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Feb 2023 · 117
Tales And Sails
The words fly off the pages
The pages fly out of the book
Becoming doves towards heaven
At first glance or look
The sunlights on the water
The sailboat sets its sail
On to great adventures
That’ll someday turn to tales
About the fierce encounter
With the granddaddy of whales
Or the serpents in the water
The shark fins in plain sight
Then there’s the squid 🦑 with its long tentacles
That put up the biggest fight
These are tales that will be read
In books with written word
Then all will know first hand accounts
From the sailers that returned
Feb 2023 · 123
The Book Stampede
You can lead a horse to water,
However, you can not make him read
Unless of course, that same horse
Joins a book stampede
With flamingos, turtles, monkeys, elephants, and geese
All carriers of literature
Carrying three, four books apiece
Ingrained in imagination
When nursery rhymes made sense
Hidden between the pages
Is where the situation’s best
The anticipation of conclusion
The ending of the tale
Will it be successful?
Or like so many others, fail?
Feb 2023 · 116
On The Pages
The pages lift our conscious mind
Through stories that stand the test of time
Truth and tales can both be found
On pages that are leather bound
Imagination is in full effect
And is often how our time is spent
A holiday, or some time alone
Can inform with more knowledge known
Feb 2023 · 123
I daydream in my daydreams
About the bright light up ahead
That’s even bright when my eyes are shut
Or just lying in my bed
I daydream on a colossal scale
Great goals to reach and more
But the light always shines its brightest when one is on the coastal shore
Feb 2023 · 320
Hands Of Time
Time fades away
The wind blows the sand
Into forever
As the clock turns it’s hand
I stand alone in the silence
The tickings gone dim
It’s my quest for survival
And my chances are slim
I’ll take the odds
If it’s all the same
And live for each moment
While the moments remain
Jan 2023 · 147
Orange Butterflies
Two illuminated butterflies
Are dancing in the air
Giving off an orange glow
To which nothing else compares
Frolicking and fluttering
Around the humans hands
That are reaching out to touch them
Or to see if one will land
Jan 2023 · 127
Red Rain
She walked in puddles
Under the willows in the rain
With an umbrella, for the weather
Walking down the lane
Her cottage around the bend
With chimney stacks; red
A short walk to reach comfort
For a hot meal and soft bed
She wore a simple yellow dress
Not dressed to impress
Because she knew the weather forecast for the day
She entered into her home
Made of mortar, bricks, and stone
An inviting home, in every sort of way
She settled down to rest
And wasn’t expecting any guests
When she heard a sudden knock ✊🏻 upon the door
She was startled quite a bit
The porch light wasn’t lit
So she couldn’t make out who it was for sure
She asked who it was out loud
But didn’t hear a sound
And that only made her concerned that much more
She turned on the porch light
There was nothing there in sight
But the knock was way too loud to ignore
So she went and got a knife
To fend off for her life
Or for whatever they had in mind or in store
Then came broken glass
A man was coming fast
Now that he had worked his way into the house back door
She screamed for all to hear
But her voice had disappeared
She was frozen in her fear
And quite as a mouse
He chased, she swung
They fought, he won
And now that man is sleeping soundly on the couch
He knew it wasn’t good
When she was lying in her own blood
When he woke up and saw what he had done the next day
He took some time to think
Had several high proof drinks
And decided to keep her as a conversation piece

It’s sad when evils done
And even sadder when it wins
But now that story’s over
So a new one can begin
Jan 2023 · 123
The Moment
It was only for a moment
Less than a second of our lives
That our two paths crossed
In a place where love thrives
But the moment never lasts
As time does take it’s toll
When you grabbed me by the heart
Without ever letting go
Jan 2023 · 135
Mixed Signals
There’s truth hidden below the dust
That’s gathered over time
There’s unspoken words that never need be said
There’s secrets covering lies
By spies who’ve centralized
That use metaphors
To send mixed signals to your head
Jan 2023 · 104
🎲 Rolling The Dice 🎲
I left her there in the dust
What I thought was love
was just lust
I believed only her I could trust
About intimate secrets discussed
