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6.1k · Jan 2016
Bend Like The Willow Tree
James M Vines Jan 2016
Gracefully swaying in the wind with branches stretched out far and wide. The Willow tree whips too and froe. Dancing in the breeze, giving way to the force of nature. It shows how to overcome adversity. When confronted with the storms of life, you must learn to bend but not yield. As the Willow that is firmly rooted, so must you be. Carried through the tumultuous Gale. Tossed and tried, but in the end coming out the other side. Having weathered the storm. Though a few branches may be broken , the roots that hold you firmly in place are in tact. As the Willow so must we be, in order to survive, recover and grow beyond what ever storm life may send our way.
5.5k · Nov 2015
If I Could Take Your Pain
James M Vines Nov 2015
If I could take your pain, I would gladly bear your scars. If I could take your pain, I would be wounded in your place. If I could take your pain, I would bear your sorrow. If I could take your pain, I would give you all of my joy. If I could take your pain, I would bear your burdens. If I could take your pain, I would cry your tears. If I could take your pain, I would set you free so that you would never know misery again. I would take a thousand cuts or walk a difficult road, just so you would be able to smile. I would suffer in your place and feel completely alone if I could take your pain.
4.1k · Dec 2015
Twas A Southern Christmas
James M Vines Dec 2015
Twas a southern Christmas and from the front porch to the outhouse, everyone was stirring, even a field mouse. Socks were hung over the fire place with care, hoping they would soon be dry there. Grand maw was in the kitchen holding juniors nose, so he would take some caster oil I suppose. Mom was running around with curlers in her hair, if old Saint Nick saw her he would get quiet a scare. Dad and his brother in law were out of the house, hunting for a trophy buck to brag about. While grand paw was out in the barn, turning the yearly corn harvest into moon shine. A little home made spirit to give all some good cheer. So when you think Christmas is strange at your house, just remember how we celebrate Christmas down south.
3.8k · Feb 2017
Doing The Right Thing
James M Vines Feb 2017
The wicked and the fearful will spite you, they will lie on you and tell false tales. The truth is not always easy, but it is the right way. Doing what is right is not always popular, but it is a better way to live. Working to make things better has it's own reward. Though you may not obtain wealth and prominence, to see peace in your time is a good thing. Hold fast to your beliefs and seek to walk the right path. Though you are persecuted, you will never go wrong doing the right thing.
3.6k · Jan 2016
A Worn Out Pair Of Shoes
James M Vines Jan 2016
I happened by a store one day, it was to the side of the road and out of the way. Inside were many curious things. On a shelf, by an old wooden bench, I saw a worn out pair of shoes for sale. I couldn't help but notice how the laces were worn bear and how the souls were almost worn through. I ask the man behind the counter, how much the shoes were and he said for you just a few dollars will do. I considered the purchase and tried them on my feet. The shoes fit perfectly, which was a surprise to me. I ask who used to own the shoes and the man said a potter I think. He wore them as he traveled around finding broken things to fix. I thought about it some more and decide I would buy the shoes. I paid the man and left with them on. They were very comfortable and as I walked down the street, I met a man who looked like he could use something to eat. I offered him a kind word and gave him a few dollars, then I went on my way. I thought nothing of my actions. As time went on, it seemed that each day brought something new. A person in need of a kind word or a helping hand. For years I wore the old shoes, but they never seemed to wear out. Though I had many other pairs, they just sat collecting dust. Then one day a young man came by as I was sitting on my front porch. The shoes were sitting on a table beside me and the young man asked me about them, so I told him the story. Marveling at what I said, he seemed anxious to try the shoes on. I let him and they fit perfectly on him as they once did me. He asked if he could buy them and I told him the price. He paid me a few dollars and was on his way. That night as I lay sleeping, I began to dream and I saw the man who had sold me the shoes. He was wearing robes, dressed all in white with a radiant face that shone like the sun. As I felt peace come over me, I saw him wearing the old pair of shoes and he said to me child well done.
3.4k · Dec 2015
The Long Road Home
James M Vines Dec 2015
Though I am sorely weary, I will not slow down on my journey. Many miles lie behind me and I have just a few more to go. The battle has been difficult, but the end is finally near. Many good friends have fallen by the wayside but cowardice will not stain their memories. As I see the coming horizon, I feel the weight of my burdens in my soul. I have carried many crosses and have lifted up many when they have fallen down. Now at the end of my weariness, I hear the warmth of laughter, at a grand table I see a empty chair. Though my body is growing feeble, my spirit is given renewed strength. Through all of my toil and suffering, I have finally completed my journey on the long road home.
