?
Is it pre designed or prepared?
Is it an unchangeable outcome?
Are we running circles in squares?
Are there solutions to problems?
That I’ve been missing; unaware?
I’m just a walking conundrum
Too afraid to be scared
Haven’t written in a while
I’ve been stuck inside a hole 🕳️
One I didn’t know I needed
But it soon took its hold
From cause and effect
Applauding each other
Showing signs of respect
The word respect
I have dealt with
In certain aspects
Carved it into my arm once
Fighting my demons
Battling my own self neglect
Been through hell in a hand basket
But that’s neither here nor there
They’ve gathered to rally
They live and they share
With always a focus
A steady same thread
They know what they’re there for
What we can all comprehend
That we’re witnessing stardom
Gifted and elite
Every release is a banger
And not just new, but unique
Rinse and repeat
Dance rap or cut deep
It all sounds magnificent
As I’m falling asleep
No, seriously, I’m falling aslee
Oct 2023 · 134
How It Goes
Just gonna trust
The stars that align
If it’s my time, it’s my time
Who am I to undermine
A greater powers design
That remains hidden from eyes
Our entire lives

So, I go with the flow
Blend in and compose
My wandering mind
That leaves me exposed
But that’s how it goes
Oct 2023 · 160
Blaming Demons
I thought of chasing comfort
To attain a cozy peace
Filling my life with empty purpose
Just to justify the means
Instead, I battle with my demons
And I pick apart their brains
To come to a conclusion
Of which one of them to blame
Oct 2023 · 85
A Service Announcement
Blind leading the blind
A tale as old as time
Hate breads hate
We ourselves create
Because we welcome in the lies
Oct 2023 · 84
The Light At The End
He overcame a bout with psychosis
Betraying the brain in his skull
It drove him to fancy dying
It broke him, left nothing, null

He recovered and became famous
Through persistence, he made it all work
He’s now a hot rising artist
Who’s got fans that all go berserk
Oct 2023 · 119
Night Owl
I’m a night owl, one that rarely hoots
A repeated self destructor
With no signs of resolute
I never followed a dream
Because of battles behind scenes
Raised by single parents
Since the ripe age of two
Only child, without a care or a clue
I grew to like all team sports
And I practiced; got good
But my emotions compounded
And I felt misunderstood
I was labeled disabled
From a very young age
And I used some poor judgment
At many a stage
I was always an odd ball
Never fitting quite in
I’d use humor as armor
To deflect and defend
I’m true to myself
I admit I’m no saint
But it’s been a really long time
Since I’ve heard a complaint
Or committed a crime
Now I’m giving and kind
I have a big heart
My compass wasn’t broken
But I still misread the charts
I use expression through writing and art
This is my pride and my passion
And a good place to start
I’ve procrastinated long enough
I’ve grown hungry over time
I’ve stood in my way long enough
For my glow not to shine
I’ll pick up my paintbrush
On my canvases; new
And I’ll pour out my emotions
So that I can share them with you
Sep 2023 · 88
Be The Change
I want to be a positive force for good
I want my thoughts and my feelings to be understood
I want to express it so you can digest
How we can all grow, go forth, and progress
I want to live in a world
That accepts and provides
Where no one is hungry
And no one’s deprived
Where people are people
Not hand picked by God
Who’s only lead us astray
No matter how hard we ****
Yes, I’m a savior
But so are you, if you choose
Your voice is my equal
When we share the same views
A revolution is brewing
Smell the air, read a chart
It’s time for a change
Something new, a fresh start
I hope to capture that moment
Through emotion and art
For I too am loving
With a very big heart
Sep 2023 · 86
No Pursuit
I’m not in pursuit
Without goals, or motivation, impulse, or drive
No visions of grandeur
That I myself can contrive
My support’s without question
From my family and friends
But I can’t conquer the demons
In the war waged within
I strive to be good
To not look too out of place
Hidden in plain sight
With a smile on my face
As the years turn to decades
And people die and are born
I’m in the middle with stage fright
Too scared to perform
Without a direction
Not chasing a dream
I’ve become too complacent
With my story and theme