But she sold me out for a price
What she said wasn’t very nice
Before I trust again, I’ll think twice
Too scared of rolling the dice
Jan 2023 · 89
The Drought
Feet touch down on brittle ground
Dried up from the drought
Waters scarce from scorching heat
No water from the spout
The sun is fierce without a cloud
To shade the light of day
Leading to the cracks in earth
Across the dirt and clay
Jan 2023 · 352
Magic Meadows
Between the blades of grass
On a sun-rich day
Where flowers are done blooming
And the hare hop free in spades
There is an open meadow
Where memories are made
And magic tends to happen
In early June, late May
Jan 2023 · 93
Unafraid To Scream
He gathered all his knowledge
Of what it means to be
The center of attraction
Without causing a scene
He wrestled with rejection
While still chasing his dreams
Crying for salvation
Unafraid to scream
He picked up all the pieces
While learning how to breathe
And upon further consideration
In a harsh reality
He shouted towards the heavens
Dropping to his knees
Begging and repeating
On just how much it means
To be dependent on the outcome
Of a long forgotten dream
Jan 2023 · 150
A Whisper In The Chaos
You are a whisper in the chaos
A tender, lonesome, dove
Always a bit obscure
However, full of love
You are the seeker of horizons
In an endless sky above
A survivor of the mayhem
When push comes to shove
But love shall overcome
Of this, I’m certain of
Jan 2023 · 124
Clear As Day
He saw it clear as day
Even in the night
Visualizing everything
He aimed to bring to light
Each step he had to take
Grasping, holding tight
To the promises he made
After putting up a fight
With a goal to be achieved
When it seems nothing’s going right
Or when doubters; non believers
Disregard you out of spite
That’s when things get clearest
That’s when dreams take flight
Then putting pen to paper
Turning into a passion overnight
When all ideas flow freely
With whichever hand you write
And with a flicker of a finger
We watch it all ignite
Jan 2023 · 124
The Ghost Of A Rose
Tattooed on her shoulder
Was a colorless rose
Outlined as if it were dying
Given its pose
Hunched and dejected
By the path that it chose
Just to end up as colorless
And the ghost of a rose
Jan 2023 · 328
Resting Teddies
Resting teddies under sheets
Blankets tucked in tight
Bunny rabbit counts his sheep
That leap, to sleep, at night
Little teddy smiles in bed
Big teddy wears a frown
They lie awake, with different takes
While bunnies safe and sound….   asleep
Jan 2023 · 83
Oscar Worthy
The reenactment of something beautiful
Was a preeminent show of life
An oscar worthy performance
On stage, under lights
The roses tend to fall, but lift
The spirit from down below
And a thunderous applause, at length
Can be felt deep inside your soul
Jan 2023 · 115
Psycho Eyes
They tell me you have ****** eyes
That I should look away
That you’re a victim and a killer too
That I should hope and pray
My instincts are to vacate
To dissipate and flee
Not sure where it all may lead
But I’m curious to see
Jan 2023 · 119
Totally Exposed
My fear was evanescent
But it happened all the same
Shouting out my own inadequacies  
Wondering who’s to blame
Instead of being whimsical
While dancing in the rain
If just not to face reality
And return from whence I came
Back to meet my maker
The collector of my soul
I’d leave today if it were up to me
But I have yet to meet my goal
To overcome my obstacles
And forgive my biggest foes
And to strip myself of armor
And be totally exposed
Jan 2023 · 112
No Second Chance
It’s the illusion of protrusion
A not so subtle hint
Something that’s so massive
You barely need to squint
It’s visually appealing
It’s precious, worth a mint
It’s worthy of chasing after
Whether a marathon or sprint
There is no serendipity
There is no second chance
Only becoming a believer
Based off of happenstance
Jan 2023 · 90
Your Boundaries
Meet me on the other side of your boundaries
Where vulnerability resists
And the passage to your beating heart
Is proof that one exists
Or meet me in the middle
So that I may soothe your pain
And combat what’s been ailing you
That made you become what you became
The essence of your being
The crystal ball within
The end of the beginning
And the beginning of the end
It at least will serve its purpose
Like when meetings are adjourned
To focus on the soulless
And to all of those concerned
Jan 2023 · 83
Bonny Little Lass
He never felt harassed
By the bonny little lass
Who was distant and detached
Because of her troubled past
He loved her all the same