2.7k · Jul 2015
A Cuban Orchid
James M Vines Jul 2015
A flower taken from poverty and planted in the fertile ground of freedom. Watered with love and sacrifice until it takes root and blossoms. Nourished in the warm sun of opportunity and given the chance to bloom. The flower taken from a tropical paradise that felt the hand of oppression, became a vibrant Orchid full of life and generosity that spread its beauty and fragrant love over many, giving encouragement and hope to all who came in touch with it, as it plants other seeds that become flowers in their own right. Creating a garden of prosperity that helps many realize a dream once thought forgotten, all because of A Cuban Orchid that blossomed.
2.5k · Jun 2016
Accept me for who I am
James M Vines Jun 2016
Don't hate me for who I am. Sometimes we are just made a certain way. Don't judge me for how I live, my choices will lead me to their own end. If I displease you, then we can agree to disagree. If I fall down then please offer to help me up. I am not perfect yet, but I am trying to get there. Until I make it to the place I am meant to be, please just accept me for who I am .
2.4k · Jan 2016
The True Vine
James M Vines Jan 2016
From many wild vines come many bitter grapes. Only from a vineyard that is well tended and nurtured will you find sweet fruit. As it is with earthly fruit, so it is with the spiritual fruit. Only from the true vine of Christ will the grapes of righteousness come with the sweet savor that only redemption can bring to the soul.
2.4k · Sep 2016
Who Is My Neighbor
James M Vines Sep 2016
There is a man on the corner with a sign asking for help, is he my neighbor? There is a mother with two small children stranded on the side of the road, is she my neighbor? There is an old couple who live alone and never get any visitors, are they my neighbors? Who is my neighbor, why should I care? Why should I consider anyone of whom I spoke? To remember those who are hopeless and forgotten is to give mercy, which is in turn is to help a neighbor, even though they may be a stranger unto you.
Christ gave the parable of the Samaritan. He said this is your neighbor as he told of the man who helped him. He then commanded us to go and do likewise.
2.2k · May 2016
Take Time To Pray
James M Vines May 2016
In quiet moments of the day, take time to pray. In the sleepless night, take time to pray. When all seems lost, take time to pray. When you are doing well, take time to pray. For no particular reason at all, take time to pray. In all things be grateful and take time to pray.
The only voice that God does not hear is the one that doesn't talk to him.
2.2k · Aug 2015
Rise Above My Circumstance
James M Vines Aug 2015
Born into disadvantage, given to oppression I will not let these things define me. Brought up with courage and the strength of my convictions. I push forward everyday. Through the forge of life I am heated by fire, hammered into a vessel, purer in my resolve than the finest gold. To the heights that Eagles dare to soar, I rise above my circumstances. I blaze my own path and defy the odds. I will be held back by no man, nor will I be told what I cannot do. Like an Acorn that was laid low into the dirt, I will rise with the strength of a mighty Oak, as I let my branches push up towards the sun. Until I have obtain my destiny that I forged by an unbreakable spirit and the willingness to work for what I want out of life.
2.1k · Jan 2017
A Pebble On A Mountain
James M Vines Jan 2017
In the clefts of a mighty mountain, a single pebble lay. Held in place by only a few flecks of earth, quietly it sat until one warm day the sun  melted the snow on top of a frozen peak. Slowly water dripped down and bit by bit it wore the earth away. Until finally after many seasons of melting snow, the pebble fell loose one day. Falling down the crack in the side of the mountain, the pebble struck a fragile ledge. The weight of the single stone was too much and the ledge gave way. Down it plummeted with it's brother the pebble, down into a ravine along the side of the mighty mountain, crashing with the sound of thunder went the pile of rocks shattering the peace of the whole mountain. Great was the shaking that rattled the mountain to it's core. Then back up the crack from which the pebble had fallen, the ripple caused a rift splitting the mountain asunder. Then what was once a single mountain was split in twain. Leaving twin peaks and a vast gap where a single pebble once had been.