Nothing tickles my fancy
Or have I yet to be swept off my feet
I’m numb to loves notion
That’s filled with myth and mystique
No amount of money, or women
Can bring me relief
Or the clock that keeps ticking
Knowing my time here is brief
I go through the motions
I attempt and resist
And despite my own mindset
I’m still here; I exist
I sabotage my progression
I’m aware and concerned
I only write what I’m saying
To keep it stored and preserved
Or maybe until this curse is reversed
Then I can contribute to life
While I’m still here on earth
And I’ll be the envy of many
For having purpose; self worth
And justify my existence
As to why I’m still alive since my birth
Sorry if this got a bit too deep. There is light and dark in all of us. We’re only human
Dotta swung and he missed
Time for him to cease and desist
After Ren went ballistic
Because he couldn’t resist
The allure of a battle
Using words like their fists
Landing blow after blow
Without a beat to assist

We witnessed a burial
An end to a reign
But all that king Dotta was..
Was a true royal pain
A husky, sad, clout chaser
Vanilla, quite plain
Who failed in his attempt
To perform; entertain

Ren showed his ferocity, his ability, his skills
He speared his first whale
Despite Dotta not having gills
But Ren gave him a lifeline
Without showing any ill will
Offering all he can eat
On a buffet filled with krill

One million subscribers
Sent to consume and digest
King Dotta’s music
Of which I’ve been unimpressed
But the message from Ren
Was really quite clear
As the words spilled from his lips
“A rising tide, lifts all ships”
Jul 2023 · 90
I feel stagnant.
Like a stale cigarette.
Not sure where to put my energy
Without instant regret
So I freeze up and I don’t react
While keeping my mental health intact
But the days are slipping by
Clouds dimming out my shine
For what tomorrow brings
For us all as human beings
This weighs heavy on my chest
One more cause to feel depressed
Stuck with racing thoughts
Standing still without progress
Masking my distraught
I’m frozen in captivation
I can’t seem to comprehend
A force that’s to be reckoned with
Who goes by the name of Ren
As his tunes flow out of my speakers
The sounds ricochet in my brain
Playing percussion on my eardrums
Please insert it in my veins
From the melody, to the rhythm
To the words that paint a scene
He stirs up raw emotions
From the likes I’ve never seen
With his lyrics, there are meanings
Which hit so close to home
He expresses all his feelings
While hypnotic and intone
Dripping wet with talent
His greatness emanates like gold
Brighter than a lightning strike
A true sight to behold
I stare for my amusement
I dare not turn away
Because I’m mesmerized and blown away
Every time that I push play
Jul 2023 · 172
Murdered by Ren
I’m torn between his lyrics, and the bouncy reggae beat
As this Brighton bardcore lyricist, raps, and brings the heat
Taking on all challengers, those that claim to be elite
With catchy rhymes, and sick bass lines
To be played back on repeat

The song hits hard in every way
So hard, you’ll bruise and swell
Until your only wish, is to still exist
And be saved by the bell