Smiled at the mention of her name
They had long kisses in the rain
With little chat
He asked her for her hand
Which came highly in demand
But she took off and she ran
And that was that
Jan 2023 · 92
The crack of the whip
Doesn’t sit well
With whiskers or kittens
Or a cat-o’-nine-tails
Leather and laughter
In a distinct frenzied smell
Wrapped up in ribbons
In a hard candy shell
Was it an omen
Or can’t you tell
If it was more of an archway
Than a gateway to hell
Dec 2022 · 261
The Man
Prisons built by prisoners
Who also act as guards
While running interference
That most will disregard
Confined to the matrix
Where freedom isn’t free
And where brainwashing is abundant
At peak capacity
A form of communication
Where no one is to speak
Profiting the rich
By abolishing the weak
Dec 2022 · 98
Basic Knowledge
I know I know too little
A minuscule amount
In order to commingle
Without having a doubt
Just some basic knowledge
So I can fit in
And communicate with others
Behind a crooked grin
Showing I have interest
In the subject that’s at hand
Spoken very slowly
So that I can understand
Dec 2022 · 313
🎊 Happy New Year 🎊
As the year comes to a close
Another year starts anew
With new resolutions
And dreams to pursue
A celebration of ending
For what we’ve been through
And a new understanding
Of what we must do
So walk in the footsteps
Of another man’s shoes
While accepting the change
When you’ve paid all your dues
And sing to the heavens
To drown out the blues
So that your prayers will be answered
And not misconstrued
Dec 2022 · 97
Taking Flight
Will I sit and reminisce
About the opportunities I missed
When focusing on what’s wrong instead of right
Will I stumble all through life
With my struggles and my strife
To end up old and bitter out of spite
Or will I concentrate and learn
Ways that I can earn
A living, and turn around my plight
I must be methodic and precise
Without having to think twice
About how to get my fire to ignite
So I’ll stand up and be strong
And face whatever comes along
Then you can stand back, and watch me taking flight
Dec 2022 · 144
Shooting Star
A streamline strip of light
Streaks across the sky
The star I see is shooting
Then gone without a goodbye
I have that star to thank
For lifting my head up high
To gaze in awe and wonder
And amazement all combined
Asking questions to the universe
Half expecting a reply
With the earth firmly below me
It couldn’t hurt to try
Dec 2022 · 72
Diddle On A Fiddle
I played a ****** on a fiddle
I plucked a concert harp
To play melodies that strike a cord
And see if there’s a spark
A connection to your ear and heart
Until you can’t tell the two apart
A symphony of both sight and sound
A perfect work of art
Dec 2022 · 99
The Bond
The inner glow of oval eternity
Saturated in love
A child’s first communion
Connecting with the above
Expressing every phenomenon within
Telepathically relayed
And just before the moments gone
Can a bond be made
Dec 2022 · 102
The Noisemaker
I am the noisemaker
The loud, obnoxious sound
That heightens the awareness
Of those that stand around
Putting off pretenders
The defenders behind masks
That reside and hide in solitude
From questions no one asks
Dec 2022 · 410
The Cave
I was sent to spend my days
In a partly hidden cave
In the woods somewhere far from out of town
Not for reasons bad
It was simply all they had
To offer me, but I’m not currently sleeping safe and sound
Icicles are sharp
It’s really very dark
And sometimes the ice falls to the ground
But I’m inspired by the light of day
Which makes the darkness fade away
So I could make my great escape
From conformity abound
Dec 2022 · 130
Our Demise
Our viciousness may be our demise
As we’re malcontent and compromised
Seeing things with bloodshot eyes
Before our last goodbyes
What we perceive to be as strong
Has been weakening all along
When what we hear are cries, not song
Our passion fades away
Dec 2022 · 161
Costume jewelry
Beads and pearls
A pretty gown
A twist
A twirl
A million ways
To right the world
Let’s start with number one
Let’s dissipate all fears
I’m open to ideas
On what to do to change the way things are
Whether near or far
Wishing on a star
Praying that it won’t leave a scar as proof
Proof that it was here
For many many years
They tell us what we want to hear
Just not the truth
The staging is all set
Moving forth without regret
While it’s prevalent
And I’m somewhat in my youth
When the damage has been done
And the stars replace the sun
That will allow us to regroup and recoup
Dec 2022 · 88
Is It Tomorrow Yet?
