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Apr 2016 · 435
Sorrow’s Debt
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
To court the chancy chasm, (most reckless child;) you seek to challenge Fate to a dual, as the royals motley fool.
Dost thou so deem such a fashion, to debtless guile seek; and to each so bleak must ye be? Why does thy low heart drum again, as sweet
dreams burn so far from dim, that no  guardian soul
thy death upon a whim shall console?  No hearty compassion given then
shall take a stake in thy very grief to share in your very woe,
when your vain needs by Passion driven proves fatal as promised, and joy turns to sorrow’s debt.
Apr 2016 · 367
Beauty Rest
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Beauty is not in profile and cast,
Such sweets to save only in youth,
For if ye drowse the while then ask,
"Where have my years gone in truth?"
Well, if he abides her wish to speak of
Wherefore her fonder form hath run
He will break her heart in two, the love
That was had ended -sixty years bygone.
Apr 2016 · 311
Over The Horizon
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Far above we soar
Ascending, into the true domain,
Higher than the stars,
Over the gleaming "caravain"
We must vault for love, -
Into view of all form
In a unique form above
In a realm where the dorm
On which angels do ride,
Plainly gyre;
Where the paramount line
Circles the sphere,
Where differences aren't feared
Where good and evil combined
Meet me then there, Darling Dear,
And we will walk across that divined.
Apr 2016 · 328
Lonely Nights I Recall
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
A broken timepiece in my heart ticks away, but has fallen out of rhythm, out of place; and I know that I will go on feeling this way, perhaps on and on like an eternal flame, or the dream notion of a perpetual motion machine.

Yet still, I shall dwell, woolgathering, if you will, as the days and weeks that go by in this ghost town where I reside, do go on and on, under the stars, under the daytime sun   --and into the void that I see drain.
Apr 2016 · 368
Balancing Act
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
The inherent twist of Depression that I lament, yea, it devours but portrays to me my weaknesses and duty to dementia.

Tho naught with radiance, with gloom, for our riven hearts the black beast, the damnable atrocity, did consume.

But tomorrow I will be all smiles, and I'm not sure which is worse. The ichor of the sadness or the mania, both I do curse.
Apr 2016 · 293
Timeless Rhyme
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
When I do sum the moments of the dial
And spy the bold day to darkness fall,
When I survey youth advance the while
And sable coils to white unfold and dull;
When soaring trees shed their leaves,
Which formerly did a great marquee make,
And summer's blooming bound in sheaves
Stillborn in a tomb with webs on it's grave;
Then of thy allure do I inquest, I inquire,
That thou among the ebbing tide must go,
Since lovers & beauty do themselves retire
And die as swiftly as they once didst grow;
Then what 'gainst the passage of time
Can ensure survival, but a timeless rhyme?
Apr 2016 · 300
Timeless Decay
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
O thou, my divine, who in thy rule
Dost cradle Death's changeable effect;
Who by withering flourished true
And showered thy love widespread.
If thee, Chatelaine, must bring to ruin
That which she wishes to make prosper,
Then keep thee to this noble ambition,
That your savvy may Death dishonor,
And those moments he would dispatch
Shall go on, his intentions put to death!
Apr 2016 · 296
Lost Lyric
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Plainly see that I adore thee, for am I not fain to portray my undying love in lyric? So be it so that my love may go unreceived, still I write these lines so ye mayst hear it.
I do so hope, I do so dream, blind eyes will see, one day, tho 'til then I rely on thee, the one whom disputes my love, for fear that
she mayst lose you to me and my lost lyric.
To blind love.
Apr 2016 · 448
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Hark! the tempest doth devour,
(Hurry, the lair of Hell prepare,)
Raining needles, a sharp shower,
Arrows arc thru the dark air.

Glaring weapons are the loom,
Where the soldiers strain,
Weaving many a fighters doom,
This man's woe, that man's bane.

See the fortress walls to right grow,
"'Tis a corpse tower." maiden said.
And cannon ***** do fire from below,
Each an enemy soldiers'  lobbed head.

Bones for arrows, dipped in gore,
Shot by the spinal cords so long.
Dagger, that once an emblem bore,
Keep that blade so sharp; so strong.

Before the ****** sun is ****** set,
Lances must shiver;
                        And javelins do sing.
Blades with clanging  
                            sound to whet.
Lightning crashes; helmets ring.