Between his ra-ta-ta and his uppercuts
To his jabs that set the flow
He’ll size you up, then BOOM; erupt!
As he lands the knockout blow
Jul 2023 · 94
They travel towards the sky
As expression of our mood
Explosive bits of joy, ascending
Past the full lit moon
An enormous color spectrum
Magnificent and loud
A demonstration of celebration
As we stand together, proud
A fascination with what’s to come
By any means of an escape
Allows the blind to see; posthumously
While embracing their own fate
The end is daunting and inevitable
It brings shivers from the cold
Though frail and weak
What we all seek
Is the light that shines like gold
Jul 2023 · 126
Immersed In You
The light that shines between us
During a sunset loves embrace
Diving deep into your ocean
From high in outer space
I’m immersed in who you are  
Like the sand between our feet
Grounded, looking back at you
Entrenched in my belief
Jul 2023 · 306
The Ren Effect
It’s his bottle of light
That fills empty cups
It’s his melody that touches our souls
It’s the words that hit home
For the scared and alone
That leads them past the fiery coals
It’s a glimmer of hope
A pause in the scope
That allows us a moment to feel
To connect in a sense
Under no false pretense
To the sounds with a vast loved appeal
It’s his journey embarked
That we feel apart
Watching him grow and transform
In front of our eyes
His music revives
And shields us from the eye of the storm
From mainstream to obscure
His message is pure
He sings, and the audience hears
His guitar is his wand
That tightens the bond
To the things that we all hold most dear
And it’s artists like him
That keep us filled to the brim
With joy that they’re sharing their gift
With something to say
In a meaningful way
Through performances that shouldn’t be missed
He implements ideas
That brings crowds to tears
When evoking emotional tones
Or he’s quick with a pun
In lighthearted fun
Using beats that he made on his own
He’s a writer, producer
A linguistic abuser
Using rhymes that are multi-complex
His schemes are unreal
He’s got skill; the real deal
And he’s not shy to show you or flex
He’s a force on the scene
Far from routine
He’s got a voice that needs to be heard
He’s got an ear for his pitch
That’s melodic and rich
And he’s got talent that’s borderline absurd
Jul 2023 · 143
Born Rebels
Forged in their youth for rebellion
Through hardships of need versus want
They sweat and they bleed
For profit and greed
And they’re made to believe what they’re taught
A rebellion was a foregone conclusion
When everything is a made up illusion
Put in place to deceive
Their focus and dreams
With a filled head of lies and confusion
They don’t have a leg they can stand on
No leverage to balance control
Just a misguided youth
Without knowledge or truth
And can’t do anything, but do what they’re told
Jun 2023 · 171
Food For Thought
Where does inspiration lurk
When you’re trying hard to work
But the ideas won’t form inside your brain?
Where do you go to seek
An audience of sheep
Willing to flock together
To be entertained?
It’s no easy task
Reaching out to grasp
What little is left but somehow still remains
Without ideas there are no plans
Tempting to alienate your fans
Before becoming the man, the myth, the spark to light the flame
It’s not the bumblebee that stings
But the pendulum that swings
That sets the tone
On how things are the way they are despite the pain
And the more you fight the cause
The more often progress becomes paused
And the better the chances are
That all changes stay the same
I think stimulation’s key
Because the brain needs food to eat
Or you’ll undoubtedly starve it
If you don’t feed it what it craves
So just so it’s understood
There is no would, or should, or could
There’s only do or die with tears in eyes
While dancing in the rain
Jun 2023 · 374
The Light In The Dark
I stood still and I waited
I listened, I heard
A melodic symphony
Like a bird, but with words
The message was relayed
Acted out and portrayed
In an unusual manner
With clear genius displayed
It gave me the goosebumps
By what all was said
About massive struggles
To feel alive before dead
I was moved, but unwarned
For the performance at hand
To be swept away
By a young British man?
Captivating and impressive
With just his voice and a guitar
Shedding light on his illness
By exposing all of his scars
He’s a vessel to carry
Innovation; through tunes
Attacking each topic
That help heal opened wounds
Things in the present
Or through memories shared
Expressing raw emotion
When most would be scared
The talent oozing, exuding
With every pluck of each string
I’m immersed, baring witness
Watching an angel earn wings
A fluorescent pink sky
Dictates the mood
Serine, like a dream
Euphoric and smooth
The heavens reflection
An estranged interlude
Of angels and demons
Both seeking out truth
Boats in the boatyard
Made of skeleton crews
Succumb to the rhythm
When the tide sings the blues
Mar 2023 · 112
Beaten and busted
Loved all the same
Fabric and cotton
With an obvious name
Teddy, the teddy bear
Had seen better days
He’d been through the ringer