2.1k · Nov 2016
James M Vines Nov 2016
Hate and ridicule comes to the forefront. Anyone who disagrees is a bigot you see. Differing opinions must be silenced, that is just how it has to be. Hiding behind children used as human shields, to deflect attention from the problems that are all too real. Spreading lies and fomenting dissent, that is the mantra they live by everyday. Dissenting at the ideas of cutting a budget or project, that uselessly gives tax dollars away. Individualism is overrated, on government you must depend. If you dare to move off of the grid, you must be insane. A disease for the unwashed masses who walk around like a heard of Lemmings. Liberalism, the modern incarnation of Marxist communism.
2.1k · Sep 2015
The Furry Alarm Clock
James M Vines Sep 2015
Sound asleep, dead to the world. Enjoying the best sleep in a long time. Then the alarm goes off and I roll over to turn it off. The blaring sound goes away and I relapse into a peaceful slumber. On my only day off, I find rest to be bliss, but alas life is not perfect and my wife has other plans. The battle is fought once a week, with new and creative ways found to jar me from my sleep, but on this particular day I am determined to not be bothered. So through 3 alarm clocks and innumerable catcalls I snooze on. Only rolling to one side or the other to avoid the harassment that seeks to steal my peaceful sleep. Then as if by design, I begin to have the most elaborate dream. Wrapped in a sheet, I am held fast as my feet slip and slide in the mud. For a moment I feel the ooze beneath my feet. Then at a moments notice, the ooze is replaced by warm water running over my toes. I begin to giggle as the water feels as if it is filled with sand. Then to my stark surprise, I open my eyes to find my feet slathered in peanut butter and my golden retriever licking my feet to relieve me of the ooze of which I had dreamed. Thus once again my wife wins the battle, and rattles me from my slumber with a furry alarm clock and a list of things for me to do today.
2.0k · Oct 2015
You Cast A Spell On Me
James M Vines Oct 2015
With lips as red as wine and hair as dark as a Ravens wing, you entice me. With eyes as green as mystic Emeralds from a far away mountain, you capture me in your gaze. With a touch as soft as the wind and a spirit as bold and cool as a waterfall, you immerse me in your magic. I am lost in your charms, any of which I will gladly fall under. Your spell is intoxicating and you erase all memories of past lovers. I know only the magic of you and the sorcery by which you have enthralled me as your willing slave.
2.0k · Aug 2015
Love Is A Blanket
James M Vines Aug 2015
Love is a blanket that kept us warm. Sitting on the front porch during a cold rain storm. Love is a blanket on a lazy summers day. Having a picnic watching each other in a special way. Love is a blanket that you use to tuck me in, when I caught a nasty cold and you fed me soup in our bed. Love is a blanket that held a wrinkled little nose, attached to 10 perfect little fingers and toes. Love is a blanket that keeps us warm through the years, it comforts us and cast away all of our fears. Love is a blanket that when we are done, we can pass on to a daughter and a son. Love is the blanket that will be there when we finally rest. Yes love is a blanket that I like the best.
1.9k · Jul 2016
A World Without Borders
James M Vines Jul 2016
Come to a common understanding and join in helping each other. Tear down walls of separation and hate. Open up the paths so that all my travel at will. Learn to be tolerant and to understand another's point of view. Remove the barriers that divide us and stop judging each other without knowing that person. Come to be of one mind in peace. To live in a world without borders, what a wonderful thing that would be.
1.8k · Aug 2018
I am a broken soldier
James M Vines Aug 2018
I hobble around when once I could run. I am disregarded but I still salute the flag. I gave some and some gave all, yet I went forward and would do so again if called. I am weary of battle, but few will take up the cause. Sacrifice and love of country to me, even over the screams of burn it all down. I kneel before God not in protest. I stand as best I can when my anthem is played. I pledge my allegiance to the flag and observe a quiet moment for those who cannot. I watch as people spit on my way of life and a tear fills my eye. I want to march on, but it is hard as I sometimes hurt. I am a broken soldier, fix me and I will sacrifice in your place while you sleep comfortably as I face the cold and dangerous night.
1.8k · Apr 2016
Fortune Favors The Bold
James M Vines Apr 2016
Often taking chances, willing to step out of the safe zone. Into the churning waters of controversy I will sail. No one has ever become favored from the safety of shelter. Only when you are willing to face the storm and risk making the ultimate sacrifice, are you apt to be rewarded. So live quietly and in safety if you wish, I shall step forward into the breach of danger. To protect the innocent and help the lost, for fortune only favors the bold.
