Somewhere within the dark dreams
I think that I knew what death was
Day was night and turned to sky
And the night was lit like fire
Sleep was awake and awake was a dream
And I was over and under water
I was haunted by the faces of all those I loved
Voices echoing down the dimming hallway
Seen yet gone in fading sense
Shadowed vision in cold and sweat
Burned and burned beneath the covers
And then the ride
In red and white
The hearse not yet
But low and long, oversized, with tires singing
Humming their song while he called my name over and over
Sirens sang too, not steel and drum
But sweet sirens, enticing
Swaying down the blocks
Stoplights passing, windows flashing
Slatted light blinking beneath dark buildings
To end, the end
In sleep
Rested sleep
No fever burning
Rested sleep to awake from death
From dreams
For tomorrow
Had a case of influenza when I was seven and almost didn't make it back. 104 fever and delerium