He’s mangled in ways
But with a pure heart
Soft as could be
These memories
Have stood longest with me
Mar 2023 · 142
Emerald Green Sachets
The painting manifested
Into a work of art
Encompassing the beauty
That was envisioned from the start
Hummingbirds fly feverishly
Around emerald green sachets
Which drape over divinity
In the most complimentary of ways
Mar 2023 · 119
Containing Stars
I’m approaching a doorway
With the doors now ajar
That’s been protecting the contents
Of a once fallen star
They tried to contain it
But the bright light shone through
They were told not to enter  
But their curiosity grew  
A sacrifice, a martyr
With caution, subdued
They burnt into ashes
As if right on cue
Mar 2023 · 180
Leaving My Mark
I’ve come unraveled
I’ve come undone
I’ve been burned by more than just the sun
I’ve made mistakes
I’m not immune
My walking music’s out of tune
It’s as if I don’t know what to do
What it is, I want to pursue
So I dillydally, and wait my turn
I guess some people never learn
Thanks so much for your concern
But my urge is gone, set fire, burned
Extinguished for posterity
And sealed tightly with a kiss
In a hundred years
There’s not a chance
I’ll be remembered well or missed
Mar 2023 · 160
No Trophies
There are few things that give me peace
Like the hesitation, just before release
Having comfort in my skin and home
The two places I spend my nights alone
What’s unbeknownst, will set me free
Instead of mulling over my misery
Filled with broken hearts, and catastrophe
Not trophies for my victories
Mar 2023 · 110
Had To Ask
I can’t get over our insignificance
What’s it all matter for?
What’s the purpose of our being?
Who’s tallying up the score?
What’s my motivation?
Why’s there rich and poor?
What’s inside Pandora’s box?
What lies behind each door?
A speck of dust on a speck of dust
On a speck of dust we are
In a universe containing
An immense amount of stars
The number is too lofty
The mind can’t hold a grip
Of the infinite amount of knowledge
We’re simply unequipped
We couldn’t fathom
Couldn’t grasp
The swarms of trillions
The size, the mass
And here we are on planet earth
The weak, the strong
A death, a birth
Evaluating what we’re worth
Until we’re buried under dirt
There are no answers for the questions
But someone has to ask
Nothing lasts forever
So let’s enjoy and have a blast!
Mar 2023 · 126
What The Body Craves
The fear is severe
When the unknown’s unclear
Until we gather our gear  
Then ****, disappear  
Into the night
While traveling light
Solemn; contrite
Ill equipped for the fight
The battle of self
With poor mental health
A monopoly of wealth
For the pills that get dealt
Out of the cupboard  
And into our hands  
Along with the side effects  
And a list of demands
There may be reactions
They’ll come out in waves
Searching out healing
Or what the body most craves
Mar 2023 · 199
Ticking Clock
Staring at a ticking clock
Wondering where the time has gone
Instead of living for each moment
And pretending to belong
The monkey looks
The stork rolls dice
The view around the room looks nice
I took two looks
I looked twice
Then fell in love and paid the price
Feb 2023 · 113
In The Distance
Somewhere in the distance
The world comes to an end
Some call it a horizon
Some call it their only friend
Either way, the sun will set
The moon will rear its head
And gleam just like a lamppost light
Through the window on my bed
Feb 2023 · 77
I’ve avoided the places that clutter my mind
While getting lost in the labyrinth
With walls too high to climb
A large maze of my thoughts
With shivers down my spine
In the cold early morning
When I feel most alive
Feb 2023 · 119
It’s Time
‪A clock reminds us that time never stops ‬
‪Never forgoes it’s hold‬
‪So take time to read ‬
‪It may plant a seed‬
‪Of ideas that continue to grow ‬
‪There’s no time like the present ‬
‪Or a particular segment ‬
‪Of time to relinquish control ‬
‪So squeeze every minute ‬
‪While you’re still in it ‬
‪And you have some semblance of soul‬
Feb 2023 · 91
Out Of Spite
There’s no one breaking down my door
Believe me, rest assured
That if they showed the current score
Your jaw would drop and hit the floor
It’s unfathomable to think
I could just see a shrink
For all of the many thoughts I have
That have me on the brink
The brink of destruction
The brink of despair
The brink of extinction
And I don’t even care
Broken and beaten
Unfit to fight
I’ll pour on the gas
And watch it ignite
Not to die as a martyr
Just to shed light
To a life without meaning
And a death out of spite
Feb 2023 · 98
Cozy By The Fire
I caught a bit of a breeze
When I noticed shaking leaves
In the evening, before the sun went down
We were in for a cool night ahead
So, I wrapped myself up and laid in bed
With big blankets and pillows underneath
Cozy by the fire, until we fell asleep
Feb 2023 · 390
My Mistake
I made a mistake
I trusted a snake
That slithered and hissed
Was conniving and fake
He reared and he bit
Uncoiled and spit
His venomous poison
Right where I sit
By what has transpired
The situation is dire
I need the anti-venom quite quickly
Before I expire
Next page