Bop City
A place where we can go to be free
Jus like when the slaves were freed and changed their last name to Freeman you can be anyone
Free from the white mans values
***** hair cuz black is beautiful
If Straight hair isn't ur natural texture then maybe you have a self image problem cuz God made ur hair that way so why change it
Weaves best believe are shackles to the way u think u should view yourself
Big lips cuz they are better and cool down your food
Oh and don't forget better to kiss with
Realize y'all that bop city is not a myth
It can be a real place where we don't have to live up to these European standards
Just because we were born here doesn't nullify the fact that we were stolen to get here
We gotta stop being so chained by what others want us to be
Man we all kno Jesus was of some type of color
We all kno that we all came from the same place
We all kno that we are moving towards all looking the same
Or do you?
So why do we continue to be maimed and not understand that we are jus as good as everyone else
We got so caught up in freedom that we forgot about bop city
Giving the cold shoulder making it really chilly
So please my people come back to bop city
It's happening over here
Dancing all night
Libations leading to many sensations
Cultivation of one nation under God...color invisible and justice for all
Bop city