1.8k · Dec 2015
Cast A Long Shadow
James M Vines Dec 2015
Walk in the light and follow the truth. Give to another what you do not need. Offer shelter to the homeless, and mercy to the oppressed. Remember the widows and orphans. Strive to obtain wisdom and seek after knowledge. Let the light with in you shine. Climb over the mountains of adversity and never be afraid to ask for help. Pray and hope always in all things that you do. Wear a path that will not easily pass away. Build bridges for others to cross. At the end of your journey leave a legacy of which you can be proud. Cast a long shadow so others will seek to do at least as well as you.
1.7k · Dec 2015
A Tropical Christmas
James M Vines Dec 2015
Palm trees sway in the breeze as waves crash on the beach. The sun sets low over the horizon as the boat gently rocks just off of the shore. Paradise to some an escape to others. Cabanas are decked with blinking lights as people dance to the sound of the steel drum and the Mandolin. Coconut drinks are mixed with local spirits to bring good cheer. Dark and White *** are the mixers of choice as fish bake on open coals and ***** boil in a ***. Gifts are exchanged by the light of Tike torches and  bon fires. The moon rises over the ocean and a starry sky is beset like jewels in the night. All is at peace with a tropical Christmas .
1.6k · Oct 2015
Blood Oath
James M Vines Oct 2015
I cut my hand upon my blade. I swear an oath I gladly take. I shall avenge my family and my noble lord, or shed my own blood upon my sword. To remove the shame from the land, in the way of darkness I must stand. To bring honor back to my line, I draw my sword perhaps for the last time. So upon my blood stained blade, I keep the oath that I have made. Blood blended with blood, that darkens my steel blade, I have fulfilled the blood oath I made.
1.6k · Aug 2016
I Was A Broken Vessel
James M Vines Aug 2016
Once I was shattered and the pieces were scattered on the ground. I was empty and nothing but a shell. Then a potter found me and picked up the pieces. One by one he put them back together. He handled each piece with love and care until I was whole again. Then he put me in the fire and I was purified of my imperfections. When I came out of the trial, I was made a work of art. Though a simple clay jar, I was perfect and empty, ready to be filled with the perfect spirit of God.
1.6k · Sep 2017
When We Part Ways
James M Vines Sep 2017
When our lives diverge and we must go our own way. Let not sorrow find our hearts. Though miles separate us, and different dreams call us to walk a different path, let us always keep memories safe inside of ourselves. When the light of our own path shines dim, and we consider if we have made the right choice. Remember that we are still friends in the closest since of the word and that not even death can break our bonds. So until we meet again, I bid you a fond journey, as you walk your own way and I settle into my place. Let good fortune smile on us both, until that day we both again as true friends embrace.
1.5k · Dec 2016
Why Do Roses Have Thorns
James M Vines Dec 2016
I saw a delicate flower and I wanted to smell it's fragrance, but the many thorns pricked me and caused me to draw back. So I had to think and move carefully to get close to the delicate Rose. I moved ever so cautiously until I was near enough to smell it's fragrance. I was then suddenly startled and drew back in haste. I was cut and pricked for all of my trouble, then in a moment of clarity I came to understand, that the most beautiful flowers often are difficult to obtain and that a Rose has thorns not just for it's protection, but to show others how to take great care when seeking to know true beauty.
1.5k · Nov 2015
The Drums Of War
James M Vines Nov 2015
Thundering, thundering, rat a tat rat a tat, they beat fiercely. Stirring the heart to join the cause. Head long into the fire, forward into the breach. Brandish the sword into another persons face. Lighting races across the sky, echo's and flashes from the distance as death rains down. Blood pools at the feet of a comrade who friends lies in pieces and the rat a tat rat a tat tat of the drums of war still beat.
1.4k · Mar 2015
Love Shouldn't Hurt
James M Vines Mar 2015
I look at myself in the mirror, it doesn't look that bad. A little base and some blush and it blends in just fine. I know he didn't mean to do it, he just had a bad day. I know he will come around if I just try harder to do things his way. I must pull myself together and try to get it right. This time I will make it perfect, he will be home later tonight. All of the dishes must be clean, the house is obviously a mess. It will get better if I just try harder. He will see I can make him happy. I wake up to a new morning, I feel tired and sore. I thought I had it perfect until the dishes hit the floor. I tried so hard to make him happy, but I messed up again last night. I ache both inside and out this morning, if only I could get it right. I lie here and cry trying to figure out how things went wrong. I sob until I cannot cry anymore. I know this can't go on. If only I could figure out what I have to do to make him happy, then everything would be all right. I just wish he wouldn't beat me, love isn't supposed to hurt isn't that right?