Blades of swords to suddenly glare
Send more to the front, let 'em fight,
Where our companions
                        The conflict share.
 Many triumph, yeah: but, O!
                          Yet, they die.
Apr 2016 · 416
Chaos Ruled The Night
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
When the plainsong did ring, heavenly darling, and was in its infancy, while yet in young Tuscany the angels did sing, sing of mortal passions round the immortal ring, ring of the Muse's mind so magical... Celebrating, quivering, wondering, raging; and then possessed by slow degrees, they felt the world's undoing -and then its rebirth in so doing. These minds of which I speak, feel the glow now of all lesser beings, beings aroused, refined, intoxicated: till once, when all were filled to brimming with fury and inspiration, from each supporting pillar these angels drew mortal breath, so bated, wherewithal Chaos ruled the night. Yes, Chaos ruled the night -it cannot be overstated!
Apr 2016 · 279
The Immortal Lover
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Tho I stand victorious by the world's edge -a true conqueror! you yet know how frail mine heart truly is; and my feet dangle in the waters of The Earth Mother, and freeze cold as The Underworld fires hiss! Thence, or thereafter, My Lover, you aim to put me to bed, so my head lies nestled in your chest, as you do slowly stroke my head. My heart beats a bit faster, as you let me know my worth... and I glide my hands gently down your neck -so cherishing the lace, before the bare skin like alabaster is-unearthed, as if to let you know how delicate your life really is: your very vulnerability; how easily I could take said life into my very hands! But rather I protect you from all the evils of Reality, from the depths of Hell. I guard your preciousness with my everlasting life, if anyone tries to hurt you, even Death himself, they all shall crumble at my Will. The sharp edges of my eyes will dull the blade of any knife -for I remain... The Immortal Lover still.
Apr 2016 · 264
Summer Breaks
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
'Tis daybreak, a Summer morn; and as an orange flare Rises, it seems that the skyline burns, and billows sail Away whilst the windy currents do go on... eagerly, as
The desirous, bright star parts the sky this very dawn.
Apr 2016 · 455
Betrothed To Darkness
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
My Dying Love ne'er betrayed my faith,
but speak to me in whispers .......quaint
did she; hung her head as if to saith,
I love you so, but by dear love, I faint;
faint for thee, Love, forever, and a day...
could ne'er be complete, but for pains;
A pain we two feel when we together lay.
In the hearts of glee; in the eyes of saints;
giving all that was taken back in spades!
Black as pitch was my heart upon that day,
but ivory white was she -without a ******
in mine eye: but Death took her anyway;
to my surprise, she smiled -I was dismayed
as she rode into the shadows with Hades.
I saw my Persephone, she was saved; saved
for thee -the god of Death -and by six seeds!
six months she spent with me, butthey've
withered mine heart as have my griefs.
Apr 2016 · 330
Fool For Love
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
My Darling ne'er betrayed my faith,
But speak to me in whispers quaint
Did she; and hung her head as if
To say, “I love you so, but by dear Love I faint; and
Faint for thee, Love
—Forever and a day.” Then a day
Could ne'er be complete, but for pain. A pain we two felt when
Together we laid, in the hearts of Glee, In the eyes
Of saints…
Giving all that was taken
Back in spades! Black as
Pitch was my heart upon that day,
But ivory white twas she, without Stains —
In mine eye —but Death took her

To my surprise she smiled,
I was dismayed
As she rode with the
Shadows gayly
, Into Hades.
I saw the Jezebel for what she was,
I was for a fool played without
A just cause.
Apr 2016 · 338
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Lo! Michelle! Lo! you cry so well;
Tears of sorrow in your eyes do dwell;
Look not so upon the lofty heaven,
At nary a daybreak, at no dusky even;
After the call of the vicious wolf wailing,
When viscous dark falls, a full veiling,
Glimpse athwart the dark old forge,
And see me forge my darkled sword,
This sword shall free thee **FOREVERMORE!
Apr 2016 · 535
Father Time
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
Within the center of the lonely rill,
A sunset emerges, growing taller 'til
It appears closer to many, as I fill
Another glass, with sands ne'er still.

