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Wood Talk

The wood delivery man came this warm sunny afternoon
the man wanted cash dislikes checks, I don’t blame
him for that.
Why should he pay tax when the likes of Starbuck pays
nothing much.
I usually drink coffee at the local café, tried Starbuck once
coffee with milk was not enough kept talking about
“latte” no, just coffee, nothing else.
A friend of mine who has gone to school came over and
sorted things out; didn’t care much for the coffee
I don’t think the woodman drink coffee, a faint smell of wine
about him.
It was after lunch, the police officers, leave us alone here
In the deep dark valley.
Too many roses

Those ****** roses, I **** in my garden
and around the house, but they keep coming.
The slightest crack in the pavement
up the roses spring, ruining the walkway.
Unstoppable blowing raspberry who tries
to stop their advance.
When a blue **** tries to find a sunny spot
they are replaced by roses.
History is written by red roses, for whom
A **** is a nuisance and should be cut in half.
Tiny hamlets are strangled by perfumed roses
The local weeds have to live up the hill.
The Divine Victims

There have been so many battlefields mostly forgotten
there was Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Libya, among the many
battles and millions of dead civilians some were children
Yemen is a graveyard for children killed by Saudi bombs
Yes, the same nation we do business with.
Myanmar, ethnic cleansing is working overtime, but it is
in the east and nothing to bother about.
We have in Europe a clear-cut war, Russian versus Ukraine
Russians are bad lowbrow people, Ukrainians upright
defending their homeland; nothing could be simpler, right?
Ukraine is the victim of Russian aggression
enough said. Stop thinking, take out your prejudices and call
anyone asking questions traitors, dismiss them with contempt
when the **** hit the fan stop looking surprised.
Electric cars, they say it’s cheaper than petrol cars
we agree on it is also good for the environment
we agree to this too we like to befriend nature.
The prices of electricity rise sharply, so much the increase
we can’t even heat our homes.
They, the shadowy people, blame the Russians, but money
keeps rolling into the pockets of the rich.
The price of oil will soon fall, they say. Who are they?
So, the oil prices fall, but the price of electricity does not
The pensioners' shivers in their home, the electric car
is in the garage, who can afford driving it now?
Once again, we have been duped by capitalism.
Manufacturing dissent

The distance from Kirkenes to Murmansk is a bus trip, the Norwegian
often travel there to buy wine, ***** and other necessities.
The proximity of the two people has always been amicable,
it is not forgotten it was the Russian Army that freed northern Norway
from the German **** occupation; the job was done the soldiers marched home.
Lately, though, one read in newspaper both in Norway and foreign press,
a tendency to scatter conflict between the two countries to inject dissent
where there is none. This is manufactured and, I think NATO inspired
It is also contagious this will spread to other parts of Norway as people
tend to believe lies told many times until the lie becomes the truth
The amicable friendship must not fall prey to propaganda and destroy
the good relation Norway has with Russia.
The alcohol problem

They say the scientist, alcohol shrinks your brain
and is a cause for violence.
I’m not so sure, in Muslim countries, they are quick
to ****** people, and good humour appears
to be lost in oil-wells and sand.
In Pakistan, alcohol is forbidden and what a mess
the country makes drowning in hatred against reason.
Banning alcoholic drinks is to stop people
seeing the truth, and using religion as a weapon
What shrinks in the brain is the banal, the trite
what is left is sanity pure as ***** on the rocks
and cold morning beer.
In ancient time

The ninety seventies are up in patina, a yellowish colour
of the ancient when I was young; and for me, it is still
not far away and remembered as a good time, mainly
because I was busy finding my feet
In the interim 50 years, much has changed, now is not
a good time to be young, the world has aged badly.
1970, the last man guillotined in France, but thousands
have died in civil wars at the hands of war machines.
The attention span is lower now than before, atrocities
like the Iraq war is forgotten, even Libya reduced
to a failed state is in the limbo of being in the past, future
and the ever-present now.
We are blasted with news that rolls so fast we have no
chance to take it, is the leaders want, you must not think
to see through their lies, lest you should disagree.
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