1.3k · Dec 2016
Let's Work Together
James M Vines Dec 2016
I will bring the nails if you bring the hammer. I know someone else who has some wood. I will bring a frying pan if you bring some flower, I know another who has some plates and spoons. Lets pull our resources and work for the common good. Lets give our neighbor a helping hand. Lets reach out to another and together we will take a stand. Despite our differences, we can find common ground. We can offer others hope, when we gather together. We can build bridges and feed many needs. If we decide to be cooperative, we can solve many problems. Let's work together to make our world a better place.
1.3k · May 2016
Concern For Others
James M Vines May 2016
Many seek the meaning of their existence. They study philosophy and history but cannot find a purpose. In truth the greatest thing any person can do is show a concern for others. Having a willingness to give of yourself even if it is a small thing, is of great importance. Many feel hopeless and helpless but if they know that others care, then the seed of hope will be planted and they can live a better life.
1.3k · Dec 2015
Holiday Joy
James M Vines Dec 2015
Watching children smile and laugh. Seeing mothers cry at the relief for another year has past. Watching family join hands in prayer. Telling those you love that you still care. Holding on to traditions passed down through the years. Starting new ones with new family and friends. All in thanks giving we share, holiday joy with each other, and let the world know that love is still there.
1.3k · Mar 2016
No Time For Love
James M Vines Mar 2016
Troubled with worldly cares, chasing the next dime, never considering what we should be doing with our time. The grand scheme of things is of no consequence, as not many shall ever be remembered for great achievements. We sacrifice for what is the appearance of happiness and fail to leave time for compassion. We lose ourselves and our humanity, we think the heart is a foolish thing. We spend mere moments showing kindness that could end so much suffering. Love is lost on our daily lives, and in the end what did we accomplish, a few more pieces of silver are gained, what a sad trade for what we have lost, because we had no time for love.
1.2k · Mar 2015
Air Pollution
James M Vines Mar 2015
The air is fill with pollution, heat is rising from the earth. Our weather is changing from bad to worse. One place is drying up and others are covered with snow. The seas are churning in a tumultuous tizzy throwing waves too and fro. Beaches are washing away and so the disasters go. One group blames another cause and effect no one can rightfully say. As the debate among the powerful rages, it is the common people who must pay. The debt we owe for not caring for the planet on which we live, may exact a cost in blood, is that a price we can live with. Our children will bear the weight of the burden for our grievous mistakes in the past. How long with nature tolerate our wasteful ways, how long will the Earth's patients last. From day to day, we simply exist, not seeing the picture greater than ourselves. As our generation uses up our resources and places our children's future on a shelf. What will the legacy be when we are gone, what kind of world will we leave for the generations to come?
There is no question that the earth is in transition. Why it is changing is as much the question as how it is changing. The one truth is that it is changing. There are measures that can be taken to improve what we contribute to the change. We must find the balance between change and progress. Only then can we all agree to do something.
1.2k · Jan 2016
The Disciple
James M Vines Jan 2016
Opening the word and understanding the way. Following the truth even when others will not. Taking the straight path instead of the easy road. Carrying a burden even when it makes no sense. Standing for your convictions when you are not thought of as right. Forsaking much to follow what you know to be the right way. Such is the life of one who chooses truth. Such is the way of a disciple.
1.2k · Sep 2015
A Diamond In The Rough
James M Vines Sep 2015
Unpolished and in need of work, you found me and took me in. You focused my reason for being into a path of accomplishment. You were patient and gave me direction. You watched and waited as I resisted the changes that you made in me. Slowly and subtly you influenced me. You gave me a chance when others would not. You believed in me and saw what others could not. In the end, you stepped aside and let me shine. You did not take the spotlight but let it shine on me. A polished gem taken from a diamond in the rough into something more that I could ever imagined I could be.
