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 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
Bilal Kaci
 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
Bilal Kaci
I walked by a property where a fence caged in
Cedar bushes trimmed to look like exotic animals  
Where a modest mailbox, with a little red flag nailed to it
And a long cobblestone driveway lead to an
Enormous Gothic castle with vines spiraling up the towers
With tall wooden doors, a large stained widow
And a dull flickering candle light protruding from it;
Projecting signs of humble existence
A young man stood in awe, poking his small head
Between the frosted bars of the main gate
Disregarding all chances of being seen

One day, I’m going to live in that house.

I shook him from his daydream, with a flick of my lighter
And laughed silently as I took a drag from my limp cigarette
His Frightened eyes watched my smile crack
Like a frozen river breaking under the warm sun

*I’m a witness to that promise. Good luck
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
Edward Lear
There was an old man of Ibreem,
Who suddenly threaten'd to scream;
But they said, 'If you do,
We will thump you quite blue,
You disgusting old man of Ibreem!'
 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
True Love
 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
I like ya ***.
 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
"He was a skyscraper
she was a plane
she could surround him for hours
and nothing would change
until she began to fall
then he'd stand and stare
but only behind the glass
because that's how much he cared."
 Dec 2013 Jane Doe
Cor Saggars
youre like that one creaky spot
on my hardwood floor
that i always try to avoid
but seem to forget
and accidentally step on it anyway

youre like that third octave E
on my old piano
thats just barely out of tune
but still makes the chords sound wrong

youre like that flower
that got stuck in my hair
when those kids tripped me
during recess in 3rd grade

youre like that random key
i found underneath my bed
that i never found the lock for

youre like that cold
that i caught
in the middle of july

youre like those scratch off tickets
that i buy each week
even though ive never won
and even though theres a good chance
that i never will
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