The night shall yet another day fordo,
But she loves him, and loves him true.
Ah, yet! I, Time, mustn't forget lonely you,
I must add age, and subtract youth

-Yet you will love me, love me true!
Apr 2016 · 300
Penny For These Thoughts
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
I composed for my breath of life an essential structure of essence, one wherein thence only this, I do dwell in innocence, yet to mine only soul I may not speak of recompense, for the loss of my worldly investments was of no other's world, or their doing hence: but mine own and I them own. Guilt, I naught did then admit to it, and furthermore would do I this,unfurl it for sake of my lonely soul, or the sake of admittance -and for all this didst I sow mine own, mine own Reaper in mine own soil, much to my greatest Woe! Therefore I ask for forgiveness in this, my lost but redeemable world below.
Apr 2016 · 308
There She Was
Jamie L Cantore Apr 2016
There she was, an apparition, a treasured jewel neath the fair moon cool that oft shimmered upon her complexionso soft...
Mar 2016 · 575
Windows In The Oracle
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Waste an idle light, as you gaze into a dream,
Gaze into the night, as you waste in idle scene;
And when the candles burn down, so soon seen
Burn down so low. O a dragon eye deplorable...
Stares thru your soul, like windows in the oracle.

Mar 2016 · 442
Settle The Score
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Thus, Spirit Untamed, my! Have to even scores so once didn't ye? Yet lost love in this season? Ye could naught blamed be such for any kind trespass! Which I forbid this, for it be treason. Ye did naught when allowed it was. Why ye and not me to gift one explanation with reason?

Reason with explanation? One gift to me not, and ye, why was it allowed, when naught did ye? Treason? Be it for this? Forbid I, which trespass kind any for such. Be blamed naught could ye! Season this in love lost, yet, ye didn't once. So scores even, to have my untamed spirit thus.
Mar 2016 · 397
There am I
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
There I was, there was I, sojourning... so journeying to seek absoluteness with absolute certainty like a true voyager; a sojourner of Truth, when immediately upon my arrival, I realized, Aye, there was I, and my, oh my! I made ingress to a cloud floating upon a whisper in the eye of Nature, in Nature's eye; and she said to me with interest, in all her splendour, in that whisper that kills me so, "I was there." but where was I? Was I there when there I was, wandering in Wonderment by the by?  For where e'er I go, it seems, there am I.
Mar 2016 · 305
That Lonely Ash
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
That lonely ash by the stream, sweet and tuneful did it seem, with chirping, buzzing, and melodies vast, shielded me from the sun's bright beam; and shade my eyes it did sixteen summers passed, lent it's shadow amidst the gleam, of rays over brilliant in their cast. But now, somehow, I made my way back to the scene, and some storm this season last, felled that lonely ash, that lonely ash by the stream.
Mar 2016 · 451
The Castle By The Sea
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
In the castle by the sea, lovely stands
there she, at the gemel window, waiting for the tears to cease trembling down her cheek, for O! how her father didst scorn her for her fears, and for being mild as an child, for being meek and weak. As the streamlets hushédly didst outflow, go by, like the ceaseless and despairing cries, that this poor princess didst as ever know, and know so well, did she, that no other soul didst so bother to come to know, O! come to know her they did naught e'er do so -and her story ended in tragedy sadly in the castle by the sea.
Mar 2016 · 362
Strange Is The Night
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
The orb of night once didst glow,
                                                         and thieved the seascape tableau;

And blended with the dawn,
                                                  which I once did set a wish upon:

But now I am an humbled man,
                                                      whom stokes the fire when I can;

For few sorrows haunt me of late,
                                                        sav­e for the lost boyhood I gave

To the subtle winds of change,
                                                 to the night that I deem most strange.
Mar 2016 · 274
Judge Me N't
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
All notions of emotions that do compel,
That due me so truly in tremulous motion
Set. Set this blessed mortal coil into action,
And true they do my spirit save from Hell.

So why in my wide-awakened nightmares
Dost the lost choose to give thus to me,
The angers and dangers of abstained Pity,
Refusing, or confusing Love with scolding stares?