1.2k · Dec 2016
Where The Cattails Grow
James M Vines Dec 2016
In the marshy lands where Alligators sun themselves and catfish swim in dark murky water. The saw grass grows and the Cattails weave in the wind. When the marsh breezes blow through them, they whistle and sing a song. They speak of long boats and lazy days that have long since gone. When all that a child needed to be happy was a cane pole and a fishing line. In a land that once untouched by the hands of time. Though storms have blown away sand bars and tourist have tried to come in, at the heart of the marsh land change is seldom seen. The Alligators and the catfish, they are still the same and if you go deep enough in, you can still find good fishing cane. So despite what the world says, there is still a place where life moves slow. Just take a trip down to where the Cattails grow.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Let Us Bring Hope
James M Vines Oct 2015
I call on you to join with me. I ask you to help your fellow man. In a rain storm give someone shelter. In the snow make them a warm place to sleep. In the heat of the day give them a shade where they can rest. When they are lonely give them a friend. Offer your extra change to buy someone a meal. Let them know that you care, show them how kindness feels. Remember your neighbor who has no one, stop by to say hello. Drive out the darkness and the loneliness, let true mercy show. Together we can make a change in humanity one kind act at a time. If you join me we can make things better, through kindness and caring and bring the world hope once again.
1.2k · Sep 2017
I miss the rainy days
James M Vines Sep 2017
The sun shines brightly as it Cascades down. The birds sing sweetly and gentle breezes blow around. I sit in a dark room finding no joy within these things. While many others take pleasure in such wonderful things, I miss the grey skies and the rain. On rainy days all things seem equal. On rainy days I don't feel so alone. On rainy days I can walk outside and see the world as I feel inside. So while others the delight in the sunshine. I will sit and wait until it passes by, and I will miss the rainy days until they come and make me whole again.
1.2k · Oct 2015
The Jack o'lantern
James M Vines Oct 2015
Ghostly shapes cut into soft orange flesh. Ghoulish faces leering out from the darkness. Images of tortured souls given life for a moment, as a pail glow of eerie light pierces the night from front porches. Specters return and haunt old places. People gather with painted faces. Telling stories to make your hair stand on end. Drinking spiced pumpkin juice and eating candy until nights end. Now comes the witching hour, when the old night must pass away. The candles have faded and the Jack o' lanterns are put away Until the coming of Halloween again visits our door. Then we shall carve out the Jack o' lantern once more.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Unsung Heros
James M Vines Oct 2015
Its 3:30 in the morning and a child is crying. A single mother gets up though she is bone tired. She sings to her little one and sees that it is fed. Then wearily crawls back into her bed. Up again before 7:30 so she can catch the bus, to a job she really hates, but do this she must. A nurse makes rounds on the morning shift, just as she is about to get off a call comes in. A house fire has occurred and a burned child is on the way, 3 twelve hour days and she has to stay. A policeman keeps watch through the evening and into the night. Its Saturday and he missed his little girls play. He watches the video of it at 4 am, hes proud but its not the same. As we go through life, we often forget of those who struggle and sacrifice just to make it by. People who go above and beyond to help the rest of us. Unsung hero's that make possible daily life.
1.1k · Dec 2015
The Shortest Day
James M Vines Dec 2015
The sun rises quickly and then traverses the sky, the winter Solstice has arrived. The earth is suspended between seasons, as it slowly begins it's journey back to the light. In the length of night, life still remains. People indulge in winter slumber, while others celebrate the end of the long bleak winter as the impending spring comes. In cycles that predate the age of men, we really have no part to play. Only to be covered in the lengthy night and to live the shortest day.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Can I Borrow Your Shoes
James M Vines Oct 2015
May I borrow a pair of your shoes. I want to use them for just a while. I want to walk some distance in your place. I want to understand you. Unless I can see from you point of view, then how can we get along? Unless I can understand what drives you, we will never get things resolved. So Can I borrow your shoes for just a little while. I promise I will not be long. I just want to learn more about you so that we can find ways to get along.
1.1k · Feb 2017
There Were Three Nails
James M Vines Feb 2017
On a barren hill, lay shattered pieces of wood. They were weather worn and aged. In the broken boards I found three nails, they were rusted and stained . I picked up the boards and I felt such pain, I dropped them in shock and fear. Then I touched one nail and I felt such grief that I wept as I fell to my knees. With a broken heart I lay in the dirt wondering why this had to be. What horrible thing could have happened here and why did it bother me? Then a peace came over me and I looked at the things before me, I picked up the wood and nails and turned around to see a man behind me, he was dressed in common clothes all white and clean. He took boards and nails from me and said I have been looking for these, thank you for finding them for me. In stunned silence with an empty heart I felt all of my fear and pain wash away. I asked him what he wanted with two boards and three nails, he said just wait and you will see. He push them back together and as if they had never been torn apart, I saw they formed a cross and at that moment I knew what the nails were for and let God come into my heart.
