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 Aug 2012 Jasmine Marie
Be still, my heavy heart
Stop tossing in this tempest
You’re made of stone, I know
You’ve never let me down
You’ve weathered this storm
For a couple of decades now

And poor heart, I know you’re weary
I know you need to rest
So be still, my heavy heart
Stop tossing in this tempest

There is a light at the end
But the tunnel I walk is long
And lonely without a friend
And silent without a song
But yet I must press on

Be still, weary heart
I know your torment and ache
I know you’re trying hard
Not to fail me, not to break
But you must keep moving forward
Keep the locomotion in this train
Oh heavy, weary heart of mine
We will escape the pain
You broke open my ribs,
and pulled out my heart,
flattened it out,
and sold it for cheap.

Now, like a slave,
it marches in time
with all the other broken hearts,
who lost their own fights.

Why does she deserve you more than I do?
Why is she so much better than me?
Why does she get to call you hers?

It makes me so sad
and so angry
and I feel pathetic
and stupid
all at one time.

My emotions are in a bottle
and I want to throw them away.
I want to open it up
and let them float free.
I want to yell at you
that she's not right,
that she can't make you smile like I do.

But I keep it inside
because I'm scared that you won't see it.
I'm scared that it's all been a lie.

Is that what's been going on?
Have I been lying to myself?
Maybe I'm just holding on too hard.

I don't know what to think anymore.
I'm not sure what to do.
I just want to hold your hand,
and I want to be with you.

Do you miss me? I can't tell.
Give me a hint.
Please. Give me anything.
A secret smile,
a sweet gesture.
just to keep me going for a while.

I don't want to get off this ride,
but I'm hanging onto the framework.
She belongs here.
Not me.

It's time to give up, I think.
It's time to walk away.
I've lost this fight.
You won't be mine; not today.
Today is my birthday.
Today is my mother ******* birthday.
I am now nineteen.
**** it *****.
I sleep during the day between the nights I feel alive.
The same mundanely chaotic dream...
We're holding hands and whispering sweet nothings.
fast forward, we're racing across old country roads.
You're inviting me to breakfast, and i am racing across the town.
Only to show up and make a complete *** out of myself.
My body becomes a healing flame, when we walk your hand in mine.
Of my life i can't say that I remember all that much.
But what i know is i wasn't truly alive till i knew "what is love"
When i made you smile, i felt the entire world fall away.
it was then, i was reborn with 5 whole new senses.
All the grays i stared at turned beautiful vibrant hues.
Your meals were a work of art, Fireworks exploding in my mouth.
You brushed my hand, and i felt poetry radiating through my flesh.
it wasn't till i looked into your opalescent eyes,
that was when i saw the world in all its unfathomable beauty.
I know i am nothing to you now, but if you see this i want you to know...

Thank you :)
 Aug 2012 Jasmine Marie
don't act like your sorry
like you don't know what your doing
like I have the same amount of blame
and yet I do
I kept letting you talk
your words like a spell
the longer I listen
the less I can focus
and it's like a lure
and before I know it
I'm trapped
you give me that innocent look
like you didn't know
like its a coincidence we don't talk until late
and you know when I'm getting tired
when I'm paying attention less
I try to concentrate
but I find I'm losing my way
longer and longer
the more I don't want to say no
the more I con't keep it up
like if just for a second I could trust you
let you in
No! I have to catch myself
your the predator
luring in your prey
but soon
I won't stop
I'll walk to close to the edge
and it'll look so easy
you look so sweet
I just want to let go
and you know all my short cuts
how long can I hold out
when you always know
what to say
when to say it
how to say it
and all I know is it'd be so easy
and this is so hard
and maybe you have changed...
I'm gonna make a better poem like this but I just needed something out there so yeah
You reached my heart
Much like a worm

Crawled through inches
Of insecurity and flesh

Till you reached that
Precious pink sac

You stuffed it full with your
Disgustingly masculine company

Slimy wiles and wriggly larva
The size of my thumbs

Then once I was
Suitably contaminated

You pierced it
Without a drop of remorse

Maggots and sludge
Emotions and memories

Burst and
Spatter across

My ******* and neck
You made your presence

Well known in my
Dying and infected carcass
I have begun to
Stiffen up

When a particular word
Walks into the room

This word is an intimidating and
Curvaceous woman

With crimson red lips and
A horrid laughter that leaves me

With reddened, chafing ears
And misted vision

Have I fallen victim?
To Beauty’s dear friend

Insecurity, a wide mouthed *****
Whom manifests in every human’s features

The zit above my brow
Or the scar along my lip

In actuality Insecurity seems
Unaware of her duty to ruin me

Instead she has allowed Beauty
To ****** my subconscious

For beauty has crawled in my skin
And made herself quite comfy

She has reddened my lips
Given me corn silky hair and height

Everyone loves her and the
Glimmer that she has put in my eyes

That shine is actually the sheen
Of foggy tears

But what admirer
Gives a **** about that?

This beast; Beauty
Within my skin

She is all
That I am good for
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