When midst the bliss of enjoyment I do naught seek
Their advice, a vice they claim will change me.
I am sick and tired of being judged by people who claim they hate to be judged. I am sick and tired of having so-called friends and family tell me what I need to do to be happy, all the while they are what makes me most discontent when I am feeling quite satisfied with who I am, what I am. In my not so humble opinion, I think they are just ignorant enough to want to make me as unhappy as they are by giving me a hard time for being me. How stupid do they have to be, to think that I would take their advice, when they try to insult me in so doing? Imagine that, me taking advice which an insult in disguise!
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Aye! Foreign Eye; tooth for a truth! you gnome eyne  sane? Troot I owe ewe nah, youths dunno, you fin nah Noll. *** eye us fin nah per se, foe Theo Theo, ewe know  O you no, enter ups shun, wot in the hex dies...  jest say? Dis' awe beast anaconda sate shun bout Intrusion. O Why? O Why? O Eye, ice bins scratch in at Maya -Maya, day yum eye, forests rail lea bane it she laid lea. Wear Aye, yum  Aye, yum  Ah! Yea, *** eyes us sane, isis slow ands dims sum.  Bess beefs be indy, indy, India, India, Far test fum  yore  deaf viand as understanding! O My! you  oft de deep and of diem, diem... dim niche holes. couldst I ask I such without such plea? Pulleys! Pull East! Scaly wax inner interim oh, honor too, ides doe no, disease?

Lo! Land **! Too old geese sirs seize dearth closure mead wits mine ***** eye; and Naughty Wit Stan Ding disown. Yet fervor from mine arenose ol' hail home, I hath ne'er be -admit I to I; and plead to thee, wizened dis' Beseecher's breeching beach! Shea jest dis' a-greased wit who sow error to dew sew... ***** nil eat.

And therefore store my old hat lore, as I cast in twos that sea...  Aye! thee, Foreign Eye! Truth for a truth, if truth it be, truth tell I, true to thee do I e'er be nah; e'er be I, true to thee from noun on; in air go, did jest *** you ditz dun to me, but now a blind eye a-see  a freed bird!
- I caste you one lass time in due thus see.  Cuss you beast an  false eye, my you still dunce see, still blind you be, be dissin' in my sir name an airy way, and mode in air gone come.. a-seaward.
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
All mine musings are but shepherds
Of my romantic Love, for this esprit
Given me with glee thereof, yet words
I speak thus to thee, My Love, blesséd be.

Blesséd be, My Love, to thee I speak thus!
Yet words, with glee thereof, given me for this esprit
Of my romantic Love are but shepherds of all mine
Turning lines yet again!
Mar 2016 · 383
Self Portrait
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Among, or, in dispersion thru,
The great misty and smoky view,
Of a Springtime gaggles' morning peal
Sets the pageant as all seems surreal.

By candlelight, and hearthside fire,
With shadows dark out in the mire
Which knocks me out if truth be said
When looking out by window ledge.

I hear the windy banks call my name
As I begin to drift, and start to dream
Of all the passing most precious things
That I see, which do so have effect on me.
Mar 2016 · 324
Fast Indulgence
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
She does so give the go by, for the attention I once did hunger for. Yet

soon I shall indulge with spirit high, in the spirits of bluish red, which

made me merry in days before, that may have otherwise -consumed me,

in hatred, or sadness: but one day-I know not which-I may seek this

this very day with gladness overflowing, overflowing my clear glass which glints in

the lime-light, that she attempts to steal once more, and this too shall

pass, past my lips goes the grapes of wrath, which I myself do pour, a

reference to Revelation; and a gift from beyond Steinbeck's sepulcher.
Mar 2016 · 316
Reflections on Silhouettes
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Dance around, around those darkest silhouettes of the day. And in turn, turn the cold blue toward, toward the moving orb - and too your warmth. Warm your racing brain, 'neath cloudless skies and the sunny shore, sure to shine sunny, with sun shining alone. Shone surely without rain: but reign upon the highlights in ev'ry strain, and ev'ry strand of your demure locks so lovely. Lovely for so I say. Say I so? I do so say! Lo! Stay demure and pure, pure so say I so! So I say ye shall stay so pure, pure and demure to me for I say so! So that it is so, that is that so do not go.

Yet I desire Desire, for Desires sake; and cannot open this poem any more.  More than I have. Had I once more than now?  No. Now I have more now than then. For sake of Heaven, did I thee forsake? For Heavens sake! Can I not knot Love into this hair with a Love Knot? Does thee love not me with a Love not due me? Does thee love me not? Thee does not not love me! (or, so she says.) Well, says she so. So it is so! if so. I love thee not tho -not anymore.
Mar 2016 · 314
The Fix Breaks
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
We were but void inside, depressed and hollow folk; and we were found to hide, beneath the blue-grey smoke; and crawling like animals upon our bellies, filled with emptiness, and forgetful memories. O how we go, go thru the bankable pennies, bleeding assets, worthless yet again, being penniless once again -we were but void inside, depressed and hollow folk.
Mar 2016 · 389
Gainfully Employed
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Sympathetic comfort, peace -a harmony of perishable Liberty! Such dying love, was never my leitmotif; and I will not foolishly go about haunting the town -seeking from thee, that deplorable Pity, of which you deem me • as tho renowned • fond of once -as unsightly Greed is to debts! as heavy-laden gluttons add another pound and ounce • on the go • are to Gluttony!