1.0k · May 2017
If God went on Vacation
James M Vines May 2017
A day may come when the lord has had enough. He will simply for a moment step away. When we have all but rejected him, perhaps he will take a personal day. God could go for a walk on the edge of the universe or create another world. Perhaps he will stop by a coffee shop and order something to helping him through his day. He might just sleep in and hit reset on his eternal clock. If we keep ignoring him, then perhaps he will finally just say I need a day off. What a long and unimaginably bad day that would be.
1.0k · Dec 2016
The Canyons Of The West
James M Vines Dec 2016
Beyond the plains where the Buffalo once roamed beyond counting, among the tumble weeds and vast dry plains. There are footprints left by giants that have been around since before the time of man, vast crevices and gorges carved out of the rock of the earth. Canyons of great beauty that were created in time that cannot be measured in mortal days. Glaciers and mountains moving at a snails pace, cutting deep into the earth and grinding out these trails. Places deep beyond imagining, where clear water flows and streaks of color lay along the sides. While man leaves scarcely a footprint, the legacy of these wonders of nature will surpass all of the monuments that mortal hands can create and will be there long after we have left this earth as testimony of things that we are yet too young to understand.
1.0k · Dec 2015
A Pawn Shop Christmas
James M Vines Dec 2015
Car radios, used tires and old fishing rods. Rusty tool sets, used wedding rings and a wall full of guns. Selection is limited on some specialty things, dented ATV's go quickly so buy it real fast! Trading in my old deer head, for a used color T.V. . What a surprise that's going to be. Lay away plan or pay as you go. How long it will take who can really know? Get it out before Christmas day and if you don't like, you can pawn it away. Cash and carry is the pawn brokers creed. So go to a pawn shop for Christmas, you may just find what you need.
1.0k · Sep 2016
Why Do You Hurt Me
James M Vines Sep 2016
My arm aches and I wear long sleeves to cover the bruises. I am not sure what I did wrong, but I will try to get it right next time. I want to understand why you are always anger with me. I cannot fix what is wrong if you don't tell me. I suffer through your rage and hitting, I just want to make you happy. So tell me why do you hurt me if you love me.
1.0k · Aug 2015
I Am A Shattered Vase
James M Vines Aug 2015
My pieces lie on the floor. I am battered and broken. I once was whole and beautiful. I am now torn asunder. I came from sand and was wrought in fire. Now by violence I am broken. What I was can never be again. What will become of me is still unclear. My heart is scarcely able to beat. I find it hard to breathe. I am not sure that I can be mended, what is to become of me. These thoughts run through my mind as I stand over a shattered vase. Like the vessel that once stood beautifully, I am broken and do not know if I can ever be whole again.
1.0k · Jul 2016
The Sting Of Death
James M Vines Jul 2016
Now comes the night and the veil is drawn to a close. The mortal shell is dispensed with and the final secret is revealed. Hearts stop for fear of the unknown, oh the sword of the reaping has come. In faith some go forth, others in sheer terror. For those who believe, it is but a passing, but for others a horrific tale of woe. At the moment that your last breathe is drawn, you now face the reality of what you hold most dear. All thoughts of family and friends are set aside, all mortal pursuits are forgotten. In this moment, you are tested and made to know a truth. The truth of your own self is brought upon you. When death comes will it sting or bring sweet release. Only the individual can say for sure. The one thing that is certain is that all people will face the end. How that end will be dealt with is up to each of us alone.
1.0k · Mar 2015
Urban Renewal
James M Vines Mar 2015
The city has changed from what it used to be. Old buildings are torn down and new ones take their place. Streets are paved over and torn up. People in suits come and promise to make things better, but nothing ever comes of it. While one neighborhood is lifted up, I can't afford to live there anymore. I am shuffled off to the last place that was renovated. 20 years ago when I was born, This was the new thing, new buildings clean streets and lots of hope, but none for someone like me. I couldn't afford it then as I could not afford the new neighborhood where I used to live now. They talk about urban renewal, but they never do anything to bring change to the people, they only redo the buildings and make more money which none of us ever see. So much for the idea of being renewed. My home is gone and I am back where I was before. In what used to belong to someone else, I now live in their hand me down lives they have been upgraded, but there is no renewal for me.
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