Is it tomorrow yet?
Have I woken up too soon?
To see the yellow sunlight
That illuminates the room
I’m unaware of my surroundings
I’m in a spun cocoon
With the outcome to be beautiful
And avoid impending doom
Dec 2022 · 73
Poor Man’s Fred Astaire
I walked a hundred miles
I even ran for one or two
For the one and only reason
To get back home to you
I waited all four seasons
I timed it to be fair
Then I danced across the dance floor
Like a poor man’s Fred Astaire
Dec 2022 · 60
Something Underground
They navigated by touch
They could feel their way around
Without the use of sight
Without the use of sound
They tunneled until the brink
Until the earth began to shake
They tunneled with a purpose
This was no mistake
His ears twitch, eyes roll
The wiggle of his nose
Fast asleep
Where dreams roam free
Completely uninhabited
Totally exposed
A warm bed
To sleep in late at night
Rejuvenating energy
Life force burning bright
So rest
Until daylight persists
Then wake up to something
You simply can’t resist
A man could lose his mind
Hanging out with Father Time
Knowing that his day would surely come
But until that very day
He’ll have much more to say
Even if it’s marching to the beat of a different drum
Dec 2022 · 91
At The Center
It couldn’t be withheld
I wouldn’t be denied
I asked about her health
But fell deaf, dumb, and blind
What I felt most, was disappointed
That her stars were unaligned
And that her center was a bit askew
Yet, she said she felt just fine
Dec 2022 · 111
Highly Recommended
She comes highly recommended
It’s imperative; a must
To explore her in amazement
And feel her tender touch
Love is ever fleeting
There’s no one you can trust
The things we share
Cannot compare
To an evening full of lust
Dec 2022 · 628
M.C. Escher
He saw it in a dream
And drew out what he’d seen
To describe it as best as he could
But in order to translate
You must see what he sees
If you were standing right where he stood
Dec 2022 · 91
Wiping Tears
‪Her tears were shed‬
‪By what he said‬
‪As he turned to walk away ‬
‪He was harsh and bitter‬
‪Without thoughts considered ‬
‪As he had many things to say‬
But ‪something occurs ‬
‪When weapons are words‬
‪And all colors turn into gray‬
‪It’s a persons right ‬
‪To stand up and fight‬
‪Making the world a much nicer place‬
Dec 2022 · 102
His Revenge
Dim lit lights on an empty street
There aren’t shadows in the rain
A maniac is on the loose
He’s no longer being detained
He’s on his way home
To seek his revenge
In a homicidal fit of rage
So be sure to lock the doors
As not to put fuel on to the flames
Dec 2022 · 124
Morning Light
Sunlight through my window
In between the hanging shades
Bouncing off the mirror
Where much darkness still remains
Brightening up the dresser
The closet and door the same
Introducing morning
In a short game of charades
Dec 2022 · 83
Kindness Matters
You give freely of yourself
To anyone who asks
With kind words and with your precious time
You complete your daily tasks
You’re honest and upfront
Your charity is seen
Lifting up their spirits
Chasing after dreams
Without a thought or pause
You’re a beacon of bright light
Taking all the wrongs
To turn them into rights
A singular force of nature
Where kindness is quite scarce
But it’s warm and fuzzy feeling
If we just give it half a chance
Dec 2022 · 221
Most Preferred
Your image is poetic
With shapes, and lines, and curves
You had me flushed with fever
Stumbling on my words
I was a nonbeliever
Thinking it absurd
That I could be the sort of person
That you most preferred
Dec 2022 · 123
The Big Cocoon
He could disappear like magic
Out of sight and mind
He could disappear completely
Or just listen and unwind
To the sounds that fill the room
The whispers and the things assumed
About he who left us way too soon
To morph inside a big cocoon
Then spread his wings and fly
But my question still, is why?
Why vanish to the stars
While we’re in traffic in our cars
You could be halfway to Mars
Or not nearly at all
Dec 2022 · 108
The Detriment Of Man
Around a jar there’s an eternity
Of endless grains of sand
With water flowing from the jar
Dousing the dry land
Though visually misleading
The world contracts and expands
Which could be the final factor to the detriment of man
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