And oh! Ye fiendish dunce • I am here now, (how soon she forgets.)  And I stand above -above the hunts. So many once fetched, lest yet I deem no more necessity. But rather I mourn, mourn now • an Ode to Death, (owed to Death.)  And also I grieve the loss by severed head, my mighty steed -and I wept. Oh! how I wept.

And I lay flowers upon this, his departed spirit.  Of which I had foreseen to naught offend thee • the dead • who'd grin & bear it: but due for his long service to me, I offer him • the weary •  solace from your offence. I shudder to mention it • even now •  I swear it! And do send you a suffered lyric -to confound your pretty head.
Mar 2016 · 267
Mad Company We Keep
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2016
Lo! I remain much consumed by thoughts of death, and see the bones once draped in mortal flesh; and hear the rude creatures upon the steps, neath the sun that in the  Western sky sets; and drift across the turbulent air, where I smell the deadly flowers there by the currents fair, (and so brought to bear,) to me - in my serpents lair.
Feb 2016 · 325
Deem Me Mad
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2016
Toxicants pumping thru my vital fluid red,
Sooner rather than later I may be dead;
And I whisper to the darkest sea;
And I whisper to the darkest Lea;
And I'd whisper this to thee...

I love you in that fashion,
I love you with mad passion:
But, too soon, I became dead.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2016
Mein Schatz, Mein Traumer... O Einwandfrei sie sind! Liebe mich heute, und sehen sie mich bluhen hart wieder und wieder bis in die Nacht schliebt in. Mein Liebe zu dir -JLC
Feb 2016 · 514
Second Season
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2016
I am within my very own season • eternal though soaked • nearing the end • where the sun goes down and down; onwards slowly, solely: but could I catch the summer rays within my hands? "Could I really do so some day? Or am I suspended between the reality and of the fantastic?" Smells of fresh soil neath my nostrils, as aeration is provided by the worms • fat within their cells • and blind without organs of sight. The burning leaves smoky greenish and grey • for the fresh has blended with the faded • and all is sodden anyway -despite the day being a long sunny one. Sodden leaves burn slow, yet smoke with fervorous attempts to glow right before my lachrymal eyes -yet I love, yet I love.Yet I love this second season now known.
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
In the beginning God created the heaven and earth.When I consider the heavens,the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? What is man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and thou shouldest set thine heart upon him? But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visiteth him? Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedest him with glory and honor, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: Or a little while inferior to Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. And He said, It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Jan 2016 · 456
Jamie L. Cantore Quote
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
"The paradox of a brilliant theory is that, while the fool in us will wisely find it too challenging, the wise in us will challenge it too foolishly."
In regards to my theoretical paper entitled :Temporal Forces And Their Uncertainty (Revised Edition)
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
"What does a fish know about the water in which he swims?"

"Before God we are equally wise and equally foolish."

Do you believe in immortality? "No, and one life is enough for me."

"God always takes the simplest way."

"I do not believe in the God of Theology who rewards good and punishes evil."

"God does not care about our mathematical difficulties, He integrates empirically."

"God does not play dice."

"God may be subtle, but he isn't malicious."

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of His creation and is but a reflection of human frailty."

"I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details."

"It was the experience of mystery-even if mixed with fear-that engendered religion."

"Morality is of the highest importance, but for us, not for God."

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior Spirit who reveals Himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

"When the solution is simple, God is answering."

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

"Science without religion is lame; religion without Science is blind."

More available upon request...
Einstein was a Believer in God is my only point.
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
But it doesn't make you right any more than belonging to a nation makes you a Veteran!
Jan 2016 · 269
Christian Means Christ-Like
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
Therefore walk the walk when you talk the talk. Have no enemy but Satan -Love thy neighbor!
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
Donate, volunteer, be a mentor, but most of all... walk with God!
Jan 2016 · 184
Put God First
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
Put God first, and everything else will fall into place!
Jan 2016 · 362
Upon Wings And Prayers
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
The bounding main is stormless tonight.
The tide remains full, the night's eye patent
Upon the straits;--on the east coast the bright
Light shines and vanishes; the mountains against
The winds needn't shake at their foundations tonight.
So come hither, Dear, to the casement new & clear,
Where I can close my arms around you and breathe
In your lovely air -rocking, swaying to the rhythm
Of the Romantic guitar, in this peace, in this moment,
Which has bound me to this sphere that ne'er shall cease
To revolve around us on an axis of loving-kindness untl
When we ascend to the heavens upon wings & prayers.
Jan 2016 · 473
Sweet Reed
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
So undulating shadows fold before glorified Pan,
Below amongst the reeds, the cold river he swam,
Goat hoofs a-thrashing as the lilies of gold ran
Afloat like a boat, boring holes he thus began
Woe made music, thru the reed he did blow; and then
No time to waste upon this date, O the scattered bann!
Go on a-laughing did he thus goad, saying to ev'ry man,
"Know this is the way, O the only way, since gods began,
**! to make sweet music, they could not succeed." And
So thus he used the reed to make a melody, which then
Old Chaos became New Order upon the riverside land.
Jan 2016 · 291
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
I find myself in the days which have thus evanesced,
How oft, well beneath the flux of the fiery beating orb,
With childlike leaps sprung by scurrying feet, I soar
To a paradoxical paradise long since to dust coalesced.
           ­                                YET

The serpent that burdens with sleight ~ of  ~ hand trickery,
Banished from Eden, tho barred not from creation, as Sin
Forged a home by me, but not within, naught within!
He  slithers amongst thee, may God shield & deliver me!

.                                           HE,

My God, is to whom I turn to in dreadful moments
Like these: times that seem lost in the miasma of Hell;
And Life has dealt another wild card to me, I fell
For the bluff and chose poorly before my atonements.


Seem to help, when I feel quite down in the mouth,
For I have fallen from Grace-or so I have felt- at
Times when Sin in me seemed to rule my past,
And prayers seemed naught to help in my bouts.


Me, I once carried my burdens more than my bible
Because my faith faltered from time to time, living
For the moment seemed more convenient, giving
Naught a thought but in hindsight to soul survival.


I make mistakes which does not make me fake,
Perfection is not what He expects in this, The
Grand Test, which does not make me bad or godly
But rather on a quest to beat this mess I did make.
Jan 2016 · 563
Chambre Macabre
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
My premiere deduction was, he deceived with each
Word, that cold-hearted viper, with poisonous zeal
Looking sidelong to observe the mechanics of his deed
On my life, and lips that slander scarce fit to conceal
A forked tongue behind fangs no less infamous or real
Than the impish minions which follow Mephistopheles.

What else might he be primed to strike with his cadre?
What, barring to ambush with his lies, or set upon any
Traveler who  may take notice to his presence that day
Upon the deserted road? I gathered what evil cackle
Would uproar, which staff  shall pen my last will,
For entertainment in the arenose, unclean witch's cave.
Jan 2016 · 358
Ghost Pain
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
A pain in my heart, and a weary emptiness aches
My sensibilities, as tho the cherished sentiments
Of my all my life did start upon an instant quakes.
A moment sallies further into the past as sediments
Settle to the bottom of Lethe, the river which takes
Mnemosyne to me -when in my dream-like states.
Jan 2016 · 268
Sweet And Devouring
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
Naught mine own angst, nor the apocalyptic soul
Of the universe in dreams of what may come to pass,
Can e'er the length of heightened lovers' shrivel,
Suppose a penalty to an enclosed room devoid of glass.
The waning beam hath been rediscovered from the veil,
And the somber prophets mimic their very own prophecy;
Possibilities now deemed certainty by seers themselves,
And order or peace proclaims olive branches a - plenty.
Now with the dew of misty time-honored and worn Time
My love feels new and fresh, but Death to me does cling,
Tho, despite his scythe with which he reaps, I'm alive!
He adds insult to injury upon those he the end did bring,
If the world forgets the names of writers whom toiled,
Yet many poets meet critical acclaim & enjoy the spoils.
Jan 2016 · 359
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2016
When into The Lost Archives of Time," Oui, Sirs!
I have many hours misspent," I as much do admit;
& in truth, deep thoughts are cries of mine, be sure -
Aye, hath plenty hours since been biased such to a myth.
Then again, to defrost dark ice of rime, Sweet Lord!
I laugh! O and the Powers descend, my last rush to ad lib.
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